Logs for the snapdev 1.1.16 tests

Tests started on Sun Aug 22 18:13:35 PDT 2021 and finished on Sun Aug 22 18:14:58 PDT 2021

Start running the tests on Sun Aug 22 18:14:44 PDT 2021

snapdev v1.1.16 [30636]:unittest: seed is 1629681284
SECTION: chownnm: change group
SECTION: chownnm: change owner
warning: skipping change owner test because your are not root and/or the "snapwebsites" user doesn't exist.
SECTION: file_contents: write -> read contents
SECTION: file_contents: write temporary -> read fails
SECTION: file_contents: empty filename is not accepted
SECTION: ostream_int128: small numbers (-10 to +10)
SECTION: ostream_int128: positive numbers
SECTION: ostream_int128: negative numbers
SECTION: ostream_int128: most positive number
SECTION: ostream_int128: most negative number
SECTION: log2: zero
SECTION: log2: powers of 2
SECTION: log2: random numbers
SECTION: matrix: empty
SECTION: matrix: 2x2
SECTION: matrix: 3x3
SECTION: matrix: 4x4
SECTION: matrix: a+=
SECTION: matrix: b=a+
SECTION: matrix: c=a+b
SECTION: matrix: a+=b
SECTION: matrix: b=a-
SECTION: matrix: a-=
SECTION: matrix: c=a-b
SECTION: matrix: a-=b
SECTION: matrix: minor
SECTION: matrix: transpose 4x4
SECTION: matrix: transpose 6x2
SECTION: matrix: adjugate 2x2
SECTION: matrix: adjugate 3x3
SECTION: matrix: 2x2 determinant
SECTION: matrix: 3x3 determinant with specific data
SECTION: matrix: 3x3 determinant with random data
SECTION: matrix: b=a*
SECTION: matrix: a*=
SECTION: matrix: c=a*b
SECTION: matrix: a*=b
SECTION: matrix: b=a/
SECTION: matrix: a/=
SECTION: matrix: c=a/b
SECTION: matrix: a/=b
SECTION: matrix: b=a* (a is identity)
SECTION: matrix: b=a* (a is identity)
SECTION: matrix: b=a* (a is identity)
SECTION: mkdir_p: empty
SECTION: mkdir_p: create
SECTION: mkdir_p: create full path
SECTION: timespec-operations: simple add
SECTION: timespec-operations: simple subtract
SECTION: timespec-operations: add "minus one day"
SECTION: timespec-operations: add with nano overflow
SECTION: timespec-operations: subtract with nano underflow
SECTION: timespec-operations: -1, 0, +1
SECTION: timespec-operations: add nanos
SECTION: timespec-operations: load/save
SECTION: timespec-operations: negative + negative
SECTION: timespec-operations: ostream
SECTION: user_groups: groups
SECTION: user_groups: invalid user
All tests passed (218185 assertions in 12 test cases)

Finished running the tests on Sun Aug 22 18:14:46 PDT 2021