LCOV - code coverage report
Current view: top level - libdbproxy - table.cpp (source / functions) Hit Total Coverage
Test: Lines: 1 404 0.2 %
Date: 2019-12-15 17:13:15 Functions: 2 49 4.1 %
Legend: Lines: hit not hit

          Line data    Source code
       1             : /*
       2             :  * Text:
       3             :  *      libsnapwebsites/src/libdbproxy/table.cpp
       4             :  *
       5             :  * Description:
       6             :  *      Handling of cassandra tables (Column Families).
       7             :  *
       8             :  * Documentation:
       9             :  *      See each function below.
      10             :  *
      11             :  * License:
      12             :  *      Copyright (c) 2011-2019  Made to Order Software Corp.  All Rights Reserved
      13             :  * 
      14             :  *
      15             :  *
      16             :  * 
      17             :  *      Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a
      18             :  *      copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
      19             :  *      "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including
      20             :  *      without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
      21             :  *      distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to
      22             :  *      permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to
      23             :  *      the following conditions:
      24             :  *
      25             :  *      The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included
      26             :  *      in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
      27             :  *
      35             :  */
      36             : 
      37             : #include "libdbproxy/libdbproxy.h"
      38             : #include "libdbproxy/table.h"
      39             : #include "libdbproxy/context.h"
      40             : 
      41             : #include <casswrapper/schema.h>
      42             : 
      43             : #include <snapwebsites/log.h>
      44             : 
      45             : #include <iostream>
      46             : #include <stdexcept>
      47             : #include <sstream>
      48             : 
      49             : #include <QtCore>
      50             : 
      51             : #include <unistd.h>
      52             : 
      53             : 
      54             : namespace libdbproxy
      55             : {
      56             : 
      57             : 
      58             : /** \class table
      59             :  * \brief Defines a table and may hold a Cassandra column family definition.
      60             :  *
      61             :  * In Cassandra, a table is called a column family. Mainly because
      62             :  * each row in a Cassandra table can have a different set of columns
      63             :  * whereas a table is usually viewed as a set of rows that all have
      64             :  * the exact same number of columns (but really, even in SQL the set
      65             :  * of columns can be viewed as varying since columns can be set to
      66             :  * NULL and that has [nearly] the same effect as not defining a column
      67             :  * in Cassandra.)
      68             :  *
      69             :  * This class defines objects that can hold all the column family
      70             :  * information so as to create new ones and read existing ones.
      71             :  *
      72             :  * The name of a table is very limited (i.e. letters, digits, and
      73             :  * underscores, and the name must start with a letter.) The maximum
      74             :  * length is not specified, but it is relatively short as it is
      75             :  * used as a filename that will hold the data of the table.
      76             :  *
      77             :  * Whenever trying to get a row, the default behavior is to create
      78             :  * a new row if it doesn't exist yet. If you need to know whether a
      79             :  * row exists, make sure you use the exists() function.
      80             :  *
      81             :  * \note
      82             :  * A table can be created, updated, and dropped. In all those cases, the
      83             :  * functions return once the Cassandra instance with which you are
      84             :  * connected is ready.
      85             :  *
      86             :  * \sa exists()
      87             :  */
      88             : 
      89             : 
      90             : /** \var table::f_from_cassandra
      91             :  * \brief Whether the table is a memory table or a server table.
      92             :  *
      93             :  * A table read from the Cassandra server or created with the
      94             :  * create() function is marked as being from Cassandra.
      95             :  * All other tables are considered memory tables.
      96             :  *
      97             :  * A memory table can be used as a set of global variables
      98             :  * with a format similar to a Cassandra table.
      99             :  *
     100             :  * If you define a new table with the intend to call the
     101             :  * create() function, avoid saving data in the new table
     102             :  * as it won't make it to the database. (This may change
     103             :  * in the future though.)
     104             :  */
     105             : 
     106             : /** \var table::f_schema
     107             :  * \brief The table private data: CfDef
     108             :  *
     109             :  * A table is always part of a specific context. You can only create a
     110             :  * new table using a function from your context objects.
     111             :  *
     112             :  * This is a bare pointer since you cannot delete the context and hope
     113             :  * the table remains (i.e. when the context goes, the table goes!)
     114             :  */
     115             : 
     116             : /** \var table::f_context
     117             :  * \brief The context that created this table.
     118             :  *
     119             :  * A table is always part of a specific context. You can only create a
     120             :  * new table using a function from your context objects.
     121             :  *
     122             :  * This is a bare pointer since you cannot delete the context and hope
     123             :  * the table remains (i.e. when the context goes, the table goes!)
     124             :  * However, you may keep a shared pointer to a table after the table
     125             :  * was deleted. In that case, the f_context pointer is set to NULL
     126             :  * and calling functions on that table may result in an exception
     127             :  * being raised.
     128             :  */
     129             : 
     130             : /** \var table::f_rows
     131             :  * \brief Set of rows.
     132             :  *
     133             :  * The system caches rows in this map. The map index is the row key. You can
     134             :  * clear the table using the clearCache() function.
     135             :  */
     136             : 
     137             : /** \brief Initialize a table object.
     138             :  *
     139             :  * This function initializes a table object.
     140             :  *
     141             :  * All the parameters are set to the defaults as defined in the Cassandra
     142             :  * definition of the CfDef message. You can use the different functions to
     143             :  * change the default values.
     144             :  *
     145             :  * Note that the context and table name cannot be changed later. These
     146             :  * are fixed values that follow the Cassandra behavior.
     147             :  *
     148             :  * A table name must be composed of letters (A-Za-z), digits (0-9) and
     149             :  * underscores (_). It must start with a letter. The corresponding lexical
     150             :  * expression is: /^[A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9_]*$\/
     151             :  *
     152             :  * The length of a table name is also restricted, however it is not specified
     153             :  * by Cassandra. I suggest you never use a name of more than 200 letters.
     154             :  * The length is apparently limited by the number of characters that can be
     155             :  * used to name a file on the file system you are using.
     156             :  *
     157             :  * \param[in] context  The context where this table definition is created.
     158             :  * \param[in] table_name  The name of the table definition being created.
     159             :  */
     160           0 : table::table(context::pointer_t context, const QString& table_name)
     161           0 :     : f_context(context)
     162             : {
     163             :     // cache the name because we need it for each other we send
     164             :     //
     165           0 :     f_context_name = context->contextName();
     166             : 
     167             :     // verify the name here (faster than waiting for the server and good documentation)
     168             :     //
     169             :     // Note: we support uppercase names, however, this is only because
     170             :     //       there is still one system table that uses such... uppercase
     171             :     //       requires us to use double quotes around names each time we
     172             :     //       access a table so it is some extra overhead.
     173             :     //
     174           0 :     bool has_quotes(false);
     175           0 :     bool has_uppercase(false);
     176           0 :     bool quotes_are_valid(false);
     177           0 :     int const max(table_name.length());
     178           0 :     for(int idx(0); idx < max; ++idx)
     179             :     {
     180           0 :         ushort c(;
     181           0 :         switch(c)
     182             :         {
     183           0 :         case '"':
     184           0 :             if(idx == 0)
     185             :             {
     186           0 :                 has_quotes = true;
     187             :             }
     188           0 :             else if(idx == max - 1)
     189             :             {
     190           0 :                 if(!has_quotes)
     191             :                 {
     192           0 :                     throw exception(QString("'%1' is not a valid table name (it cannot end with a double quote (\") if it does not start with a double quote.)")
     193           0 :                             .arg(table_name).toUtf8().data());
     194             :                 }
     195           0 :                 quotes_are_valid = true;
     196             :             }
     197             :             else
     198             :             {
     199           0 :                 throw exception(QString("'%1' is not a valid table name (a table name can be surrounded by double quotes, but it cannot itself include a double quote.)")
     200           0 :                             .arg(table_name).toUtf8().data());
     201             :             }
     202           0 :             break;
     203             : 
     204           0 :         case '0':
     205             :         case '1':
     206             :         case '2':
     207             :         case '3':
     208             :         case '4':
     209             :         case '5':
     210             :         case '6':
     211             :         case '7':
     212             :         case '8':
     213             :         case '9':
     214             :         case '_':
     215           0 :             if(idx == 0
     216           0 :             || (idx == 1 && has_quotes))
     217             :             {
     218           0 :                 throw exception(QString("'%1' is not a valid table name (a table name cannot start with a digit or an underscore (_), even when quoted.)")
