LCOV - code coverage report
Current view: top level - src - tld_emails.cpp (source / functions) Hit Total Coverage
Test: Lines: 426 426 100.0 %
Date: 2015-11-01 Functions: 20 20 100.0 %
Legend: Lines: hit not hit

          Line data    Source code
       1             : /* TLD library -- TLD, emails extractions
       2             :  * Copyright (C) 2013-2015  Made to Order Software Corp.
       3             :  *
       4             :  * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a
       5             :  * copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
       6             :  * "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including
       7             :  * without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
       8             :  * distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to
       9             :  * permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to
      10             :  * the following conditions:
      11             :  *
      12             :  * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included
      13             :  * in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
      14             :  *
      22             :  */
      23             : #include "libtld/tld.h"
      24             : #include <memory>
      25             : #include <stdio.h>
      26             : #include <string.h>
      27             : 
      28             : /** \file
      29             :  * \brief Implementation of an email parser.
      30             :  *
      31             :  * This file includes all the functions available in the C library
      32             :  * of libtld. The format of emails is described in RFC 5322 paragraph
      33             :  * 3.4. That RFC uses the ABNF defined in RFC 5234. We limit our
      34             :  * implementation to reading a line of email addresses, not a full
      35             :  * email buffer. Thus we are limited to the content of a field such
      36             :  * as the "To:" field. We support emails that are written as:
      37             :  *
      38             :  * username@domain.tld
      39             :  * "First & Last Name" <username@domain.tld>
      40             :  *
      41             :  * And we support lists thereof (emails separated by commas.)
      42             :  *
      43             :  * Also, emails may include internationalized characters (Unicode). Since
      44             :  * our systems make use of UTF-8, the input format can be considered as
      45             :  * UTF-8 in which case we simply accept all characters from 0xA0 to
      46             :  * 0x10FFFF (the full Unicode range.) However, we also support the Q and B
      47             :  * encoding to directly support email fields. The B encoding is base64 of
      48             :  * UTF-8 data which works in ASCII 7 bit. The Q is ASCII with characters
      49             :  * marked with the equal sign and their 2 byte codes. This works well when
      50             :  * all the characters fit in one character set. Note that all characters
      51             :  * can be represented because more than one encoding can be used within
      52             :  * a phrase, but it is unlikely to be used that way.
      53             :  *
      54             :  * Text versions:
      55             :  *
      56             :  *
      57             :  *
      58             :  *
      59             :  *
      60             :  * HTML versions (with links):
      61             :  *
      62             :  *
      63             :  *
      64             :  *
      65             :  *
      66             :  * \note
      67             :  * At this point we do not foresee offering group capabilities. Therefore
      68             :  * the code does not support such. It will certainly be added later.
      69             :  * Note that the parser will skip all white spaces, including comments.
      70             :  * This means once parsed, all those white spaces and comments are lost.
      71             :  *
      72             :  * \note
      73             :  * The following code comes from a mix versions starting with RFC 2822
      74             :  * ( which still accepted all
      75             :  * control characters everywhere. Now only white spaces are allowed
      76             :  * in most places (\\r\\n\\t and the space \\x20). We also do not
      77             :  * allow control characters all over the place because it is likely
      78             :  * not valid.
      79             :  *
      80             :  * \code
      81             :  * (this part is not implemented, it just shows what is expected to be used for such
      82             :  * and such field.)
