LCOV - code coverage report
Current view: top level - snapdev - raii_generic_deleter.h (source / functions) Hit Total Coverage
Test: Lines: 17 17 100.0 %
Date: 2022-07-09 19:51:09 Functions: 6 6 100.0 %
Legend: Lines: hit not hit

          Line data    Source code
       1             : // Copyright (c) 2018-2022  Made to Order Software Corp.  All Rights Reserved
       2             : //
       3             : //
       4             : //
       5             : //
       6             : // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
       7             : // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
       8             : // the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
       9             : // (at your option) any later version.
      10             : //
      11             : // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
      12             : // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
      14             : // GNU General Public License for more details.
      15             : //
      16             : // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
      17             : // with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
      18             : // 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
      19             : #pragma once
      20             : 
      21             : /** \file
      22             :  * \brief A set of templates to help with RAII.
      23             :  *
      24             :  * Resources that are pointers to C++ objects can easily be managed
      25             :  * with std::unique_ptr<>() and std::shared_ptr<>().
      26             :  *
      27             :  * Pointers to objects which are not C++ objects can be managed
      28             :  * by std::unique_ptr<>() and a deleter. To help with that case,
      29             :  * though, we add a template class which allows us to create a
      30             :  * typedef. Otherwise you have to specify the deleter to the
      31             :  * std::unique_ptr<>() each time you allocate such an object!
      32             :  *
      33             :  * Finally, many resources use a variable type which is not
      34             :  * a pointer at all. For those, it becomes very annoying to use
      35             :  * an std::unique_ptr<>() _by hand_ each time. Each instance
      36             :  * need to have access to that resource type deleter. Instead,
      37             :  * we offer a template which incorporates the deleter in one
      38             :  * typedef and it handles all the work of whether the value
      39             :  * is considered to be nullptr (i.e. a file descriptor obtained
      40             :  * with `open(2)` returns -1 as an equivalent to a nullptr.)
      41             :  */
      42             : 
      43             : // snapdev
      44             : //
      45             : #include    <snapdev/not_used.h>
      46             : 
      47             : 
      48             : // C++
      49             : //
      50             : #include    <memory>
      51             : #include    <iostream>
      52             : 
      53             : 
      54             : // C
      55             : //
      56             : #include    <unistd.h>
      57             : #include    <stdio.h>
      58             : 
      59             : 
      60             : 
      61             : namespace snapdev
      62             : {
      63             : 
      64             : 
      65             : /** \brief A template used to allow unique_ptr<>() of nearly any type.
      66             :  *
      67             :  * This template is used with nearly any type representing a resource
      68             :  * that you would like to automatically delete (RAII) by using a
      69             :  * unique_ptr<>() definition.
      70             :  *
      71             :  * Note that it only works with resources which type is not a pointer.
      72             :  * For example, a file descriptor, which uses an `int`, works with this
      73             :  * class.
      74             :  *
      75             :  * For resources that have a pointer, use the raii_pointer_deleter instead.
      76             :  *
      77             :  * For example, a file descriptor can use this template class as follow:
      78             :  *
      79             :  * \code
      80             :  *   typedef std::unique_ptr<int, snap::raii_generic_deleter<int, -1, decltype(&::close), &::close>> raii_fd_t;
      81             :  *
      82             :  *   raii_fd_t fd(open("/tmp/test.tmp", O_RDWR));
      83             :  * \endcode
      84             :  *
      85             :  * \note
      86             :  * We actually offer the raii_fd_t as a default since it can be used by
      87             :  * many other implementations.
      88             :  *
      89             :  * To access the value, use the `get()` function of your pointer.