     219           0 :                             .arg(table_name).toUtf8().data());
     220             :             }
     221           0 :             break;
     222             : 
     223           0 :         default:
     224             :             // lowercase are always fine
     225           0 :             if(c >= 'a' && c <= 'z')
     226             :             {
     227           0 :                 break;
     228             :             }
     229           0 :             if(c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z')
     230             :             {
     231           0 :                 has_uppercase = true;
     232           0 :                 break;
     233             :             }
     234             :             // the regex shown in the error message is simplified, the double
     235             :             // quotes must not appear at all or be defined at the start AND
     236             :             // the end
     237             :             //
     238           0 :             throw exception(QString("'%1' is an invalid table name (does not match \"?[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_]*\"?)").arg(table_name).toUtf8().data());
     239             : 
     240             :         }
     241             :     }
     242           0 :     if(has_quotes && !quotes_are_valid)
     243             :     {
     244           0 :         throw exception(QString("'%1' is not a valid table name (it cannot start with a double quote (\") if it does not end with a double quote.)")
     245           0 :                 .arg(table_name).toUtf8().data());
     246             :     }
     247             : 
     248           0 :     if(has_uppercase && !has_quotes)
     249             :     {
     250             :         // surround the name with double quotes...
     251           0 :         f_table_name = QString("\"%1\"").arg(table_name);
     252             :     }
     253             :     else
     254             :     {
     255           0 :         f_table_name = table_name;
     256             :     }
     257           0 :     f_proxy = context->parentCassandra()->getProxy();
     258           0 : }
     259             : 
     260             : 
     261             : /** \brief Clean up the table object.
     262             :  *
     263             :  * This function ensures that all resources allocated by the
     264             :  * table are released.
     265             :  *
     266             :  * Note that does not in any way destroy the table in the
     267             :  * Cassandra cluster.
     268             :  */
     269           0 : table::~table()
     270             : {
     271             :     try
     272             :     {
     273             :         // do an explicit clearCache() so we can try/catch otherwise we
     274             :         // could get a throw in the destructor
     275             :         //
     276           0 :         clearCache();
     277             :     }
     278           0 :     catch(const exception&)
     279             :     {
     280             :         // ignore, not much else we can do in a destructor
     281             :     }
     282           0 : }
     283             : 
     284             : 
     285             : /** \brief Return the name of the context attached to this table definition.
     286             :  *
     287             :  * This function returns the name of the context attached to this table
     288             :  * definition.
     289             :  *
     290             :  * Note that it is not possible to rename a context and therefore this
     291             :  * name will never change.
     292             :  *
     293             :  * To get a pointer to the context, use the cluster function context()
     294             :  * with this name. Since each context is unique, it will always return
     295             :  * the correct pointer.
     296             :  *
     297             :  * \return The name of the context this table definition is defined in.
     298             :  */
     299           0 : const QString& table::contextName() const
     300             : {
     301           0 :     return f_context_name;
     302             : }
     303             : 
     304             : 
     305             : /** \brief Retrieve the name of this table.
     306             :  *
     307             :  * This function returns the name of this table. Note that the
     308             :  * name cannot be changed.
     309             :  *
     310             :  * \return The table name.
     311             :  */
     312           0 : QString table::tableName() const
     313             : {
     314           0 :     if(f_table_name[0] == '"')
     315             :     {
     316             :         // remove the quotes if present
     317           0 :         return f_table_name.mid(1, f_table_name.length() - 2);
     318             :     }
     319           0 :     return f_table_name;
     320             : }
     321             : 
     322             : 
     323           0 : const casswrapper::schema::Value::map_t& table::fields() const
     324             : {
     325           0 :     return f_schema->getFields();
     326             : }
     327             : 
     328             : 
     329           0 : casswrapper::schema::Value::map_t& table::fields()
     330             : {
     331           0 :     return f_schema->getFields();
     332             : }
     333             : 
     334             : 
     335             : /** \brief Mark this table as from Cassandra.
     336             :  *
     337             :  * This very case happens when the user creates a new context that,
     338             :  * at the time of calling context::create(), includes
     339             :  * a list of table definitions.
     340             :  *
     341             :  * In that case we know that the context is being created, but not
     342             :  * the tables because the server does it transparently in one go.
     343             :  */
     344           0 : void table::setFromCassandra()
     345             : {
     346           0 :     f_from_cassandra = true;
     347           0 : }
     348             : 
     349             : /** \brief This is an internal function used to parse a CfDef structure.
     350             :  *
     351             :  * This function is called internally to parse a CfDef object.
     352             :  * The data is saved in this table.
     353             :  *
     354             :  * \param[in] data  The pointer to the CfDef object.
     355             :  */
     356           0 : void table::parseTableDefinition( casswrapper::schema::TableMeta::pointer_t table_meta )
     357             : {
     358           0 :     f_schema         = table_meta;
     359           0 :     f_from_cassandra = true;
     360           0 : }
     361             : 
     362             : #if 0
     363             : /** \brief Prepare a table definition.
     364             :  *
     365             :  * This function transforms a libdbproxy table definition into
     366             :  * a Cassandra CfDef structure.
     367             :  *
     368             :  * The parameter is passed as a void * because we do not want to define
     369             :  * the thrift types in our public headers.
     370             :  *
     371             :  * \param[in] data  The CfDef were the table is to be saved.
     372             :  */
     373             : void table::prepareTableDefinition( CfDef* cf ) const
     374             : {
     375             :     *cf = *f_private;
     376             : 
     377             :     // copy the columns
     378             :     cf->column_metadata.clear();
     379             :     for( auto c : f_column_definitions )
     380             :     {
     381             :         ColumnDef col;
     382             :         c->prepareColumnDefinition( &col );
     383             :         cf->column_metadata.push_back(col);
     384             :     }
     385             :     cf->__isset.column_metadata             = !cf->column_metadata.empty();
     386             :     cf->__isset.compaction_strategy_options = !cf->compaction_strategy_options.empty();
     387             :     cf->__isset.compression_options         = !cf->compression_options.empty();
     388             : }
     389             : #endif
     390             : 
     391             : 
     392             : namespace
     393             : {
     394           0 :     QString map_to_json( const std::map<std::string,std::string>& map )
     395             :     {
     396           0 :         QString ret;
     397           0 :         for( const auto& pair : map )
     398             :         {
     399           0 :             if( !ret.isEmpty() )
     400             :             {
     401           0 :                 ret += ",";
     402             :             }
     403           0 :             ret += QString("'%1':'%2'").arg(pair.first.c_str()).arg(pair.second.c_str());
     404             :         }
     405           0 :         return ret;
     406             :     }
     407             : }
     408             : 
     409             : 
     410           0 : QString table::getTableOptions() const
     411             : {
     412           0 :     QString query_string;
     413           0 :     for( const auto& pair : f_schema->getFields() )
     414             :     {
     415           0 :         query_string += QString("AND %1=%2\n")
     416           0 :                 .arg(pair.first)
     417           0 :                 .arg(pair.second.output())
     418             :                 ;
     419             :     }
     420             : 
     421           0 :     return query_string;
     422             : }
     423             : 
     424             : 
     425             : /** \brief Create a Cassandra table.
     426             :  *
     427             :  * This function creates a Cassandra table in the context as specified
     428             :  * when you created the table object.
     429             :  *
     430             :  * If you want to declare a set of columns, this is a good time to do
     431             :  * it too (there is not QColumnDefinition::create() function!) By
     432             :  * default, columns use the default validation type as defined using
     433             :  * the setComparatorType() for their name and the
     434             :  * setDefaultValidationClass() for their data. It is not required to
     435             :  * define any column. In that case they all make use of the exact
     436             :  * same data.
     437             :  *
     438             :  * The table cannot already exist or an error will be thrown by the
     439             :  * Cassandra server. If the table is being updated, use the update()
     440             :  * function instead.
     441             :  *
     442             :  * Note that when you create a new context, you can create its tables
     443             :  * at once by defining tables before calling the context::create()
     444             :  * function.