      83             :  * from            =       "From:" (mailbox-list / address-list) CRLF
      84             :  * sender          =       "Sender:" (mailbox / address) CRLF
      85             :  * reply-to        =       "Reply-To:" address-list CRLF
      86             :  * to              =       "To:" address-list CRLF
      87             :  * cc              =       "Cc:" address-list CRLF
      88             :  * bcc             =       "Bcc:" (address-list / [CFWS]) CRLF
      89             :  *
      90             :  * address         =       mailbox / group
      91             :  * mailbox         =       name-addr / addr-spec
      92             :  * name-addr       =       [display-name] angle-addr
      93             :  * angle-addr      =       [CFWS] "<" addr-spec ">" [CFWS] / obs-angle-addr
      94             :  * group           =       display-name ":" [mailbox-list / CFWS] ";" [CFWS]
      95             :  * display-name    =       phrase
      96             :  * mailbox-list    =       (mailbox *("," mailbox)) / obs-mbox-list
      97             :  * address-list    =       (address *("," address)) / obs-addr-list
      98             :  * addr-spec       =       local-part "@" domain
      99             :  * local-part      =       dot-atom / quoted-string / obs-local-part
     100             :  * domain          =       dot-atom / domain-literal / obs-domain
     101             :  * domain-literal  =       [CFWS] "[" *([FWS] dcontent) [FWS] "]" [CFWS]
     102             :  * dcontent        =       dtext / quoted-pair
     103             :  * dtext           =       NO-WS-CTL /     ; Non white space controls
     104             :  *                         %d33-90 /       ; The rest of the US-ASCII
     105             :  *                         %d94-126        ;  characters not including "[",
     106             :  *                                         ;  "]", or "\"
     107             :  * NO-WS-CTL       =       %d1-8 /         ; US-ASCII control characters
     108             :  *                         %d11 /          ;  that do not include the
     109             :  *                         %d12 /          ;  carriage return, line feed,
     110             :  *                         %d14-31 /       ;  and white space characters
     111             :  *                         %d127
     112             :  * text            =       %d1-9 /         ; Characters excluding CR and LF
     113             :  *                         %d11 /
     114             :  *                         %d12 /
     115             :  *                         %d14-127 /
     116             :  *                         obs-text
     117             :  * specials        =       "(" / ")" /     ; Special characters used in
     118             :  *                         "<" / ">" /     ;  other parts of the syntax
     119             :  *                         "[" / "]" /
     120             :  *                         ":" / ";" /
     121             :  *                         "@" / "\" /
     122             :  *                         "," / "." /
     123             :  *                         DQUOTE
     124             :  * DQUOTE          =       %x22
     125             :  * ALPHA           =       %x41-5A / %x61-7A   ; A-Z / a-z
     126             :  * DIGIT           =       %x30-39             ; 0-9
     127             :  * SP              =       %x20
     128             :  * HTAB            =       %x09
     129             :  * WSP             =       SP / HTAB
     130             :  * CR              =       %x0D
     131             :  * LF              =       %x0A
     132             :  * CRLF            =       CR LF
     133             :  * FWS             =       ([*WSP CRLF] 1*WSP) /   ; Folding white space
     134             :  *                         obs-FWS
     135             :  * quoted-pair     =       ("\" text) / obs-qp
     136             :  * ctext           =       NO-WS-CTL /     ; Non white space controls
     137             :  *                         %d33-39 /       ; The rest of the US-ASCII
     138             :  *                         %d42-91 /       ;  characters not including "(",
     139             :  *                         %d93-126        ;  ")", or "\"
     140             :  * ccontent        =       ctext / quoted-pair / comment / encoded-word
     141             :  * comment         =       "(" *([FWS] ccontent) [FWS] ")"
     142             :  * CFWS            =       *([FWS] comment) (([FWS] comment) / FWS)
     143             :  * atext           =       ALPHA / DIGIT / ; Any character except controls,
     144             :  *                         "!" / "#" /     ;  SP, and specials.
     145             :  *                         "$" / "%" /     ;  Used for atoms
     146             :  *                         "&" / "'" /
     147             :  *                         "*" / "+" /
     148             :  *                         "-" / "/" /
     149             :  *                         "=" / "?" /
     150             :  *                         "^" / "_" /
     151             :  *                         "`" / "{" /
     152             :  *                         "|" / "}" /
     153             :  *                         "~"
     154             :  * atom            =       [CFWS] 1*atext [CFWS]
     155             :  * dot-atom        =       [CFWS] dot-atom-text [CFWS]
     156             :  * dot-atom-text   =       1*atext *("." 1*atext)
