Tests started on Sat Mar 16 09:57:57 PM PDT 2024 and finished on Sat Mar 16 09:58:41 PM PDT 2024
Start running eventdispatcher tests v1.1.57 on Sat Mar 16 09:58:12 PM PDT 2024 eventdispatcher v1.1.57 [1034896]:unittest: seed is 1710651492 source directory: "/home/snapwebsites/snapcpp/contrib/eventdispatcher" binary directory: "/home/snapwebsites/snapcpp/BUILD/Debug/contrib/eventdispatcher/coverage/BUILD" temporary directory: "/home/snapwebsites/snapcpp/BUILD/Debug/contrib/eventdispatcher/tmp" Randomness seeded to: 3292285932 SECTION: file_changed_events: attributes 2024/03/17 04:58:12 monster [1034896]: trace: added 1 connection, "file-listener", there is now 1 connections (including this one). (in function "add_connection()") (communicator.cpp:227) 2024/03/17 04:58:12 monster [1034896]: information: entering thread "attributes" #1034902. (in function "getopt_logs()") (private_logger.cpp:87) 2024/03/17 04:58:12 monster [1034896]: information: leaving thread "attributes" #1034902 with status 0. (in function "getopt_logs()") (private_logger.cpp:87) 2024/03/17 04:58:15 monster [1034896]: trace: removing 1 connection, "file-listener", of 1 connections (including this one). (in function "remove_connection()") (communicator.cpp:256) SECTION: file_changed_events: create, write, close file, then open, read, close, finally delete 2024/03/17 04:58:15 monster [1034896]: trace: added 1 connection, "file-listener", there is now 1 connections (including this one). (in function "add_connection()") (communicator.cpp:227) 2024/03/17 04:58:15 monster [1034896]: information: entering thread "file" #1034906. (in function "getopt_logs()") (private_logger.cpp:87) 2024/03/17 04:58:15 monster [1034896]: information: leaving thread "file" #1034906 with status 0. (in function "getopt_logs()") (private_logger.cpp:87) 2024/03/17 04:58:18 monster [1034896]: trace: removing 1 connection, "file-listener", of 1 connections (including this one). (in function "remove_connection()") (communicator.cpp:256) SECTION: Simple message fields SECTION: To & From Messages (simple) SECTION: To & From Messages (full message) JSON [{"command":"FIRE","parameters":{"correct":false,"length":-35,"name":"Charles","range":101,"valid":true,"void":""}}] 2024/03/17 04:58:18 monster [1034896]: error: a server name cannot be empty when specified, also it cannot include two server names and a server name after a service name was specified. (in function "from_string()") (message.cpp:286) SECTION: simple cat 2024/03/17 04:58:18 monster [1034896]: trace: added 1 connection, "", there is now 1 connections (including this one). (in function "add_connection()") (communicator.cpp:227) 2024/03/17 04:58:18 monster [1034896]: trace: added 1 connection, "", there is now 2 connections (including this one). (in function "add_connection()") (communicator.cpp:227) 2024/03/17 04:58:18 monster [1034896]: trace: removing 1 connection, "", of 2 connections (including this one). (in function "remove_connection()") (communicator.cpp:256) 2024/03/17 04:58:18 monster [1034896]: trace: removing 1 connection, "", of 1 connections (including this one). (in function "remove_connection()") (communicator.cpp:256) SECTION: simple logger, we pipe the input as the message 2024/03/17 04:58:18 monster [1034896]: trace: added 1 connection, "", there is now 1 connections (including this one). (in function "add_connection()") (communicator.cpp:227) 2024/03/17 04:58:18 monster [1034896]: trace: added 1 connection, "", there is now 2 connections (including this one). (in function "add_connection()") (communicator.cpp:227) 2024/03/17 04:58:18 monster [1034896]: trace: removing 1 connection, "", of 2 connections (including this one). (in function "remove_connection()") (communicator.cpp:256) 2024/03/17 04:58:18 monster [1034896]: trace: removing 1 connection, "", of 1 connections (including this one). (in function "remove_connection()") (communicator.cpp:256) SECTION: in | sed | out 2024/03/17 04:58:18 monster [1034896]: trace: added 1 connection, "", there is now 1 connections (including this one). (in function "add_connection()") (communicator.cpp:227) 2024/03/17 04:58:18 monster [1034896]: trace: added 1 connection, "", there is now 2 connections (including this one). (in function "add_connection()") (communicator.cpp:227) 2024/03/17 04:58:18 monster [1034896]: trace: added 1 connection, "", there is now 3 connections (including this one). (in function "add_connection()") (communicator.cpp:227) 2024/03/17 04:58:18 monster [1034896]: trace: removing 1 connection, "", of 3 connections (including this one). (in function "remove_connection()") (communicator.cpp:256) 2024/03/17 04:58:18 monster [1034896]: trace: removing 1 connection, "", of 2 connections (including this one). (in function "remove_connection()") (communicator.cpp:256) 2024/03/17 04:58:18 monster [1034896]: trace: removing 1 connection, "", of 1 connections (including this one). (in function "remove_connection()") (communicator.cpp:256) SECTION: ls unknown-file, expect an error 2024/03/17 04:58:18 monster [1034896]: trace: added 1 connection, "", there is now 1 connections (including this one). (in function "add_connection()") (communicator.cpp:227) 2024/03/17 04:58:18 monster [1034896]: trace: added 1 connection, "", there is now 2 connections (including this one). (in function "add_connection()") (communicator.cpp:227) 2024/03/17 04:58:18 monster [1034896]: trace: removing 1 connection, "", of 2 connections (including this one). (in function "remove_connection()") (communicator.cpp:256) 2024/03/17 04:58:18 monster [1034896]: trace: removing 1 connection, "", of 1 connections (including this one). (in function "remove_connection()") (communicator.cpp:256) SECTION: cat | tr 2024/03/17 04:58:18 monster [1034896]: trace: added 1 connection, "", there is now 1 connections (including this one). (in function "add_connection()") (communicator.cpp:227) 2024/03/17 04:58:18 monster [1034896]: trace: added 1 connection, "", there is now 2 connections (including this one). (in function "add_connection()") (communicator.cpp:227) 2024/03/17 04:58:18 monster [1034896]: trace: added 1 connection, "", there is now 3 connections (including this one). (in function "add_connection()") (communicator.cpp:227) 2024/03/17 04:58:18 monster [1034896]: trace: removing 1 connection, "", of 3 connections (including this one). (in function "remove_connection()") (communicator.cpp:256) 2024/03/17 04:58:18 monster [1034896]: trace: removing 1 connection, "", of 2 connections (including this one). (in function "remove_connection()") (communicator.cpp:256) 2024/03/17 04:58:18 monster [1034896]: trace: removing 1 connection, "", of 1 connections (including this one). (in function "remove_connection()") (communicator.cpp:256) SECTION: file based: cat | tr 2024/03/17 04:58:18 monster [1034896]: trace: added 1 connection, "", there is now 1 connections (including this one). (in function "add_connection()") (communicator.cpp:227) 2024/03/17 04:58:18 monster [1034896]: trace: removing 1 connection, "", of 1 connections (including this one). (in function "remove_connection()") (communicator.cpp:256) SECTION: check ourselves SECTION: Create a Server, Client, Connect & Send Messages 2024/03/17 04:58:18 monster [1034896]: trace: added 1 connection, "unix-dgram-server", there is now 1 connections (including this one). (in function "add_connection()") (communicator.cpp:227) 2024/03/17 04:58:18 monster [1034896]: trace: added 1 connection, "unix-dgram-client", there is now 2 connections (including this one). (in function "add_connection()") (communicator.cpp:227) 2024/03/17 04:58:18 monster [1034896]: trace: dispatch message "HELLO". (in function "dispatch()") (dispatcher.cpp:430) 2024/03/17 04:58:18 monster [1034896]: trace: dispatch message "HI". (in function "dispatch()") (dispatcher.cpp:430) 2024/03/17 04:58:18 monster [1034896]: trace: removing 1 connection, "unix-dgram-client", of 2 connections (including this one). (in function "remove_connection()") (communicator.cpp:256) 2024/03/17 04:58:18 monster [1034896]: trace: dispatch message "DOWN". (in function "dispatch()") (dispatcher.cpp:430) 2024/03/17 04:58:18 monster [1034896]: trace: removing 1 connection, "unix-dgram-server", of 1 connections (including this one). (in function "remove_connection()") (communicator.cpp:256) SECTION: Create a Server, Client, Connect & Send Messages 2024/03/17 04:58:18 monster [1034896]: trace: added 1 connection, "", there is now 1 connections (including this one). (in function "add_connection()") (communicator.cpp:227) 2024/03/17 04:58:18 monster [1034896]: trace: added 1 connection, "unix-client", there is now 2 connections (including this one). (in function "add_connection()") (communicator.cpp:227) 2024/03/17 04:58:18 monster [1034896]: trace: added 1 connection, "local_stream_client_permanent_message_connection_impl::thread_signal_handler", there is now 3 connections (including this one). (in function "add_connection()") (communicator.cpp:227) 2024/03/17 04:58:18 monster [1034896]: information: entering thread "background local_stream_client_permanent_message_connection for asynchronous connections" #1034917. (in function "getopt_logs()") (private_logger.cpp:87) 2024/03/17 04:58:18 monster [1034896]: information: leaving thread "background local_stream_client_permanent_message_connection for asynchronous connections" #1034917 with status 0. (in function "getopt_logs()") (private_logger.cpp:87) 2024/03/17 04:58:18 monster [1034896]: trace: added 1 connection, "unix-server-client", there is now 4 connections (including this one). (in function "add_connection()") (communicator.cpp:227) 2024/03/17 04:58:18 monster [1034896]: trace: removing 1 connection, "local_stream_client_permanent_message_connection_impl::thread_signal_handler", of 4 connections (including this one). (in function "remove_connection()") (communicator.cpp:256) 2024/03/17 04:58:18 monster [1034896]: trace: added 1 connection, "local_stream_client_permanent_message_connection_impl::messenger", there is now 4 connections (including this one). (in function "add_connection()") (communicator.cpp:227) 2024/03/17 04:58:18 monster [1034896]: trace: dispatch message "HELLO". (in function "dispatch()") (dispatcher.cpp:430) 2024/03/17 04:58:18 monster [1034896]: trace: dispatch message "HI". (in function "dispatch()") (dispatcher.cpp:430) 2024/03/17 04:58:18 monster [1034896]: debug: socket 7 of connection "local_stream_client_permanent_message_connection_impl::messenger" was marked as done, removing in process_empty_buffer(). (in function "process_empty_buffer()") (connection.cpp:924) 2024/03/17 04:58:18 monster [1034896]: trace: removing 1 connection, "local_stream_client_permanent_message_connection_impl::messenger", of 4 connections (including this one). (in function "remove_connection()") (communicator.cpp:256) 2024/03/17 04:58:18 monster [1034896]: debug: socket -1 of connection "unix-client" was marked as done, removing in process_empty_buffer(). (in function "process_empty_buffer()") (connection.cpp:924) 2024/03/17 04:58:18 monster [1034896]: trace: removing 1 connection, "unix-client", of 3 connections (including this one). (in function "remove_connection()") (communicator.cpp:256) 2024/03/17 04:58:18 monster [1034896]: trace: dispatch message "DOWN". (in function "dispatch()") (dispatcher.cpp:430) 2024/03/17 04:58:18 monster [1034896]: trace: removing 1 connection, "unix-server-client", of 2 connections (including this one). (in function "remove_connection()") (communicator.cpp:256) 2024/03/17 04:58:18 monster [1034896]: trace: removing 1 connection, "", of 1 connections (including this one). (in function "remove_connection()") (communicator.cpp:256) SECTION: verify runtime vs compile time eventdispatcher version numbers SECTION: verify runtime vs compile time cppprocess version numbers SECTION: set/get token SECTION: set/get line SECTION: set/get column SECTION: set/get integer SECTION: set/get floating point SECTION: set/get string SECTION: set token twice SECTION: set line twice SECTION: set column twice =============================================================================== All tests passed (1067 assertions in 9 test cases) Finished running eventdispatcher tests v1.1.57 on Sat Mar 16 09:58:18 PM PDT 2024