     445             :  *
     446             :  * Creating a new table:
     447             :  *
     448             :  * \code
     449             :  * libdbproxy::table::pointer_t table(context->table("qt_cassandra_test_table"));
     450             :  * table->setComment("Our test table.");
     451             :  * table->setColumnType("Standard"); // Standard or Super
     452             :  * table->setKeyValidationClass("BytesType");
     453             :  * table->setDefaultValidationClass("BytesType");
     454             :  * table->setComparatorType("BytesType");
     455             :  * table->setKeyCacheSavePeriodInSeconds(14400); // unused in 1.1+
     456             :  * table->setMemtableFlushAfterMins(60); // unused in 1.1+
     457             :  * // Memtable defaults are dynamic and usually a better bet
     458             :  * //table->setMemtableThroughputInMb(247); // unused in 1.1+
     459             :  * //table->setMemtableOperationsInMillions(1.1578125); // unused in 1.1+
     460             :  * table->setGcGraceSeconds(864000);
     461             :  * table->setMinCompactionThreshold(4);
     462             :  * table->setMaxCompactionThreshold(22);
     463             :  * table->setReplicateOnWrite(1);
     464             :  * table->create();
     465             :  * \endcode
     466             :  *
     467             :  * \note
     468             :  * Once the table->create(); function returns, the table was created in the
     469             :  * Cassandra node you are connect with, but it was not yet replicated. In
     470             :  * order to use the table, the replication automatically happens behind the scenes.
     471             :  * In previous version of Cassandra, it was necessary to wait for this replication
     472             :  * to finish, but now with modern versions, that is no longer and issue.
     473             :  *
     474             :  * \sa update()
     475             :  * \sa context::create()
     476             :  */
     477           0 : void table::create()
     478             : {
     479             :     // TODO: this is actually wrong because it only creates the table
     480             :     //       it should be capable of either creating the table or altering
     481             :     //       it because the libQtCassandra user may have changed some
     482             :     //       parameters
     483             :     //
     484             :     //       so if the table exists, we should switch to ALTER TABLE ...
     485             :     //       command instead (for Snap! we do not ever tweak table
     486             :     //       parameters dynamically, so we are good for now.)
     487             :     //
     488           0 :     QString query_string( QString( "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS %1.%2"
     489             :         "(key BLOB,column1 BLOB,value BLOB,PRIMARY KEY(key, column1))"
     490             :         "WITH COMPACT STORAGE"
     491             :         " AND CLUSTERING ORDER BY(column1 ASC)" )
     492           0 :                 .arg(f_context_name)
     493           0 :                 .arg(f_table_name)
     494           0 :             );
     495           0 :     query_string += getTableOptions();
     496             : 
     497             :     // 1) Load existing tables from the database,
     498             :     // 2) Create the table using the query string,
     499             :     // 3) Add this object into the list.
     500             :     //
     501           0 :     order create_table;
     502           0 :     create_table.setCql(query_string, order::type_of_result_t::TYPE_OF_RESULT_SUCCESS);
     503           0 :     create_table.setTimeout(5 * 60 * 1000);
     504           0 :     create_table.setClearClusterDescription(true);
     505           0 :     order_result const create_table_result(f_proxy->sendOrder(create_table));
     506           0 :     if(!create_table_result.succeeded())
     507             :     {
     508           0 :         throw exception("table creation failed");
     509             :     }
     510             : 
     511           0 :     f_from_cassandra = true;
     512           0 : }
     513             : 
     514             : 
     515             : /** \brief Truncate a Cassandra table.
     516             :  *
     517             :  * The truncate() function removes all the rows from a Cassandra table
     518             :  * and clear out the cached data (rows and cells.)
     519             :  *
     520             :  * If the table is not connected to Cassandra, then nothing happens with
     521             :  * the Cassandra server.
     522             :  *
     523             :  * If you want to keep a copy of the cache, you will have to retrieve a
     524             :  * copy of the rows map using the getRows() function.
     525             :  *
     526             :  * \sa getRows()
     527             :  * \sa clearCache()
     528             :  */
     529           0 : void table::truncate()
     530             : {
     531           0 :     if( !f_from_cassandra )
     532             :     {
     533           0 :         return;
     534             :     }
     535             : 
     536             :     const QString query_string(
     537           0 :         QString("TRUNCATE %1.%2")
     538           0 :             .arg(f_context_name)
     539           0 :             .arg(f_table_name)
     540           0 :             );
     541             : 
     542           0 :     order truncate_table;
     543           0 :     truncate_table.setCql(query_string, order::type_of_result_t::TYPE_OF_RESULT_SUCCESS);
     544           0 :     truncate_table.setClearClusterDescription(true);
     545           0 :     order_result const truncate_table_result(f_proxy->sendOrder(truncate_table));
     546           0 :     if(!truncate_table_result.succeeded())
     547             :     {
     548           0 :         throw exception("table truncation failed");
     549             :     }
     550             : 
     551           0 :     clearCache();
     552             : }
     553             : 
     554             : 
     555             : /** \brief Clear the memory cache.
     556             :  *
     557             :  * This function clears the memory cache. This means all the rows and
     558             :  * their cells will be deleted from this table. The memory cache doesn't
     559             :  * affect the Cassandra database.
     560             :  *
     561             :  * After a clear, you can retrieve fresh data (i.e. by directly loading the
     562             :  * data from the Cassandra database.)
     563             :  *
     564             :  * Note that if you kept shared pointers to rows and cells defined in
     565             :  * this table, accessing those is likely going to generate an exception.
     566             :  */
     567           0 : void table::clearCache()
     568             : {
     569           0 :     closeCursor();
     570             : 
     571           0 :     f_rows.clear();
     572           0 : }
     573             : 
     574             : 
     575             : /** \brief Close the current cursor.
     576             :  *
     577             :  * This function closes the current cursor (i.e. the cursor used
     578             :  * to gather a set of rows and their data from a table.)
     579             :  */
     580           0 : void table::closeCursor()
     581             : {
     582           0 :     if(f_cursor_index >= 0)
     583             :     {
     584             :         // Note: the "CLOSE" CQL string is ignored
     585             :         //
     586           0 :         order close_cursor;
     587           0 :         close_cursor.setCql("CLOSE", order::type_of_result_t::TYPE_OF_RESULT_CLOSE);
     588           0 :         close_cursor.setCursorIndex(f_cursor_index);
     589           0 :         f_cursor_index = -1;
     590           0 :         order_result close_cursor_result(f_proxy->sendOrder(close_cursor));
     591           0 :         if(!close_cursor_result.succeeded())
     592             :         {
     593           0 :             throw exception("table::closeCursor(): closing cursor failed.");
     594             :         }
     595             :     }
     596           0 : }
     597             : 
     598             : 
     599           0 : void table::addRow( const QByteArray& row_key, const QByteArray& column_key, const QByteArray& data )
     600             : {
     601           0 :     row::pointer_t  new_row  ( new row( shared_from_this(), row_key ) );
     602           0 :     cell::pointer_t new_cell ( new_row->getCell( column_key ) );
     603           0 :     new_cell->assignValue( value(data) );
     604             : 
     605             :     // Now add to the map.
     606             :     //
     607           0 :     f_rows[row_key] = new_row;
     608           0 : }
     609             : 
     610             : 
     611           0 : void table::startBatch()
     612             : {
     613           0 :     order start_batch;
     614           0 :     start_batch.setCql("START_BATCH", order::type_of_result_t::TYPE_OF_RESULT_BATCH_DECLARE);
     615             : 
     616           0 :     order_result start_batch_result(f_proxy->sendOrder(start_batch));
     617           0 :     start_batch_result.swap(start_batch_result);
     618           0 :     if(!start_batch_result.succeeded())
     619             :     {
     620           0 :         throw exception("start batch failed");
     621             :     }
     622             : 
     623           0 :     f_batch_index = int32Value(start_batch_result.result(0));
     624           0 :     if(f_batch_index < 0)
     625             :     {
     626           0 :         throw logic_exception("received a negative number as batch index!");
     627             :     }
     628           0 : }
     629             : 
     630             : 
     631           0 : void table::commitBatch()
     632             : {
     633           0 :     if(f_batch_index >= 0)
     634             :     {
     635             :         // Note: the "CLOSE" CQL string is ignored
     636             :         //
     637           0 :         order commit_batch;
     638           0 :         commit_batch.setCql("COMMIT_BATCH", order::type_of_result_t::TYPE_OF_RESULT_BATCH_COMMIT);
     639           0 :         commit_batch.setBatchIndex(f_batch_index);
     640           0 :         f_batch_index = -1;
     641           0 :         order_result commit_batch_result(f_proxy->sendOrder(commit_batch));
     642           0 :         if(!commit_batch_result.succeeded())
     643             :         {
     644           0 :             throw exception("table::commitBatch(): batch submission failed.");
     645             :         }
     646             :     }
     647           0 : }
     648             : 
     649             : 
     650           0 : void table::rollbackBatch()
     651             : {
     652           0 :     if(f_batch_index >= 0)
     653             :     {
     654           0 :         order batch;
     655           0 :         batch.setCql("ROLLBACK_BATCH", order::type_of_result_t::TYPE_OF_RESULT_BATCH_ROLLBACK);
     656           0 :         batch.setBatchIndex(f_batch_index);
     657           0 :         f_batch_index = -1;
     658           0 :         order_result batch_result(f_proxy->sendOrder(batch));
     659           0 :         if(!batch_result.succeeded())
     660             :         {
     661           0 :             throw exception("table::commitBatch(): batch submission failed.");
     662             :         }
     663             :     }
     664           0 : }
     665             : 
     666             : 
     667             : /** \brief Read a set of rows as defined by the row predicate.
