Tests started on Sun Jul 21 20:53:59 PDT 2019 and finished on Sun Jul 21 20:54:39 PDT 2019
Start running the tests on Sun Jul 21 20:54:34 PDT 2019 snapdev v1.1.3 [27433]:unittest: seed is 1563767674 SECTION: matrix: empty SECTION: matrix: 2x2 SECTION: matrix: 3x3 SECTION: matrix: 4x4 SECTION: matrix: a+=SECTION: matrix: b=a+ SECTION: matrix: c=a+b SECTION: matrix: a+=b SECTION: matrix: b=a- SECTION: matrix: a-= SECTION: matrix: c=a-b SECTION: matrix: a-=b SECTION: matrix: minor SECTION: matrix: transpose 4x4 SECTION: matrix: transpose 6x2 SECTION: matrix: adjugate 2x2 SECTION: matrix: adjugate 3x3 SECTION: matrix: 2x2 determinant SECTION: matrix: 3x3 determinant with specific data SECTION: matrix: 3x3 determinant with random data SECTION: matrix: b=a* SECTION: matrix: a*= SECTION: matrix: c=a*b SECTION: matrix: a*=b SECTION: matrix: b=a/ SECTION: matrix: a/= SECTION: matrix: c=a/b SECTION: matrix: a/=b SECTION: matrix: b=a* (a is identity) SECTION: matrix: b=a* (a is identity) SECTION: matrix: b=a* (a is identity) =============================================================================== All tests passed (215785 assertions in 5 test cases) Finished running the tests on Sun Jul 21 20:54:34 PDT 2019