     157             :  * qtext           =       NO-WS-CTL /     ; Non white space controls
     158             :  *                         %d33 /          ; The rest of the US-ASCII
     159             :  *                         %d35-91 /       ;  characters not including "\"
     160             :  *                         %d93-126        ;  or the quote character
     161             :  * qcontent        =       qtext / quoted-pair
     162             :  * quoted-string   =       [CFWS]
     163             :  *                         DQUOTE *([FWS] qcontent) [FWS] DQUOTE
     164             :  *                         [CFWS]
     165             :  * word            =       atom / quoted-string
     166             :  * phrase          =       1*word / obs-phrase
     167             :  *
     168             :  * # Added by RFC-1522
     169             :  * encoded-word    =       "=?" charset "?" encoding "?" encoded-text "?="
     170             :  * charset         =       token
     171             :  * encoding        =       token
     172             :  * token           =       1*<Any CHAR except SPACE, CTLs, and especials>
     173             :  *                         ; equivalent to:
     174             :  *                         ; 1*(%d33 / %d35-39 / %d42-43 / %d45 / %d48-57 /
     175             :  *                         ; %d65-90 / %d92 / %d94-126)
     176             :  * especials       =       "(" / ")" / "<" / ">" / "@" / "," / ";" / ":" /
     177             :  *                         DQUOTE / "/" / "[" / "]" / "?" / "." / "="
     178             :  * encoded-text    =       1*<Any printable ASCII character other than "?" or SPACE>
     179             :  *                         ; %d33-62 / %d64-126
     180             :  *
     181             :  * # Obsolete syntax "extensions"
     182             :  * obs-from        =       "From" *WSP ":" mailbox-list CRLF
     183             :  * obs-sender      =       "Sender" *WSP ":" mailbox CRLF
     184             :  * obs-reply-to    =       "Reply-To" *WSP ":" mailbox-list CRLF
     185             :  * obs-to          =       "To" *WSP ":" address-list CRLF
     186             :  * obs-cc          =       "Cc" *WSP ":" address-list CRLF
     187             :  * obs-bcc         =       "Bcc" *WSP ":" (address-list / [CFWS]) CRLF
     188             :  * obs-qp          =       "\" (%d0-127)
     189             :  * obs-text        =       *LF *CR *(obs-char *LF *CR)
     190             :  * obs-char        =       %d0-9 / %d11 /          ; %d0-127 except CR and
     191             :  *                         %d12 / %d14-127         ;  LF
     192             :  * obs-utext       =       obs-text
     193             :  * obs-phrase      =       word *(word / "." / CFWS)
     194             :  * obs-phrase-list =       phrase / 1*([phrase] [CFWS] "," [CFWS]) [phrase]
     195             :  * obs-FWS         =       1*WSP *(CRLF 1*WSP)
     196             :  * obs-angle-addr  =       [CFWS] "<" [obs-route] addr-spec ">" [CFWS]
     197             :  * obs-route       =       [CFWS] obs-domain-list ":" [CFWS]
     198             :  * obs-domain-list =       "@" domain *(*(CFWS / "," ) [CFWS] "@" domain)
     199             :  * obs-local-part  =       word *("." word)
     200             :  * obs-domain      =       atom *("." atom)
     201             :  * obs-mbox-list   =       1*([mailbox] [CFWS] "," [CFWS]) [mailbox]
     202             :  * obs-addr-list   =       1*([address] [CFWS] "," [CFWS]) [address]
     203             :  * \endcode
     204             :  *
     205             :  * The ABNF is a bit complicated to use as is, so there is a lex and yacc
     206             :  * which I find easier to implement to my point of view:
     207             :  *
     208             :  * \code
     209             :  * (lex part)
     210             :  * [-A-Za-z0-9!#$%&'*+/=?^_`{|}~]+                                          atom_text_repeat (ALPHA+DIGIT+some other characters)
     211             :  * ([\x09\x0A\x0D\x20-\x27\x2A-\x5B\x5D-\x7E]|\\[\x09\x20-\x7E])+           comment_text_repeat
     212             :  * ([\x33-\x5A\x5E-\x7E])+                                                  domain_text_repeat
     213             :  * ([\x21\x23-\x5B\x5D-\x7E]|\\[\x09\x20-\x7E])+                            quoted_text_repeat
     214             :  * \x22                                                                     DQUOTE
     215             :  * [\x20\x09]*\x0D\x0A[\x20\x09]+                                           FWS
     216             :  * .                                                                        any other character
     217             :  *
     218             :  * (lex definitions merged in more complex lex definitions)
     219             :  * [\x01-\x08\x0B\x0C\x0E-\x1F\x7F]                                         NO_WS_CTL
     220             :  * [()<>[\]:;@\\,.]                                                         specials
     221             :  * [\x01-\x09\x0B\x0C\x0E-\x7F]                                             text
     222             :  * \\[\x09\x20-\x7E]                                                        quoted_pair ('\\' text)
     223             :  * [A-Za-z]                                                                 ALPHA
     224             :  * [0-9]                                                                    DIGIT
     225             :  * [\x20\x09]                                                               WSP