     668             :  *
     669             :  * This function reads a set of rows as defined by the row predicate.
     670             :  *
     671             :  * To change the consistency for this read, check out the
     672             :  * cell_predicate::setConsistencyLevel() function.
     673             :  *
     674             :  * If the table is not connected to Cassandra (i.e. the table is
     675             :  * a memory table) then nothing happens.
     676             :  *
     677             :  * Remember that if you are querying without checking for any column
     678             :  * you will get "empty" rows in your results (see dropRow() function
     679             :  * for more information and search for TombStones in Cassandra.)
     680             :  * This was true in version 0.8.0 to 1.1.5. It may get fixed at some
     681             :  * point.
     682             :  *
     683             :  * Note that the function updates the predicate so the next call
     684             :  * returns the following rows as expected.
     685             :  *
     686             :  * \warning
     687             :  * This function MAY NOT "WORK RIGHT" if your cluster was defined using
     688             :  * the RandomPartitioner. Rows are not sorted by key when the
     689             :  * RandomPartitioner is used. Instead, the rows are sorted by their
     690             :  * MD5 sum. Also the system may add additional data before or
     691             :  * after that MD5 and the slice range cannot anyway provide that
     692             :  * MD5 to the system. If you want to query sorted slices of your
     693             :  * rows, you must create your cluster with another partitioner.
     694             :  * Search for partitioner in conf/cassandra.yaml in the
     695             :  * Cassandra tarball.
     696             :  * See also:
     697             :  *
     698             :  * \param[in,out] row_predicate  The row predicate, which has to be allocated on the heap using shared_ptr.
     699             :  *
     700             :  * \return The number of rows read.
     701             :  *
     702             :  * \sa row_predicate (see detailed description of row predicate for an example)
     703             :  * \sa cell_predicate::setConsistencyLevel()
     704             :  * \sa dropRow()
     705             :  */
     706           0 : uint32_t table::readRows( row_predicate::pointer_t row_predicate )
     707             : {
     708           0 :     if( !row_predicate )
     709             :     {
     710           0 :         throw exception("row_predicate is nullptr!");
     711             :     }
     712             : 
     713           0 :     size_t idx(0);
     714           0 :     order_result selected_rows_result;
     715             : 
     716           0 :     f_rows.clear();
     717             : 
     718           0 :     if( f_cursor_index != -1 )
     719             :     {
     720             :         // Note: the "FETCH" is ignored, only the type is used in this case
     721             :         //
     722           0 :         order select_more_rows;
     723           0 :         select_more_rows.setCql("FETCH", order::type_of_result_t::TYPE_OF_RESULT_FETCH);
     724           0 :         select_more_rows.setCursorIndex(f_cursor_index);
     725           0 :         order_result select_more_rows_result(f_proxy->sendOrder(select_more_rows));
     726           0 :         selected_rows_result.swap(select_more_rows_result);
     727           0 :         if(!selected_rows_result.succeeded())
     728             :         {
     729           0 :             throw exception("select rows failed");
     730             :         }
     731             : 
     732           0 :         if(selected_rows_result.resultCount() == 0)
     733             :         {
     734           0 :             closeCursor();
     735           0 :             return 0;
     736             :         }
     737             :     }
     738             :     else
     739             :     {
     740           0 :         QString query_string( QString("SELECT key,column1,value FROM %1.%2")
     741           0 :                        .arg(f_context_name)
     742           0 :                        .arg(f_table_name)
     743           0 :                        );
     744             :         // Note: with the proxy we do not care about the bind_count
     745             :         //       but the appendQuery() function does the same thing
     746             :         //
     747           0 :         int bind_count = 0;
     748           0 :         row_predicate->appendQuery( query_string, bind_count );
     749           0 :         if(row_predicate->allowFiltering())
     750             :         {
     751           0 :             query_string += " ALLOW FILTERING";
     752             :         }
     753             :         //
     754             : //std::cerr << "query=[" << query_string.toUtf8().data() << "]" << std::endl;
     755             : 
     756             :         // setup the consistency level
     757           0 :         consistency_level_t consistency_level( parentContext()->parentCassandra()->defaultConsistencyLevel() );
     758           0 :         consistency_level_t const default_consistency_level(consistency_level);
     759           0 :         consistency_level = row_predicate->consistencyLevel();
     760           0 :         if( consistency_level == CONSISTENCY_LEVEL_DEFAULT )
     761             :         {
     762           0 :             consistency_level = row_predicate->cellPredicate()->consistencyLevel();
     763           0 :             if( consistency_level == CONSISTENCY_LEVEL_DEFAULT )
     764             :             {
     765           0 :                 consistency_level = default_consistency_level;
     766             :             }
     767             :         }
     768             : 
     769             :         // create a CURSOR
     770           0 :         order select_rows;
     771           0 :         select_rows.setCql(query_string, order::type_of_result_t::TYPE_OF_RESULT_DECLARE);
     772           0 :         select_rows.setColumnCount(3);
     773           0 :         select_rows.setConsistencyLevel(consistency_level);
     774             : 
     775             :         //
     776           0 :         row_predicate->bindOrder( select_rows );
     777           0 :         select_rows.setPagingSize( row_predicate->count() );
     778             : 
     779           0 :         order_result select_rows_result(f_proxy->sendOrder(select_rows));
     780           0 :         selected_rows_result.swap(select_rows_result);
     781           0 :         if(!selected_rows_result.succeeded())
     782             :         {
     783           0 :             throw exception("select rows failed");
     784             :         }
     785             : 
     786           0 :         if(selected_rows_result.resultCount() < 1)
     787             :         {
     788           0 :             throw exception("select rows did not return a cursor index");
     789             :         }
     790           0 :         f_cursor_index = int32Value(selected_rows_result.result(0));
     791           0 :         if(f_cursor_index < 0)
     792             :         {
     793           0 :             throw logic_exception("received a negative number as cursor index");
     794             :         }
     795             : //std::cerr << "got a cursor = " << f_cursor_index << "\n";
     796             : 
     797             :         // ignore parameter one, it is not a row of data
     798           0 :         idx = 1;
     799             :     }
     800             : 
     801           0 :     auto re(row_predicate->rowNameMatch());
     802             : 
     803           0 :     size_t const max_results(selected_rows_result.resultCount());
     804             : #ifdef _DEBUG
     805           0 :     if((max_results - idx) % 3 != 0)
     806             :     {
     807             :         // the number of results must be a multiple of 3, although on
     808             :         // the SELECT (first time in) we expect one additional result
     809             :         // which represents the cursor index
     810           0 :         throw logic_exception("the number of results must be an exact multipled of 3!");
     811             :     }
     812             : #endif
     813           0 :     size_t result_size = 0;
     814           0 :     for(; idx < max_results; idx += 3, ++result_size )
     815             :     {
     816           0 :         const QByteArray row_key( selected_rows_result.result( idx + 0 ) );
     817             : 
     818           0 :         if( !re.isEmpty() )
     819             :         {
     820           0 :             const QString row_name( QString::fromUtf8( );
     821           0 :             if( re.indexIn(row_name) == -1 )
     822             :             {
     823           0 :                 continue;
     824             :             }
     825             :         }
     826             : 
     827           0 :         const QByteArray column_key( selected_rows_result.result( idx + 1 ) );
     828           0 :         const QByteArray data      ( selected_rows_result.result( idx + 2 ) );
     829             : 
     830           0 :         addRow( row_key, column_key, data );
     831             :     }
     832             : 
     833           0 :     return result_size;
     834             : }
     835             : 
     836             : 
     837           0 : row::pointer_t table::getRow(const char* row_name)
     838             : {
     839           0 :     return getRow( QByteArray(row_name,qstrlen(row_name)) );
     840             : }
     841             : 
     842             : 
     843             : /** \brief Search for a row or create a new one.
     844             :  *
     845             :  * This function searches for a row or, if it doesn't exist, create
     846             :  * a new row.
     847             :  *
     848             :  * Note that unless you set the value of a column in this row, the
     849             :  * row will never appear in the Cassandra cluster.
