Tests started on Sun Nov 20 20:56:17 PST 2022 and finished on Sun Nov 20 20:56:38 PST 2022
Start running basic-xml tests v1.0.0 on Sun Nov 20 20:56:28 PST 2022 basic-xml v1.0.0 [56212]:unittest: seed is 1669006588 source directory: "/home/snapwebsites/snapcpp/contrib/basic-xml" temporary directory: "/home/snapwebsites/snapcpp/BUILD/Debug/contrib/basic-xml/tmp" Randomness seeded to: 1248089016 SECTION: basic node SECTION: node tree SECTION: convert string with entities SECTION: node output SECTION: node tree output SECTION: bad tag name: empty SECTION: bad tag name: invalid character in name SECTION: bad attribute name: invalid character in name SECTION: re-append a child fails SECTION: empty root SECTION: empty root with processor SECTION: empty root with comment & processor SECTION: empty root with processor & comment SECTION: empty root with comment & processor & attributes SECTION: entities test SECTION: parse tree SECTION: parse tree (CDATA) SECTION: parser does not like a completely empty input file SECTION: file with only a processor tag SECTION: file with only a comment tag SECTION: file with only comment and preprocessor tags SECTION: file with two processor tags and a root SECTION: empty root tag SECTION: wrong closing tag SECTION: text after closing root tag SECTION: tag after closing root tag SECTION: not closing root tag SECTION: attribute expects identifier SECTION: attribute missing equal SECTION: attribute value must be string SECTION: attribute defined twice SECTION: processor not ended SECTION: element definitions not supported SECTION: bad CDATA introducer SECTION: EOF before closing CDATA tag SECTION: EOF before closing comment tag SECTION: unknown SECTION: closing tag name followed by ';' SECTION: opening tag missing > SECTION: opening tag bad name SECTION: opening tag name followed by ';' SECTION: attribute with '<' SECTION: empty entity (&;) SECTION: empty numeric entity () SECTION: invalid number of numeric entity (not decimal) SECTION: invalid number of numeric entity (not hexadecimal) SECTION: "unknown" entity SECTION: separate attributes with a slash SECTION: is_alpha SECTION: is_digit SECTION: is_space SECTION: is_token -- last cannot be '-' SECTION: is_token -- empty SECTION: is_token -- 1st must be alpha SECTION: is_token -- 2nd+ must be alpha or digit SECTION: is_token -- last cannot be '-' SECTION: empty root SECTION: empty root with preprocessor SECTION: empty root with comment & preprocessor SECTION: empty root with comment & preprocessor & attributes SECTION: entities test SECTION: file missing SECTION: file no permission SECTION: parse empty xml file SECTION: empty root tag SECTION: verify runtime vs compile time version numbers =============================================================================== All tests passed (3314 assertions in 10 test cases) Finished running basic-xml tests v1.0.0 on Sun Nov 20 20:56:28 PST 2022