      90             :  * For example:
      91             :  *
      92             :  * \code
      93             :  *  raii_fd_t safe_fd;
      94             :  *  safe_fd.reset(socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, IPPROTO_UDP));
      95             :  *  std::cout << safe_fd.get() << std::endl;
      96             :  *  write(safe_fd.get(), "MSG\n", 4);
      97             :  * \endcode
      98             :  *
      99             :  * \warning
     100             :  * This class doesn't properly handle a case where an invalid resource can
     101             :  * be represented by more than one value. For a file descriptor, we expect
     102             :  * the invalid value to be exactly -1. If a function call may return other
     103             :  * negative values, then this implementation currently fails to handle such.
     104             :  * It is your responsibility to fix the return value of the function or
     105             :  * use a two step initialization such as in:
     106             :  *
     107             :  * \code
     108             :  *  int r(this_func("open/something", "rw"));
     109             :  *  if(r < 0)
     110             :  *  {
     111             :  *      return; // it failed. r may not just be -1
     112             :  *  }
     113             :  *  raii_fd_t safe_fd(r);
     114             :  *  ...
     115             :  * \endcode
     116             :  *
     117             :  * \note
     118             :  * This template class is based on code found in this answer on Stackoverflow:
     119             :  *
     120             :  *
     121             :  * \tparam T  The type being managed such as 'int'.
     122             :  * \param[in] null_value  The value representing "nullptr" for that type. For
     123             :  *                        a file descriptor this is -1.
     124             :  * \tparam D  The type of the deleter function.
     125             :  * \param[in] deleter  The deleter function (i.e. 'deleter(p)' gets rid of `T p`).
     126             :  */
     127             : template<class T, T null_value, class D, D deleter>
     128             : class raii_generic_deleter
     129             : {
     130             : public:
     131             :     /** \brief The pointer class.
     132             :      *
     133             :      * This class must be called "pointer" because the unique_ptr<>()
     134             :      * template definition checks the deleter using the following
     135             :      * code:
     136             :      *
     137             :      * \code
     138             :      * template<typename _Up>
     139             :      *     static typename _Up::pointer __test(typename _Up::pointer*);
     140             :      * [...]
     141             :      * typedef decltype(__test<_Del>(0)) type;
     142             :      * \endcode
     143             :      *
     144             :      * As we can see it looks for a class named pointer. If it exists,
     145             :      * then it defines the type using that pointer class pointer operator
     146             :      * (i.e. the `\<type> operator *`) instead of using an actual pointer
     147             :      * (i.e. it uses `deleter::pointer` instead of the default `T *`.)
     148             :      *
     149             :      * The C++ class is defined as a NullablePointer. It also needs one
     150             :      * operator function to retrieve the pointer (operator *).
     151             :      *
     152             :      * \see
     153             :      *
     154             :      */
     155             :     class pointer
     156             :     {
     157             :     private:
     158             :         /** \brief The pointer being manage.
     159             :          *
     160             :          * This parameter is the resource pointer being managed.
     161             :          */
     162             :         T f_pointer = null_value;
     163             : 
     164             :     public:
     165             :         /** \brief Create a pointer with a value of type T.
     166             :          *
     167             :          * This constructor creates an explicit instance of a pointer with
     168             :          * a type T object.
     169             :          *
     170             :          * \param[in] p  The pointer being managed by this pointer class.
     171             :          */
     172           1 :         pointer(T p)
     173           1 :             : f_pointer(p)
     174             :         {
     175           1 :         }
     176             : 
     177             :         /** \brief Allow assigning the nullptr to this type.
     178             :          *
     179             :          * This constructor allows for the nullptr value to be assigned to
     180             :          * this type. This is a test run at compile time. If not present
     181             :          * the resulting std::unique_ptr<>() would not compile.
     182             :          *
     183             :          * \param[in] p  The null pointer.
     184             :          */
     185           2 :         pointer(std::nullptr_t p = nullptr)
     186           2 :             : f_pointer(null_value)
     187             :         {
     188           2 :             NOT_USED(p);
     189           2 :         }
     190             : 
     191             : 
     192             : //        /** \brief Assign the nullptr to this pointer.