     850             :  *
     851             :  * This function accepts a name for the row. The name is a UTF-8 string.
     852             :  *
     853             :  * \param[in] row_name  The name of the row to search or create.
     854             :  *
     855             :  * \return A shared pointer to the matching row or a null pointer.
     856             :  */
     857           0 : row::pointer_t table::getRow(const QString& row_name)
     858             : {
     859           0 :     return getRow(row_name.toUtf8());
     860             : }
     861             : 
     862             : /** \brief Search for a row or create a new one.
     863             :  *
     864             :  * This function searches for a row or, if it doesn't exist, create
     865             :  * a new row.
     866             :  *
     867             :  * Note that unless you set the value of a column in this row, the
     868             :  * row will never appear in the Cassandra cluster.
     869             :  *
     870             :  * This function assigns the row a binary key.
     871             :  *
     872             :  * \param[in] row_key  The name of the row to search or create.
     873             :  *
     874             :  * \return A shared pointer to the matching row. Throws if not found in the map.
     875             :  *
     876             :  * \sa readRows()
     877             :  */
     878           0 : row::pointer_t table::getRow(const QByteArray& row_key)
     879             : {
     880             :     // row already exists?
     881           0 :     rows::iterator ri(f_rows.find(row_key));
     882           0 :     if(ri != f_rows.end())
     883             :     {
     884           0 :         return ri.value();
     885             :     }
     886             : 
     887             :     // this is a new row, allocate it
     888           0 :     row::pointer_t c(new row(shared_from_this(), row_key));
     889           0 :     f_rows.insert(row_key, c);
     890           0 :     return c;
     891             : }
     892             : 
     893             : 
     894             : /** \brief Retrieve the entire set of rows defined in this table.
     895             :  *
     896             :  * This function returns a constant reference to the map listing all
     897             :  * the rows currently defined in memory for this table.
     898             :  *
     899             :  * This can be used to determine how many rows are defined in memory
     900             :  * and to scan all the data.
     901             :  *
     902             :  * \return A constant reference to a map of rows. Throws if readRows() has not first been called.
     903             :  */
     904           0 : const rows& table::getRows()
     905             : {
     906           0 :     return f_rows;
     907             : }
     908             : 
     909             : 
     910             : /** \brief Search for a row.
     911             :  *
     912             :  * This function searches for a row. If it doesn't exist, then a NULL
     913             :  * pointer is returned (use the operator bool() function on the shared pointer.)
     914             :  *
     915             :  * The function can be used to check whether a given row was already created
     916             :  * in memory without actually creating it.
     917             :  *
     918             :  * This function accepts a row name viewed as a UTF-8 string.
     919             :  *
     920             :  * \warning
     921             :  * This function does NOT attempt to read the row from the Cassandra database
     922             :  * system. It only checks whether the row already exists in memory. To check
     923             :  * whether the row exists in the database, use the exists() function instead.
     924             :  *
     925             :  * \param[in] row_name  The name of the row to check for.
     926             :  *
     927             :  * \return A shared pointer to the row, may be NULL (operator bool() returning true)
     928             :  *
     929             :  * \sa exists()
     930             :  * \sa getRow()
     931             :  */
     932           0 : row::pointer_t table::findRow(const char* row_name) const
     933             : {
     934           0 :     return findRow( QByteArray(row_name, qstrlen(row_name)) );
     935             : }
     936             : 
     937             : 
     938             : /** \brief Search for a row.
     939             :  *
     940             :  * This function searches for a row. If it doesn't exist, then a NULL
     941             :  * pointer is returned (use the operator bool() function on the shared pointer.)
     942             :  *
     943             :  * The function can be used to check whether a given row was already created
     944             :  * in memory without actually creating it.
     945             :  *
     946             :  * This function accepts a row name viewed as a UTF-8 string.
     947             :  *
     948             :  * \warning
     949             :  * This function does NOT attempt to read the row from the Cassandra database
     950             :  * system. It only checks whether the row already exists in memory. To check
     951             :  * whether the row exists in the database, use the exists() function instead.
     952             :  *
     953             :  * \param[in] row_name  The name of the row to check for.
     954             :  *
     955             :  * \return A shared pointer to the row, may be NULL (operator bool() returning true)
     956             :  *
     957             :  * \sa exists()
     958             :  * \sa getRow()
     959             :  */
     960           0 : row::pointer_t table::findRow(const QString& row_name) const
     961             : {
     962           0 :     return findRow( row_name.toUtf8() );
     963             : }
     964             : 
     965             : 
     966             : /** \brief Search for a row.
     967             :  *
     968             :  * This function searches for a row. If it doesn't exist, then a NULL
     969             :  * pointer is returned (use the operator bool() function on the shared pointer.)
     970             :  *
     971             :  * The function can be used to check whether a given row was already created
     972             :  * in memory without actually creating it.
     973             :  *
     974             :  * This function accepts a row key which is a binary buffer.
     975             :  *
     976             :  * \warning
     977             :  * This function does NOT attempt to read the row from the Cassandra database
     978             :  * system. It only checks whether the row already exists in memory. To check
     979             :  * whether the row exists in the database, use the exists() function instead.
     980             :  *
     981             :  * \param[in] row_key  The binary key of the row to search for.
     982             :  *
     983             :  * \return A shared pointer to the row, may be NULL (operator bool() returning true)
     984             :  *
     985             :  * \sa exists()
     986             :  * \sa getRow()
     987             :  */
     988           0 : row::pointer_t table::findRow(const QByteArray& row_key) const
     989             : {
     990           0 :     auto ri(f_rows.find(row_key));
     991           0 :     if(ri == f_rows.end())
     992             :     {
     993           0 :         row::pointer_t null;
     994           0 :         return null;
     995             :     }
     996           0 :     return *ri;
     997             : }
     998             : 
     999             : 
    1000             : /** \brief Check whether a row exists.
    1001             :  *
    1002             :  * This function checks whether the named row exists.
    1003             :  *
    1004             :  * \param[in] row_name  The row name to transform to UTF-8.
    1005             :  *
    1006             :  * \return true if the row exists in memory or the Cassandra database.
    1007             :  */
    1008           0 : bool table::exists(const char *row_name) const
    1009             : {
    1010           0 :     return exists(QByteArray(row_name, qstrlen(row_name)));
    1011             : }
    1012             : 
    1013             : 
    1014             : /** \brief Check whether a row exists.
    1015             :  *
    1016             :  * This function checks whether the named row exists.
    1017             :  *
    1018             :  * \param[in] row_name  The row name to transform to UTF-8.
    1019             :  *
    1020             :  * \return true if the row exists in memory or the Cassandra database.
    1021             :  */
    1022           0 : bool table::exists(const QString& row_name) const
    1023             : {
    1024           0 :     return exists(row_name.toUtf8());
    1025             : }
    1026             : 
    1027             : 
    1028             : /** \brief Check whether a row exists.
    1029             :  *
    1030             :  * This function checks whether a row exists. First it checks whether
    1031             :  * it exists in memory. If not, then it checks in the Cassandra database.
    1032             :  *
    1033             :  * Empty keys are always viewed as non-existant and this function
    1034             :  * returns false in that case.
    1035             :  *
    1036             :  * \warning
    1037             :  * If you can avoid calling this function, all the better. It may be
    1038             :  * very slow against a table that has many tombstones since it will
    1039             :  * have to go through those to know whether there is at least one valid
    1040             :  * row.
    1041             :  *
    1042             :  * \warning
    1043             :  * If you dropped the row recently, IT STILL EXISTS. This is a "bug" in
    1044             :  * Cassandra and there isn't really a way around it except by testing
    1045             :  * whether a specific cell exists in the row. We cannot really test for
    1046             :  * a cell here since we cannot know what cell exists here. So this test
    1047             :  * really only tells you that (1) the row was never created; or (2) the
    1048             :  * row was drop "a while back" (the amount of time it takes for a row
    1049             :  * to completely disappear is not specified and it looks like it can take
    1050             :  * days.) [This warning may not apply since we now use CQL]
    1051             :  *
    1052             :  * \todo
    1053             :  * At this time there isn't a way to specify the consistency level of the
    1054             :  * calls used by this function. The libdbproxy default is used.
    1055             :  *
    1056             :  * \param[in] row_key  The binary key of the row to check for.
    1057             :  *
    1058             :  * \return true if the row exists in memory or in Cassandra.
