Tests started on Thu Jul 22 21:04:02 PDT 2021 and finished on Thu Jul 22 21:04:44 PDT 2021
Start running the tests on Thu Jul 22 21:04:30 PDT 2021 eventdispatcher v1.1.32 [54999]:unittest: seed is 1627013070 SECTION: Simple message fields SECTION: To & From Messages (simple) SECTION: To & From Messages (full message) SECTION: Create a Server, Client, Connect & Send Messages 2021/07/23 04:04:30 monster [54999]: trace: dispatch message "HELLO". (in function "dispatch()") (dispatcher.h:609) 2021/07/23 04:04:30 monster [54999]: trace: dispatch message "HI". (in function "dispatch()") (dispatcher.h:609) 2021/07/23 04:04:30 monster [54999]: trace: removing 1 connection, "unix-dgram-client", of 2 connections (including this one.) (in function "remove_connection()") (communicator.cpp:233) 2021/07/23 04:04:30 monster [54999]: trace: dispatch message "DOWN". (in function "dispatch()") (dispatcher.h:609) 2021/07/23 04:04:30 monster [54999]: trace: removing 1 connection, "unix-dgram-server", of 1 connections (including this one.) (in function "remove_connection()") (communicator.cpp:233) SECTION: Create a Server, Client, Connect & Send Messages 2021/07/23 04:04:30 monster [54999]: information: entering thread "background local_stream_client_permanent_message_connection for asynchronous connections" #55001. (in function "getopt_logs()") (private_logger.cpp:87) 2021/07/23 04:04:30 monster [54999]: trace: removing 1 connection, "local_stream_client_permanent_message_connection_impl::thread_signal_handler", of 4 connections (including this one.) (in function "remove_connection()") (communicator.cpp:233) 2021/07/23 04:04:30 monster [54999]: information: leaving thread "background local_stream_client_permanent_message_connection for asynchronous connections" #55001 with status 0. (in function "getopt_logs()") (private_logger.cpp:87) 2021/07/23 04:04:30 monster [54999]: trace: dispatch message "HELLO". (in function "dispatch()") (dispatcher.h:609) 2021/07/23 04:04:30 monster [54999]: trace: dispatch message "HI". (in function "dispatch()") (dispatcher.h:609) 2021/07/23 04:04:30 monster [54999]: debug: socket 6 of connection "local_stream_client_permanent_message_connection_impl::messenger" was marked as done, removing in process_empty_buffer(). (in function "process_empty_buffer()") (connection.cpp:902) 2021/07/23 04:04:30 monster [54999]: trace: removing 1 connection, "local_stream_client_permanent_message_connection_impl::messenger", of 4 connections (including this one.) (in function "remove_connection()") (communicator.cpp:233) 2021/07/23 04:04:30 monster [54999]: debug: socket -1 of connection "unix-client" was marked as done, removing in process_empty_buffer(). (in function "process_empty_buffer()") (connection.cpp:902) 2021/07/23 04:04:30 monster [54999]: trace: removing 1 connection, "unix-client", of 3 connections (including this one.) (in function "remove_connection()") (communicator.cpp:233) 2021/07/23 04:04:30 monster [54999]: trace: dispatch message "DOWN". (in function "dispatch()") (dispatcher.h:609) 2021/07/23 04:04:30 monster [54999]: trace: removing 1 connection, "unix-server-client", of 2 connections (including this one.) (in function "remove_connection()") (communicator.cpp:233) 2021/07/23 04:04:30 monster [54999]: trace: removing 1 connection, "", of 1 connections (including this one.) (in function "remove_connection()") (communicator.cpp:233) SECTION: verify runtime vs compile time version numbers =============================================================================== All tests passed (116 assertions in 4 test cases) Finished running the tests on Thu Jul 22 21:04:30 PDT 2021