     193             : //         *
     194             : //         * This function is used to assign `nullptr` to this pointer.
     195             : //         *
     196             : //         * \warning
     197             : //         * It is assumed that this is called only when the pointer
     198             : //         * was released by a call to the `deleter` function.
     199             : //         *
     200             : //         * \param[in] h  The `nullptr` being assigned.
     201             : //         *
     202             : //         * \return A reference to this pointer.
     203             : //         */
     204             : //        pointer & operator = (std::nullptr_t h)
     205             : //        {
     206             : //            NOT_USED(h);
     207             : //
     208             : //            f_pointer = null_value;
     209             : //
     210             : //            return *this;
     211             : //        }
     212             : 
     213             :         /** \brief Convert pointer to bool.
     214             :          *
     215             :          * This operator allows for converting the pointer to a bool
     216             :          * which is often done in an `if(ptr)` or equivalent statement.
     217             :          *
     218             :          * \return true if the pointer is not `null_value`.
     219             :          */
     220             :         explicit operator bool () const
     221             :         {
     222             :             return f_pointer != null_value;
     223             :         }
     224             : 
     225             :         /** \brief Convert pointer to "not bool".
     226             :          *
     227             :          * This operator allows for converting the pointer to a bool
     228             :          * when preceded by a Boolean NOT operator, which is often
     229             :          * done in an `if(!ptr)` or equivalent statement.
     230             :          *
     231             :          * \return true if the pointer is `null_value`.
     232             :          */
     233             :         bool operator ! () const
     234             :         {
     235             :             return f_pointer == null_value;
     236             :         }
     237             : 
     238             :         /** \brief Compare two pointers against each other for equality.
     239             :          *
     240             :          * This function compares the 'this' and \p rhs pointers against
     241             :          * each other. If equal then it returns true.
     242             :          *
     243             :          * \param[in] rhs  The right hand side pointer being compared against
     244             :          *                 `this` pointer.
     245             :          *
     246             :          * \return true if both pointers are equal.
     247             :          */
     248             :         bool operator == (pointer const rhs) const
     249             :         {
     250             :             return f_pointer == rhs.f_pointer;
     251             :         }
     252             : 
     253             :         /** \brief Compare two pointers against each other for inequality.
     254             :          *
     255             :          * This function compares the `this` and \p rhs pointers against
     256             :          * each other. If not equal then it returns true.
     257             :          *
     258             :          * \param[in] rhs  The right hand side pointer being compared against
     259             :          *                 `this` pointer.
     260             :          *
     261             :          * \return true if both pointers are not equal.
     262             :          */
     263             :         bool operator != (pointer const rhs) const
     264             :         {
     265             :             return f_pointer != rhs.f_pointer;
     266             :         }
     267             : 
     268             :         /** \brief Compare this pointer against nullptr for equality.
     269             :          *
     270             :          * This function is used whenever this pointer gets compared
     271             :          * against the special value `nullptr`.
     272             :          *
     273             :          * \note
     274             :          * From what I've seen, this function doesn't get called.
     275             :          * Instead, they do: "_internal_ptr == pointer()".
     276             :          *
     277             :          * \param[in] rhs  The nullptr.
     278             :          *
     279             :          * \return true when this pointer is the `nullptr`.
     280             :          */
     281             :         bool operator == (std::nullptr_t rhs) const
     282             :         {
     283             :             NOT_USED(rhs);
     284             :             return f_pointer == null_value;
     285             :         }
     286             : 
     287             :         /** \brief Compare this pointer against nullptr for inequality.
     288             :          *
     289             :          * This function is used whenever this pointer gets compared
     290             :          * against the special value `nullptr` for inequality.
     291             :          *
     292             :          * \note
     293             :          * This function gets called in many circumstances where the
     294             :          * unique_ptr<>() implementation checks whether the pointer
     295             :          * is null or not. It's a simplification that may help the
     296             :          * compiler.