    1059             :  */
    1060           0 : bool table::exists(const QByteArray& row_key) const
    1061             : {
    1062             :     // an empty key cannot represent a valid row
    1063           0 :     if(row_key.size() == 0)
    1064             :     {
    1065           0 :         return false;
    1066             :     }
    1067             : 
    1068           0 :     auto ri(f_rows.find(row_key));
    1069           0 :     if(ri != f_rows.end())
    1070             :     {
    1071             :         // row exists in memory
    1072           0 :         return true;
    1073             :     }
    1074             : 
    1075           0 :     auto pred( std::make_shared<row_key_predicate>() );
    1076           0 :     pred->setRowKey(row_key);
    1077           0 :     pred->setCount(1); // read as little as possible (TBD verify that works even with many tombstones)
    1078             : 
    1079             :     class save_current_cursor_index_t
    1080             :     {
    1081             :     public:
    1082           0 :         save_current_cursor_index_t(table *table, int32_t& cursor_index)
    1083           0 :             : f_table(table)
    1084             :             , f_cursor_index_ref(cursor_index)
    1085           0 :             , f_saved_cursor_index(cursor_index)
    1086             :         {
    1087             :             // simulate the closure of the current cursor index if open
    1088             :             //
    1089           0 :             f_cursor_index_ref = -1;
    1090           0 :         }
    1091             : 
    1092             :         save_current_cursor_index_t(save_current_cursor_index_t const & rhs) = delete;
    1093             : 
    1094           0 :         ~save_current_cursor_index_t()
    1095           0 :         {
    1096             :             try
    1097             :             {
    1098           0 :                 f_table->closeCursor();
    1099             :             }
    1100           0 :             catch(const exception&)
    1101             :             {
    1102             :                 // not muc we can do here (destructor and exceptions do not
    1103             :                 // work together)
    1104             :                 //
    1105             :                 // exception can happen if we lose the network connection
    1106             :                 // and try to close the cursor
    1107             :             }
    1108           0 :             f_cursor_index_ref = f_saved_cursor_index;
    1109           0 :         }
    1110             : 
    1111             :         save_current_cursor_index_t & operator = (save_current_cursor_index_t const & rhs) = delete;
    1112             : 
    1113             :     private:
    1114             :         table *             f_table = nullptr;
    1115             :         int32_t &           f_cursor_index_ref;
    1116             :         int32_t             f_saved_cursor_index = 0;
    1117             :     };
    1118           0 :     save_current_cursor_index_t save_cursor_index(const_cast<table *>(this), const_cast<table *>(this)->f_cursor_index);
    1119             : 
    1120             :     // TODO: we should be able to do that without using the full fledge
    1121             :     //       readRows() with a cursor + fetch etc. since we just want to
    1122             :     //       know whether at least one entry exists we could just do one
    1123             :     //       SELECT and save its result; then we would avoid the
    1124             :     //       "save_current_cursor_index_t" problem
    1125             :     //
    1126             :     return const_cast<table *>(this)
    1127           0 :             ->readRows( std::static_pointer_cast<row_predicate>(pred) ) != 0;
    1128             : }
    1129             : 
    1130             : /** \brief Retrieve a table row.
    1131             :  *
    1132             :  * This function retrieves a table row. If the named row doesn't exist yet,
    1133             :  * then it is created first.
    1134             :  *
    1135             :  * The reference is writable so you make write to a cell in this row.
    1136             :  *
    1137             :  * This function accepts a UTF-8 name for this row reference.
    1138             :  *
    1139             :  * \param[in] row_name  The name of the row to retrieve.
    1140             :  *
    1141             :  * \return A reference to a row.
    1142             :  */
    1143           0 : row& table::operator [] (const char *row_name)
    1144             : {
    1145             :     // in this case we may create the row and that's fine!
    1146           0 :     return *getRow(row_name);
    1147             : }
    1148             : 
    1149             : /** \brief Retrieve a table row.
    1150             :  *
    1151             :  * This function retrieves a table row. If the named row doesn't exist yet,
    1152             :  * then it is created first.
    1153             :  *
    1154             :  * The reference is writable so you make write to a cell in this row.
    1155             :  *
    1156             :  * This function accepts a UTF-8 name for this row reference.
    1157             :  *
    1158             :  * \param[in] row_name  The name of the row to retrieve.
    1159             :  *
    1160             :  * \return A reference to a row.
    1161             :  */
    1162           0 : row& table::operator [] (const QString& row_name)
    1163             : {
    1164             :     // in this case we may create the row and that's fine!
    1165           0 :     return *getRow(row_name);
    1166             : }
    1167             : 
    1168             : /** \brief Retrieve a table row.
    1169             :  *
    1170             :  * This function retrieves a table row. If the keyed row doesn't exist yet,
    1171             :  * then it is created first.
    1172             :  *
    1173             :  * The reference is writable so you make write to a cell in this row.
    1174             :  *
    1175             :  * This function accepts a binary key for this row reference.
    1176             :  *
    1177             :  * \param[in] row_key  The binary key of the row to retrieve.
    1178             :  *
    1179             :  * \return A reference to a row.
    1180             :  */
    1181           0 : row& table::operator[] (const QByteArray& row_key)
    1182             : {
    1183             :     // in this case we may create the row and that's fine!
    1184           0 :     return *getRow(row_key);
    1185             : }
    1186             : 
    1187             : /** \brief Retrieve a table row.
    1188             :  *
    1189             :  * This function retrieves a table row. If the named row doesn't exist yet,
    1190             :  * then the function raises an error.
    1191             :  *
    1192             :  * The reference is read-only (constant) so you may retrieve a cell value
    1193             :  * from it, but not modify the cell.
    1194             :  *
    1195             :  * This function accepts a name as the row reference. The name is viewed as
    1196             :  * a UTF-8 string.
    1197             :  *
    1198             :  * \exception exception
    1199             :  * The function checks whether the named row exists. If not, then this error
    1200             :  * is raised because the function is constant and cannot create a new row.
    1201             :  *
    1202             :  * \param[in] row_name  The name of the row to retrieve.
    1203             :  *
    1204             :  * \return A constant reference to a row.
    1205             :  */
    1206           0 : const row& table::operator[] (const char *row_name) const
    1207             : {
    1208           0 :     const row::pointer_t p_row(findRow(row_name));
    1209           0 :     if(!p_row) {
    1210           0 :         throw exception("row does not exist so it cannot be read from");
    1211             :     }
    1212           0 :     return *p_row;
    1213             : }
    1214             : 
    1215             : /** \brief Retrieve a table row.
    1216             :  *
    1217             :  * This function retrieves a table row. If the named row doesn't exist yet,
    1218             :  * then the function raises an error.
    1219             :  *
    1220             :  * The reference is read-only (constant) so you may retrieve a cell value
    1221             :  * from it, but not modify the cell.
    1222             :  *
    1223             :  * This function accepts a name as the row reference.
    1224             :  *
    1225             :  * \exception exception
    1226             :  * The function checks whether the named row exists. If not, then this error
    1227             :  * is raised because the function is constant and cannot create a new row.
    1228             :  *
    1229             :  * \param[in] row_name  The name of the row to retrieve.
    1230             :  *
    1231             :  * \return A constant reference to a row.
    1232             :  */
    1233           0 : const row& table::operator[] (const QString& row_name) const
    1234             : {
    1235           0 :     const row::pointer_t p_row(findRow(row_name));
    1236           0 :     if( !p_row ) {
    1237           0 :         throw exception("row does not exist so it cannot be read from");
    1238             :     }
    1239           0 :     return *p_row;
    1240             : }
    1241             : 
    1242             : /** \brief Retrieve a table row.
    1243             :  *
    1244             :  * This function retrieves a table row. If the named row doesn't exist yet,
    1245             :  * then the function raises an error.
    1246             :  *
    1247             :  * The reference is read-only (constant) so you may retrieve a cell value
    1248             :  * from it, but not modify the cell.
    1249             :  *
    1250             :  * This function accepts a binary key as the row reference.
    1251             :  *
    1252             :  * \exception exception
    1253             :  * The function checks whether the named row exists. If not, then this error
    1254             :  * is raised because the function is constant and cannot create a new row.
    1255             :  *
    1256             :  * \param[in] row_key  The binary key of the row to retrieve.
    1257             :  *
    1258             :  * \return A constant reference to a row.
    1259             :  */
    1260           0 : const row& table::operator[] (const QByteArray& row_key) const
    1261             : {
    1262           0 :     const row::pointer_t p_row(findRow(row_key));
    1263           0 :     if(!p_row) {
    1264           0 :         throw exception("row does not exist so it cannot be read from");
    1265             :     }
    1266           0 :     return *p_row;
    1267             : }
    1268             : 
    1269             : 
    1270             : /** \brief Drop the named row.