     226             :  * \x20                                                                     SP
     227             :  * \x09                                                                     HTAB
     228             :  * \x0D\x0A                                                                 CRLF
     229             :  * \x0D                                                                     CR
     230             :  * \x0A                                                                     LF
     231             :  *
     232             :  * (yacc part)
     233             :  * address_list: address
     234             :  *             | address ',' address_list
     235             :  * address: mailbox
     236             :  *        | group
     237             :  * mailbox_list: mailbox
     238             :  *             | mailbox ',' mailbox_list
     239             :  * mailbox: name_addr
     240             :  *        | addr_spec
     241             :  * group: display_name ':' mailbox_list ';' CFWS
     242             :  *      | display_name ':' CFWS ';' CFWS
     243             :  * name_addr: angle_addr
     244             :  *          | display_name angle_addr
     245             :  * display_name: phrase
     246             :  * angle_addr: CFWS '<' addr_spec '>' CFWS
     247             :  * addr_spec: local_part '@' domain
     248             :  * local_part: dot_atom
     249             :  *           | quoted_string
     250             :  * domain: dot_atom
     251             :  *       | domain_literal
     252             :  * domain_literal: CFWS '[' FWS domain_text_repeat FWS ']' CFWS
     253             :  * phrase: word
     254             :  *       | word phrase
     255             :  * word: atom
     256             :  *     | quoted_string
     257             :  * atom: CFWS atom_text_repeat CFWS
     258             :  * dot_atom: CFWS dot_atom_text CFWS
     259             :  * dot_atom_text: atom_text_repeat
     260             :  *              | atom_text_repeat '.' dot_atom_text
     261             :  * quoted_string: CFWS DQUOTE quoted_text_repeat DQUOTE CFWS
     262             :  * CFWS: <empty>
     263             :  *     | FWS comment
     264             :  *     | CFWS comment FWS
     265             :  * comment: '(' comment_content ')'
     266             :  * comment_content: comment_text_repeat
     267             :  *                | comment
     268             :  *                | ccontent ccontent
     269             :  * \endcode
     270             :  */
     271             : 
     272             : 
     273             : 
     274             : 
     275             : 
     276             : namespace
     277             : {
     278             : /** \brief Internal function used to trim a string.
     279             :  *
     280             :  * This function is used to remove any white spaces (\\r, \\n, \\t, and
     281             :  * spaces (\\x20)) from the end of the string passed in as a parameter.
     282             :  *
     283             :  * The function makes use of the resize() function if any character
     284             :  * need to be removed.
     285             :  *
     286             :  * \param[in,out] value  The string to be trimmed
     287             :  */
     288        1121 : void trim(std::string& value)
     289             : {
     290        1121 :     if(!value.empty())
     291             :     {
     292         995 :         size_t i(value.length());
     293        1021 :         for(; i > 0; --i)
     294             :         {
     295        1021 :             const char c(value[i - 1]);
     296        1021 :             if(c != ' ' && c != '\r' && c != '\n' && c != '\t')
     297             :             {
     298         995 :                 break;
     299             :             }
     300             :         }
     301         995 :         value.resize(i);
     302             :     }
     303        1121 : }
     304             : 
     305             : /** \brief Check whether a character can be quoted.
     306             :  *
     307             :  * The quoted characters are visible characters and white spaces (space 0x20,
     308             :  * and horizontal tab 0x09).
     309             :  *
     310             :  * \param[in] c  The character being escaped to know whether it can be.
     311             :  *
     312             :  * \return true if the character can be used with \\, false otherwise
     313             :  */
     314         118 : bool is_quoted_char(char c)
     315             : {
     316             :     // 0x7F is the Delete key which is viewed as a control
     317             :     // here we accept all characters over 127 in case the user
     318             :     // has UTF-8 as input data
     319         118 :     return c == '\t' || c >= ' ' && c != 0x7F;
     320             : }
     321             : 
     322             : /** \brief Check whether the character is a valid atom character.
     323             :  *
     324             :  * Characters that are valid atom characters can appear as is in
     325             :  * a display name. Other characters need to be quoted. This function
     326             :  * check whether a character is an atom character or not.
     327             :  *
     328             :  * \param[in] c  The character to be checked.
     329             :  *
     330             :  * \return true if the \p c character is an atom character.