     297             :          *
     298             :          * \param[in] rhs  The nullptr.
     299             :          *
     300             :          * \return true when this pointer is not the `nullptr`.
     301             :          */
     302           1 :         bool operator != (std::nullptr_t rhs) const
     303             :         {
     304           1 :             NOT_USED(rhs);
     305           1 :             return f_pointer != null_value;
     306             :         }
     307             : 
     308             :         /** \brief Retrieve the "pointer".
     309             :          *
     310             :          * This function is used to retrieve the "pointer" value.
     311             :          *
     312             :          * \note
     313             :          * This class does not offer an `operator * ()` because that
     314             :          * would need to return a reference to the value which is not
     315             :          * possible with a value other than an actual real pointer.
     316             :          * Otherwise it becomes a reference to a temporary pointer.
     317             :          * This is because unique_ptr<>() is implemented as:
     318             :          *
     319             :          * \code
     320             :          * pointer get() const { ...}
     321             :          * reference operator * () const { return get(); }
     322             :          * \endcode
     323             :          *
     324             :          * \par
     325             :          * As we can see, the `get()` returns a `pointer` and the
     326             :          * `operator * ()` would return a reference on that temporary.
     327             :          *
     328             :          * \return A copy of the resource "pointer".
     329             :          */
     330           1 :         operator T () const
     331             :         {
     332           1 :             return f_pointer;
     333             :         }
     334             :     };
     335             : 
     336             :     /** \brief The function called to delete/release this pointer.
     337             :      *
     338             :      * This function gets called whenever the unique_ptr<>() or
     339             :      * shared_ptr<>() decides to delete the pointer.
     340             :      *
     341             :      * \note
     342             :      * The function gets called only if p does not represent nullptr
     343             :      * and the handle gets cleaned in the unique_ptr<>() as required.
     344             :      *
     345             :      * \param[in] p  The pointer to delete.
     346             :      */
     347           1 :     void operator () (pointer p)
     348             :     {
     349             :         // we use static_cast<T>(p) in case the deleter does not
     350             :         // use a clear type as its parameter (these damn C functions...)
     351             :         //
     352           1 :         deleter(static_cast<T>(p));
     353           1 :     }
     354             : };
     355             : 
     356             : 
     357             : /** \brief Define a smart pointer for `fd`.
     358             :  *
     359             :  * The Unix system uses many file descriptors. This declaration
     360             :  * automatically handles the close() of the specified `fd` resource.
     361             :  *
     362             :  * It is expected that the "null pointer" is -1.
     363             :  */
     364             : typedef std::unique_ptr<int, raii_generic_deleter<int, -1, decltype(&::close), &::close>>     raii_fd_t;
     365             : 
     366             : 
     367             : 
     368             : /** \brief A templated used to easily delete a unique_ptr<>() resource.
     369             :  *
     370             :  * This template is used with any type if resources represented by a pointer.
     371             :  * It automatically deletes (RAII) the resource one the unique_ptr<>()
     372             :  * goes out of scope.
     373             :  *
     374             :  * Note that it only works with resources which type is a pointer.
     375             :  * For example, a FILE object which uses a `FILE *` works with this
     376             :  * class.
     377             :  *
     378             :  * For resources that do not have a pointer, use the raii_generic_deleter
     379             :  * instead.
     380             :  *
     381             :  * For example, a FILE object can use this template class as follow:
     382             :  *
     383             :  * \code
     384             :  *      typedef std::unique_ptr<FILE, raii_pointer_deleter<FILE, decltype(&::fclose), &::fclose>> raii_file;
     385             :  *
     386             :  *      raii_file f(fopen("/tmp/test.tmp", "rw")); // f is automatically closed on a return or an interrupt
     387             :  * \endcode
     388             :  *
     389             :  * \tparam T  The type being managed such as 'int'.