    1271             :  *
    1272             :  * This function is the same as the dropRow() that takes a row_key parameter.
    1273             :  * It simply transforms the row name into a row key and calls that other
    1274             :  * function.
    1275             :  *
    1276             :  * \param[in] row_name  Specify the name of the row to drop.
    1277             :  */
    1278           0 : void table::dropRow(const char *row_name)
    1279             : {
    1280           0 :     dropRow( QByteArray(row_name, qstrlen(row_name)) );
    1281           0 : }
    1282             : 
    1283             : 
    1284             : /** \brief Drop the named row.
    1285             :  *
    1286             :  * This function is the same as the dropRow() that takes a row_key parameter.
    1287             :  * It simply transforms the row name into a row key and calls that other
    1288             :  * function.
    1289             :  *
    1290             :  * \param[in] row_name  Specify the name of the row to drop.
    1291             :  */
    1292           0 : void table::dropRow(const QString& row_name)
    1293             : {
    1294           0 :     dropRow(row_name.toUtf8());
    1295           0 : }
    1296             : 
    1297             : 
    1298             : /** \brief Drop the row from the Cassandra database.
    1299             :  *
    1300             :  * This function deletes the specified row and its data from the Cassandra
    1301             :  * database and from memory.
    1302             :  *
    1303             :  * In regard to getting the row deleted from memory, you are expected to
    1304             :  * use a weak pointer as follow:
    1305             :  *
    1306             :  * \code
    1307             :  * ...
    1308             :  * {
    1309             :  *     QWeakPointer<libdbproxy::row> getRow(table.getRow(row_key)));
    1310             :  *     ...
    1311             :  *     table.dropRow(row_key);
    1312             :  * }
    1313             :  * ...
    1314             :  * \endcode
    1315             :  *
    1316             :  * Note that Cassandra doesn't actually remove the row from its database until
    1317             :  * the next time it does a garbage collection. Still, if there is a row you do
    1318             :  * not need, drop it.
    1319             :  *
    1320             :  * The timestamp \p mode can be set to value::TIMESTAMP_MODE_DEFINED
    1321             :  * in which case the value defined in the \p timestamp parameter is used by the
    1322             :  * Cassandra remove() function.
    1323             :  *
    1324             :  * By default the \p mode parameter is set to
    1325             :  * value::TIMESTAMP_MODE_AUTO which means that we'll make use of
    1326             :  * the current time (i.e. only a row created after this call will exist.)
    1327             :  *
    1328             :  * The consistency level is set to CONSISTENCY_LEVEL_ALL since you are likely
    1329             :  * willing to delete the row on all the nodes. However, I'm not certain this
    1330             :  * is the best choice here. So the default may change in the future. You
    1331             :  * may specify CONSISTENCY_LEVEL_DEFAULT in which case the libdbproxy object
    1332             :  * default is used.
    1333             :  *
    1334             :  * \warning
    1335             :  * Remember that a row doesn't actually get removed from the Cassandra database
    1336             :  * until the next Garbage Collection runs. This is important for all your data
    1337             :  * centers to be properly refreshed. This also means a readRows() will continue
    1338             :  * to return the deleted row unless you check for a specific column that has
    1339             :  * to exist. In that case, the row is not returned since all the columns ARE
    1340             :  * deleted (or at least hidden in some way.) This function could be called
    1341             :  * truncate(), however, all empty rows are really removed at some point.
    1342             :  *
    1343             :  * \warning
    1344             :  * After a row was dropped, you cannot use the row object anymore, even if you
    1345             :  * kept a shared pointer to it. Calling functions of a dropped row is likely
    1346             :  * to get you a run-time exception. Note that all the cells defined in the
    1347             :  * row are also dropped and are also likely to generate a run-time exception
    1348             :  * if you kept a shared pointer on any one of them.
    1349             :  *
    1350             :  * \param[in] row_key  Specify the key of the row.
    1351             :  */
    1352           0 : void table::dropRow(const QByteArray& row_key)
    1353             : {
    1354           0 :     remove( row_key );
    1355           0 :     f_rows.remove( row_key );
    1356           0 : }
    1357             : 
    1358             : 
    1359             : /** \brief Get the pointer to the parent object.
    1360             :  *
    1361             :  * \return Shared pointer to the cassandra object.
    1362             :  */
    1363           0 : context::pointer_t table::parentContext() const
    1364             : {
    1365           0 :     context::pointer_t context(f_context.lock());
    1366           0 :     if(context == nullptr)
    1367             :     {
    1368           0 :         throw std::runtime_error("this table was dropped and is not attached to a context anymore");
    1369             :     }
    1370             : 
    1371           0 :     return context;
    1372             : }
    1373             : 
    1374             : 
    1375             : /** \brief Save a cell value that changed.
    1376             :  *
    1377             :  * This function calls the context insertValue() function to save the new value that
    1378             :  * was defined in a cell. The idea is so that when the user alters the value of a cell,
    1379             :  * it directly updates the database. If the row does not exist, an exception is thrown.
    1380             :  *
    1381             :  * \param[in] row_key     The key used to identify the row.
    1382             :  * \param[in] column_key  The key used to identify the column.
    1383             :  * \param[in] value       The new value of the cell.
    1384             :  */
    1385           0 : void table::insertValue( const QByteArray& row_key, const QByteArray& column_key, const value& value )
    1386             : {
    1387           0 :     if( !f_from_cassandra )
    1388             :     {
    1389           0 :         return;
    1390             :     }
    1391             : 
    1392             :     // We expect all of our orders to be serialized within a session, to
    1393             :     // ensure such a serialization, we have to ourselves specify the
    1394             :     // TIMESTAMP parameter. This also means a DROP may have problems
    1395             :     // and it adds some slowness.
    1396             :     //
    1397           0 :     int64_t const timestamp(libdbproxy::timeofday());
    1398           0 :     QString query_string(QString("INSERT INTO %1.%2(key,column1,value)VALUES(?,?,?)USING TIMESTAMP %3")
    1399           0 :         .arg(f_context_name)
    1400           0 :         .arg(f_table_name)
    1401           0 :         .arg(timestamp)
    1402           0 :         );
    1403             : 
    1404             :     // setup the consistency level
    1405           0 :     consistency_level_t consistency_level( value.consistencyLevel() );
    1406           0 :     if( consistency_level == CONSISTENCY_LEVEL_DEFAULT )
    1407             :     {
    1408           0 :         consistency_level = parentContext()->parentCassandra()->defaultConsistencyLevel();
    1409             :     }
    1410             : 
    1411             :     // define TTL only if the user defined it (Cassandra uses a 'null' when
    1412             :     // undefined and that's probably better than having either a really large
    1413             :     // value or 0 if that would work as 'permanent' in Cassandra.)
    1414             :     //
    1415           0 :     if(value.ttl() != value::TTL_PERMANENT)
    1416             :     {
    1417           0 :         query_string += QString(" AND TTL %1").arg(value.ttl());
    1418             :     }
    1419             : 
    1420           0 :     order insert_value;
    1421           0 :     insert_value.setCql( query_string, (f_batch_index == -1)
    1422             :                          ? order::type_of_result_t::TYPE_OF_RESULT_SUCCESS
    1423             :                          : order::type_of_result_t::TYPE_OF_RESULT_BATCH_ADD
    1424             :                        );
    1425           0 :     insert_value.setConsistencyLevel( consistency_level );
    1426           0 :     insert_value.setBatchIndex(f_batch_index);
    1427             : 
    1428           0 :     insert_value.addParameter( row_key );
    1429           0 :     insert_value.addParameter( column_key );
    1430           0 :     insert_value.addParameter( value.binaryValue() );
    1431             : 
    1432           0 :     order_result const insert_value_result(f_proxy->sendOrder(insert_value));
    1433           0 :     if(!insert_value_result.succeeded())
    1434             :     {
    1435           0 :         SNAP_LOG_ERROR("unable to insert a value into the table for query: '")(query_string)("'");
    1436           0 :         throw exception("inserting a value failed");
    1437             :     }
    1438             : }
    1439             : 
    1440             : 
    1441             : 
    1442             : 
    1443             : 
    1444             : /** \brief Get a cell value from Cassandra.
    1445             :  *
    1446             :  * This function calls the context getValue() function to retrieve a value
    1447             :  * from Cassandra.
    1448             :  *
    1449             :  * The \p value parameter is not modified unless some data can be retrieved
    1450             :  * from Cassandra.