     331             :  */
     332       21873 : bool is_atom_char(char c)
     333             : {
     334       18902 :     return (c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z')
     335       21598 :         || (c >= 'a' && c <= 'z')
     336        3039 :         || (c >= '0' && c <= '9')
     337        1488 :         || c == '!' || c == '#'
     338        1471 :         || c == '$' || c == '%'
     339        1428 :         || c == '&' || c == '\''
     340        1412 :         || c == '*' || c == '+'
     341        1396 :         || c == '-' || c == '/'
     342        1372 :         || c == '=' || c == '?'
     343        1356 :         || c == '^' || c == '_'
     344        1339 :         || c == '`' || c == '{'
     345        1323 :         || c == '|' || c == '}'
     346       23180 :         || c == '~';
     347             : }
     348             : } // no name namespace
     349             : 
     350             : 
     351             : /** \brief Initialize the tld_email_list object.
     352             :  *
     353             :  * This function initializes the tld_email_list object appropriately.
     354             :  *
     355             :  * By default a tld_email_list object is empty so the next() function
     356             :  * returns false immediately and the count() function returns zero (0).
     357             :  */
     358         594 : tld_email_list::tld_email_list()
     359             :     //: f_input("") -- auto-init
     360             :     : f_flags(0)
     361             :     , f_result(TLD_RESULT_SUCCESS)
     362             :     //, f_last_group("") -- auto-init
     363         594 :     , f_pos(0)
     364             :     //, f_email_list() -- auto-init
     365             : {
     366         594 : }
     367             : 
     368             : /** \brief Parse a new list of emails.
     369             :  *
     370             :  * This function parses the list of emails as specified by \p emails.
     371             :  * The result is TLD_RESULT_SUCCESS if all the email addresses were
     372             :  * valid. Any other result means that the resulting list of email
     373             :  * addresses will be completely empty.
     374             :  *
     375             :  * Note that at this time it is not possible to only extra the list
     376             :  * of valid emails from a list of valid and invalid emails.
     377             :  *
     378             :  * \param[in] emails  A list of email address to be parsed.
     379             :  * \param[in] flags  A set of flags to define what should be checked
     380             :  *                   and what should be ignored. No flags are defined
     381             :  *                   yet.
     382             :  *
     383             :  * \return TLD_RESULT_SUCCESS when no errors were detected, TLD_RESULT_INVALID
     384             :  *         or some other value if any error occured.
     385             :  */
     386         594 : tld_result tld_email_list::parse(const std::string& emails, int flags)
     387             : {
     388         594 :     f_input = emails;
     389         594 :     f_flags = flags;
     390         594 :     f_result = TLD_RESULT_SUCCESS;
     391         594 :     f_last_group.clear();
     392         594 :     f_pos = 0; // always rewind too
     393         594 :     f_email_list.clear();
     394             : 
     395         594 :     parse_all_emails();
     396         594 :     if(f_result != TLD_RESULT_SUCCESS)
     397             :     {
     398         102 :         f_email_list.clear();
     399             :     }
     400             : 
     401         594 :     return f_result;
     402             : }
     403             : 
     404             : /** \brief Parse all the emails in f_input.
     405             :  *
     406             :  * This function reads all the emails found in the f_input string. It
     407             :  * generates a list of emails segregated by group.