     390             :  * \tparam D  The type of the deleter function.
     391             :  * \param[in] deleter  The deleter function (i.e. 'deleter(p)' gets rid of `T * p`).
     392             :  */
     393             : template<class T, class D, D deleter>
     394             : class raii_pointer_deleter
     395             : {
     396             : public:
     397             :     /** \brief The function called to delete/release this type of pointer.
     398             :      *
     399             :      * This function gets called whenever the unique_ptr<>() or
     400             :      * shared_ptr<>() decides to delete the pointer.
     401             :      *
     402             :      * \note
     403             :      * The function gets called only if p does not represent nullptr
     404             :      * and the pointer gets cleaned in the unique_ptr<>() as required.
     405             :      *
     406             :      * \param[in] p  The pointer to delete.
     407             :      */
     408          26 :     void operator () (T * p)
     409             :     {
     410             :         deleter(p);
     411          26 :     }
     412             : };
     413             : 
     414             : 
     415             : /** \brief A shared pointer with a deleter.
     416             :  *
     417             :  * A big problem with the std::shared_ptr<> is that it does not accept a
     418             :  * deleter, somehow. Yet, there should be no reason for such a limitation.
     419             :  * This class allows you to create generic deleter typedefs of smart
     420             :  * pointers with deleters.
     421             :  *
     422             :  * \code
     423             :  *     // we need a special deleter because of the required pointer to pointer
     424             :  *     void av_frame_free_ptr(AVFrame * ptr)
     425             :  *     {
     426             :  *         ::av_frame_free(&ptr);
     427             :  *     }
     428             :  *     typedef snap::raii_pointer_deleter<AVFrame, decltype(&av_frame_free_ptr), &av_frame_free_ptr> av_frame_deleter_t;
     429             :  *     typedef snap::shared_ptr_with_deleter<AVFrame, av_frame_deleter_t> av_frame_t;
     430             :  * \endcode
     431             :  *
     432             :  * Source:
     433             :  *
     434             :  *
     435             :  */
     436             : template<class T, class D = std::default_delete<T>>
     437             : struct shared_ptr_with_deleter
     438             :     : public std::shared_ptr<T>
     439             : {
     440             :     /** \brief The constructor accepts a type t.
     441             :      *
     442             :      * Create the shared pointer with the deleter as specified in the
     443             :      * template.
     444             :      *
     445             :      * \param[in] t  The bare pointer to save in this smart pointer.
     446             :      */
     447             :     explicit shared_ptr_with_deleter(T * t = nullptr)
     448             :         : std::shared_ptr<T>(t, D())
     449             :     {
     450             :     }
     451             : 
     452             :     /** \brief Call the reset function with the deleter.
     453             :      *
     454             :      * The std::shared_ptr<>() reset function also doesn't know anything
     455             :      * about the deleter and it has to be specified on the call.
     456             :      *
     457             :      * \param[in] t  Another bare pointer to save in this smart pointer.
     458             :      */
     459             :     void reset(T* t = nullptr)
     460             :     {
     461             :         std::shared_ptr<T>::reset(t, D());
     462             :     }
     463             : };
     464             : 
     465             : 
     466             : /** \brief Handle the closure of a FILE handle.
     467             :  *
     468             :  * One of the common type of file handle is the FILE object. It manages
     469             :  * a file including an efficient client side buffering mechanism.
     470             :  *
     471             :  * This typedef makes sure that the file gets closed whenever the
     472             :  * handle goes out of scope.
     473             :  *
     474             :  * This is a pointer so the null (a.k.a. closed, already released) is
     475             :  * expected to be represented by a nullptr.
     476             :  */
     477             : typedef std::unique_ptr<FILE, raii_pointer_deleter<FILE, decltype(&::fclose), &::fclose>>     raii_file_t;
     478             : 
     479             : 
     480             : } // namespace snapdev
     481             : // vim: ts=4 sw=4 et

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