    1451             :  *
    1452             :  * \param[in] row_key  The key used to identify the row.
    1453             :  * \param[in] column_key  The key used to identify the column.
    1454             :  * \param[out] value  The new value of the cell.
    1455             :  *
    1456             :  * \return false when the value was not found in the database, true otherwise
    1457             :  */
    1458           0 : bool table::getValue(const QByteArray& row_key, const QByteArray& column_key, value& value)
    1459             : {
    1460           0 :     const QString query_string( QString("SELECT value FROM %1.%2 WHERE key=? AND column1=?")
    1461           0 :                          .arg(f_context_name)
    1462           0 :                          .arg(f_table_name) );
    1463             : 
    1464             :     // setup the consistency level
    1465           0 :     consistency_level_t consistency_level( value.consistencyLevel() );
    1466           0 :     if( consistency_level == CONSISTENCY_LEVEL_DEFAULT )
    1467             :     {
    1468           0 :         consistency_level = parentContext()->parentCassandra()->defaultConsistencyLevel();
    1469             :     }
    1470             : 
    1471           0 :     order get_value;
    1472           0 :     get_value.setCql(query_string, order::type_of_result_t::TYPE_OF_RESULT_ROWS);
    1473           0 :     get_value.setConsistencyLevel( consistency_level );
    1474             : 
    1475           0 :     get_value.addParameter( row_key );
    1476           0 :     get_value.addParameter( column_key );
    1477             : 
    1478           0 :     order_result const get_value_result(f_proxy->sendOrder(get_value));
    1479           0 :     if(!get_value_result.succeeded())
    1480             :     {
    1481           0 :         throw exception("retrieving a value failed");
    1482             :     }
    1483             : 
    1484           0 :     if(get_value_result.resultCount() == 0)
    1485             :     {
    1486           0 :         value.setNullValue();
    1487           0 :         return false;
    1488             :     }
    1489             : 
    1490           0 :     value = get_value_result.result(0);
    1491             : 
    1492           0 :     return true;
    1493             : }
    1494             : 
    1495             : 
    1496             : /** \brief Count columns.
    1497             :  *
    1498             :  * This function counts a the number of columns that match a specified
    1499             :  * \p column_predicate.
    1500             :  *
    1501             :  * If you want to use a different consistency, also indicate such in
    1502             :  * the \p column_predicate parameter.
    1503             :  *
    1504             :  * \param[in] row_key  The row for which this data is being counted.
    1505             :  * \param[in] column_predicate  The predicate to use to count the cells.
    1506             :  *
    1507             :  * \return The number of columns in this row.
    1508             :  */
    1509           0 : int32_t table::getCellCount
    1510             :     ( const QByteArray& row_key
    1511             :     , cell_predicate::pointer_t column_predicate
    1512             :     )
    1513             : {
    1514           0 :     if( f_rows.find( row_key ) == f_rows.end() )
    1515             :     {
    1516           0 :         const QString query_string ( QString("SELECT COUNT(*)AS count FROM %1.%2")
    1517           0 :             .arg(f_context_name)
    1518           0 :             .arg(f_table_name)
    1519           0 :             );
    1520             : 
    1521             :         // setup the consistency level
    1522             :         consistency_level_t consistency_level( column_predicate
    1523           0 :                                 ? column_predicate->consistencyLevel()
    1524           0 :                                 : CONSISTENCY_LEVEL_DEFAULT );
    1525           0 :         if( consistency_level == CONSISTENCY_LEVEL_DEFAULT )
    1526             :         {
    1527           0 :             consistency_level = parentContext()->parentCassandra()->defaultConsistencyLevel();
    1528             :         }
    1529             : 
    1530           0 :         order cell_count;
    1531           0 :         cell_count.setCql(query_string, order::type_of_result_t::TYPE_OF_RESULT_ROWS);
    1532           0 :         cell_count.setPagingSize(column_predicate ? column_predicate->count() : 100);
    1533           0 :         cell_count.setConsistencyLevel(consistency_level);
    1534           0 :         order_result cell_count_result(f_proxy->sendOrder(cell_count));
    1535           0 :         if(!cell_count_result.succeeded()
    1536           0 :         || cell_count_result.resultCount() != 1)
    1537             :         {
    1538           0 :             throw exception("cell count failed");
    1539             :         }
    1540             : 
    1541           0 :         return int32Value(cell_count_result.result(0));
    1542             :     }
    1543             : 
    1544             :     // return the count from the memory cache
    1545           0 :     return f_rows[row_key]->getCells().size();
    1546             : }
    1547             : 
    1548             : /** \brief Delete a Cell from a table row.
    1549             :  *
    1550             :  * This function removes a cell from the Cassandra database as specified
    1551             :  * by the parameters.
    1552             :  *
    1553             :  * \param[in] row_key           The row in which the cell is to be removed.
    1554             :  * \param[in] column_key        The cell to be removed.
    1555             :  * \param[in] consistency_level The consistency level to specify when dropping the row with respect to other data centers.
    1556             :  */
    1557           0 : void table::remove
    1558             :     ( const QByteArray& row_key
    1559             :     , const QByteArray& column_key
    1560             :     , consistency_level_t consistency_level
    1561             :     )
    1562             : {
    1563           0 :     if( !f_from_cassandra || !f_proxy )
    1564             :     {
    1565           0 :         return;
    1566             :     }
    1567             : 
    1568             :     const QString query_string(
    1569           0 :         QString("DELETE FROM %1.%2 WHERE key=? AND column1=?")
    1570           0 :             .arg(f_context_name)
    1571           0 :             .arg(f_table_name)
    1572           0 :             );
    1573             : 
    1574           0 :     order drop_cell;
    1575           0 :     drop_cell.setCql( query_string, (f_batch_index == -1)
    1576             :                          ? order::type_of_result_t::TYPE_OF_RESULT_SUCCESS
    1577             :                          : order::type_of_result_t::TYPE_OF_RESULT_BATCH_ADD
    1578             :                        );
    1579           0 :     drop_cell.setBatchIndex(f_batch_index);
    1580           0 :     drop_cell.setConsistencyLevel(consistency_level);
    1581           0 :     drop_cell.setTimestamp(libdbproxy::timeofday()); // make sure it gets deleted no matter when it was created
    1582           0 :     drop_cell.addParameter(row_key);
    1583           0 :     drop_cell.addParameter(column_key);
    1584           0 :     order_result const drop_cell_result(f_proxy->sendOrder(drop_cell));
    1585           0 :     if(!drop_cell_result.succeeded())
    1586             :     {
    1587           0 :         throw exception("drop cell failed");
    1588             :     }
    1589             : }
    1590             : 
    1591             : /** \brief Delete a Cell from a table row.
    1592             :  *
    1593             :  * This function removes a cell from the Cassandra database as specified
    1594             :  * by the parameters.
    1595             :  *
    1596             :  * \param[in] row_key           The row in which the cell is to be removed.
    1597             :  */
    1598           0 : void table::remove( const QByteArray& row_key )
    1599             : {
    1600           0 :     if( !f_from_cassandra || !f_proxy )
    1601             :     {
    1602           0 :         return;
    1603             :     }
    1604             : 
    1605             :     const QString query_string(
    1606           0 :         QString("DELETE FROM %1.%2 WHERE key=?")
    1607           0 :             .arg(f_context_name)
    1608           0 :             .arg(f_table_name)
    1609           0 :             );
    1610             : 
    1611           0 :     order drop_cell;
    1612           0 :     drop_cell.setCql( query_string, (f_batch_index == -1)
    1613             :                          ? order::type_of_result_t::TYPE_OF_RESULT_SUCCESS
    1614             :                          : order::type_of_result_t::TYPE_OF_RESULT_BATCH_ADD
    1615             :                        );
    1616           0 :     drop_cell.setBatchIndex(f_batch_index);
    1617           0 :     drop_cell.setConsistencyLevel(parentContext()->parentCassandra()->defaultConsistencyLevel());
    1618           0 :     drop_cell.setTimestamp(libdbproxy::timeofday()); // make sure it gets deleted no matter when it was created
    1619           0 :     drop_cell.addParameter(row_key);
    1620           0 :     order_result const drop_cell_result(f_proxy->sendOrder(drop_cell));
    1621           0 :     if(!drop_cell_result.succeeded())
    1622             :     {
    1623           0 :         throw exception("drop cell failed");
    1624             :     }
    1625             : }
    1626             : 
    1627           6 : } // namespace libdbproxy
    1628             : 
    1629             : // vim: ts=4 sw=4 et

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