     408             :  */
     409         594 : void tld_email_list::parse_all_emails()
     410             : {
     411             :     // old emails supposedly accepted \0 in headers! we do not
     412             :     // we actually don't even support control characters as
     413             :     // defined in the newest version of the Internet Message
     414             :     // (RFC 5322); the following loop, though, does not check
     415             :     // all the characters, only those necessary to cut all the
     416             :     // email elements properly
     417             : 
     418         594 :     const char *start(f_input.c_str());
     419         594 :     bool group(true);
     420         594 :     const char *s(start);
     421        9136 :     for(; *s != '\0'; ++s)
     422             :     {
     423        8572 :         switch(*s)
     424             :         {
     425             :         case ' ':
     426             :         case '\n':
     427             :         case '\r':
     428             :         case '\t':
     429             :             // skip leading spaces immediately
     430         364 :             if(start == s)
     431             :             {
     432          56 :                 start = s + 1;
     433             :             }
     434         364 :             break;
     435             : 
     436             :         case ';':
     437             :             // end of this group
     438             :             {
     439             :                 // trim ending spaces
     440          12 :                 const char *end(s);
     441          12 :                 for(; end > start; --end)
     442             :                 {
     443          12 :                     const char c(end[-1]);
     444          12 :                     if(c != ' ' && c != '\n' && c != '\r' && c != '\t')
     445             :                     {
     446          12 :                         break;
     447             :                     }
     448             :                 }
     449          12 :                 if(end - start > 0)
     450             :                 {
     451          12 :                     std::string e(start, end - start);
     452          22 :                     tld_email_t email;
     453          12 :                     email.f_group = f_last_group;
     454          12 :                     f_result = email.parse(e);
     455          12 :                     if(f_result != TLD_RESULT_SUCCESS)
     456             :                     {
     457           2 :                         return;
     458             :                     }
     459          20 :                     f_email_list.push_back(email);
     460             :                 }
     461             :             }
     462          10 :             f_last_group = "";
     463          10 :             group = true;
     464          10 :             start = s + 1;
     465          10 :             break;
     466             : 
     467             :         case ':':
     468             :             // group label
     469          22 :             if(!group)
     470             :             {
     471             :                 // wrong place for this ':' character
     472           2 :                 f_result = TLD_RESULT_INVALID;
     473           2 :                 return;
     474             :             }
     475             :             {
     476             :                 // trim ending spaces
     477          20 :                 const char *end(s);
     478          28 :                 for(; end > start; --end)
     479             :                 {
     480          26 :                     const char c(end[-1]);
     481          26 :                     if(c != ' ' && c != '\n' && c != '\r' && c != '\t')
     482             :                     {
     483          18 :                         break;
     484             :                     }
     485             :                 }
     486          20 :                 if(end - start <= 0)
     487             :                 {
     488             :                     // An explicitly empty group name is not legal
     489           2 :                     f_result = TLD_RESULT_INVALID;
     490           8 :                     return;
     491             :                 }
     492          18 :                 std::string last_group(start, end - start);
     493             :                 // always add the group with an empty email (in case there
     494             :                 // is no email; and it clearly delimit each group.)
     495          32 :                 tld_email_t email;
     496          18 :                 f_result = email.parse_group(last_group);
     497          18 :                 if(f_result != TLD_RESULT_SUCCESS)
     498             :                 {
     499             :                     // this happens if the group name is invalid
     500             :                     // (i.e. include controls or is empty)
     501           4 :                     return;
     502             :                 }
     503          14 :                 f_last_group = email.f_group;
     504          28 :                 f_email_list.push_back(email);
     505             :             }
     506          14 :             start = s + 1;
     507          14 :             group = false; // cannot get another legal ':' until we find the ';'
     508          14 :             break;
     509             : 
     510             :         case ',':
     511             :             // email separation
     512             :             {
     513             :                 // trim ending spaces
     514          10 :                 const char *end(s);
     515          10 :                 for(; end > start; --end)
     516             :                 {
     517          10 :                     const char c(end[-1]);
     518          10 :                     if(c != ' ' && c != '\n' && c != '\r' && c != '\t')
     519             :                     {
     520          10 :                         break;
     521             :                     }
     522             :                 }
     523          10 :                 if(end - start > 0)
     524             :                 {
     525          10 :                     std::string e(start, end - start);
     526          18 :                     tld_email_t email;
     527          10 :                     email.f_group = f_last_group;
     528          10 :                     f_result = email.parse(e);
     529          10 :                     if(f_result != TLD_RESULT_SUCCESS)
     530             :                     {
     531           2 :                         return;
     532             :                     }
     533          16 :                     f_email_list.push_back(email);
     534             :                 }
     535             :             }
     536           8 :             start = s + 1;
     537           8 :             break;
     538             : 
     539             :         case '"':
