Logs for the snaplogger 1.0.55 tests

Tests started on Sun May 26 08:50:21 PM PDT 2024 and finished on Sun May 26 08:51:07 PM PDT 2024

Start running snaplogger tests v1.0.55 on Sun May 26 08:50:39 PM PDT 2024

snaplogger v1.0.55 [1125115]:unittest: seed is 1716781839
source directory: "/home/snapwebsites/snapcpp/contrib/snaplogger"
binary directory: "/home/snapwebsites/snapcpp/BUILD/Debug/contrib/snaplogger/coverage/BUILDdist directory: ""
temporary directory: "/home/snapwebsites/snapcpp/BUILD/Debug/contrib/snaplogger/tmp"
Randomness seeded to: 1114873787
SECTION: appender: Create
SECTION: asynchronous: Simple logging
SECTION: component: Write component to stream
SECTION: component: Make sure creating component generates unique entries
SECTION: component: Send a component via the macros and << operator
SECTION: diagnostic: Map based and nested diagnostics
SECTION: message: Call send_message() with wrong ostream
SECTION: message: Print snaplogger::secure to wrong ostream
SECTION: message: Buffering
SECTION: message: JSON Buffering
SECTION: message: Copy
SECTION: message: Appender vs Message severity
SECTION: message: Changing message severity (takes about 3.5min)
SECTION: message: Recursivity
SECTION: message: ${message} itself is not recursive
SECTION: message: ${pid} uses the get_environment() function
SECTION: message: Verify year
SECTION: message: Filter Message with Component
SECTION: message: Use '... << exception << ...'
SECTION: message: Use '... << stringstream << ...'
SECTION: ordinal_indicator: default settings
SECTION: ordinal_indicator: test all possible parameters
SECTION: ordinal_indicator: 1st 2nd 3rd 4th ... 20th
SECTION: ordinal_indicator: larger numbers
SECTION: ordinal_indicator: 1st 2nd 3rd 4th with any gender & number
SECTION: ordinal_indicator: no other forms
SECTION: ordinal_indicator: 1re 1res 1er 1ers (first)
SECTION: ordinal_indicator: 2e 2es 2d 2ds 2de 2des 2nd 2nds 2nde 2ndes 2eme 2emes (second)
SECTION: ordinal_indicator: Ne Nes Neme Nemes Nieme Niemes (second)
SECTION: ordinal_indicator: 1r 1re
SECTION: ordinal_indicator: 2nd 2nda 2emo 2ema (second)
SECTION: ordinal_indicator: Nemo Nema
SECTION: ordinal_indicator: 1an 2l 3de 4re 5vet
SECTION: ordinal_indicator: occitan: 1er 1era (first)
SECTION: ordinal_indicator: occitan: 2nd 2nda (second)
SECTION: ordinal_indicator: Nen Nena
SECTION: ordinal_indicator: singular plural neutral in russian
SECTION: ordinal_indicator: languages using a period
SECTION: ordinal_indicator: other latin languages
SECTION: ordinal_indicator: spanish/portuguese secondary
SECTION: ordinal_indicator: negative and zero return an empty string
SECTION: severity: Create Severity
SECTION: severity: Print Severity
SECTION: severity: Severity by Level or Name
SECTION: severity: too small
SECTION: severity: too large
SECTION: is_rotational: verify cache returns proper result
SECTION: is_rotational: verify non-existant file
SECTION: variable: Param Name is Mandatory
SECTION: variable: get_type() to use padding as integer or string (hostname)
SECTION: variable: escape
SECTION: variable: caps
SECTION: variable: lower/upper
SECTION: variable: default align value
SECTION: variable: systemd severity
SECTION: variable: systemd severity with an invalid format
SECTION: variable: attempt dynamically creating a factory which already exists
SECTION: variable: attempt creating a variable with a non-existant type
SECTION: variable: attempt creating a function factory with an existing name
SECTION: version: verify runtime vs compile time version numbers
All tests passed (214283 assertions in 28 test cases)

Finished running snaplogger tests v1.0.55 on Sun May 26 08:50:43 PM PDT 2024