     540             :             // quoted strings may include escaped characters so it is a
     541             :             // special case, also it could include a comma
     542        1874 :             for(++s; *s != '\0' && *s != '"'; ++s)
     543             :             {
     544        1662 :                 if(*s == '\\')
     545             :                 {
     546         102 :                     if(!is_quoted_char(s[1]))
     547             :                     {
     548             :                         // "\NUL" is never considered valid
     549           2 :                         f_result = TLD_RESULT_INVALID;
     550           2 :                         return;
     551             :                     }
     552         100 :                     ++s;
     553             :                 }
     554             :             }
     555         212 :             if(*s == '\0')
     556             :             {
     557             :                 // unterminated quoted string
     558           2 :                 f_result = TLD_RESULT_INVALID;
     559           2 :                 return;
     560             :             }
     561         210 :             break;
     562             : 
     563             :         case '(':
     564             :             {
     565             :                 // comments may include other comments
     566         231 :                 int comment_count(1);
     567        4847 :                 for(++s; *s != '\0' && comment_count > 0; ++s)
     568             :                 {
     569        4618 :                     if(*s == '\\')
     570             :                     {
     571          10 :                         if(!is_quoted_char(s[1]))
     572             :                         {
     573             :                             // "\NUL" is never considered valid
     574           2 :                             f_result = TLD_RESULT_INVALID;
     575           2 :                             return;
     576             :                         }
     577           8 :                         ++s;
     578             :                     }
     579        4608 :                     else if(*s == '(')
     580             :                     {
     581          24 :                         ++comment_count;
     582             :                     }
     583        4584 :                     else if(*s == ')')
     584             :                     {
     585         251 :                         --comment_count;
     586             :                     }
     587             :                 }
     588         229 :                 if(*s == '\0')
     589             :                 {
     590             :                     // unterminated comment
     591           6 :                     f_result = TLD_RESULT_INVALID;
     592           6 :                     return;
     593             :                 }
     594             :             }
     595         223 :             break;
     596             : 
     597             :         case '[':
     598        1792 :             for(++s; *s != ']'; ++s)
     599             :             {
     600        1664 :                 if(*s == '\0' || *s == '[' || *s == '\\')
     601             :                 {
     602             :                     // domain literal cannot include '[', ']', or '\'
     603             :                     // and it must end with ']'
     604           6 :                     f_result = TLD_RESULT_INVALID;
     605           6 :                     return;
     606             :                 }
     607             :             }
     608         128 :             break;
     609             : 
     610             :         }
     611             :     }
     612             : 
     613         564 :     if(!group)
     614             :     {
     615             :         // the ';' to end a group is missing
     616           2 :         f_result = TLD_RESULT_INVALID;
     617           2 :         return;
     618             :     }
     619             : 
     620             :     {
     621             :         // trim ending spaces
     622         562 :         const char *end(s);
     623         628 :         for(; end > start; --end)
     624             :         {
     625         622 :             const char c(end[-1]);
     626         622 :             if(c != ' ' && c != '\n' && c != '\r' && c != '\t')
     627             :             {
     628         556 :                 break;
     629             :             }
     630             :         }
     631         562 :         if(end - start > 0)
     632             :         {
     633         556 :             std::string e(start, end - start);
     634        1042 :             tld_email_t email;
     635         556 :             email.f_group = f_last_group;
     636         556 :             f_result = email.parse(e);
     637         556 :             if(f_result != TLD_RESULT_SUCCESS)
     638             :             {
     639          70 :                 return;
     640             :             }
     641         972 :             f_email_list.push_back(email);
     642             :         }
     643             :     }
     644             : }
     645             : 
     646             : /** \brief Transform a name if it requires quotation.
     647             :  *
     648             :  * This function checks the \p quote parameter and react depending on
     649             :  * what it is:
     650             :  *
     651             :  * \li Quote is a Double Quote (") character
     652             :  *
     653             :  * In this case, the characters are checked to see whether they all
     654             :  * are atom characters, including spaces. If all are atoms, then the
     655             :  * input \p str parameter is returned as is, otherwise it is returned
     656             :  * between double quotes.
     657             :  *
     658             :  * This is used for the display or full name.
     659             :  *
     660             :  * \li Quote is a Single Quote (') character
     661             :  *
     662             :  * In this case, the characters are checked to see whether they all
     663             :  * are atom characters, including dots. If all are atoms, then the
     664             :  * input \p str parameter is returned as is, otherwise it is returned
     665             :  * between double quotes.
     666             :  *
     667             :  * This is used for the username.
     668             :  *
     669             :  * \li Quote is an opening square bracket character
     670             :  *
     671             :  * In this case the character are checked to see whether they all
     672             :  * are atom characters, including dots. If all are atoms, then the
     673             :  * input \p str parameter is returned as is, otherwise it is returned
     674             :  * between square brackets.
     675             :  *
     676             :  * This is used for domain names.
     677             :  *
     678             :  * \li Quote is an opening parenthesis character
     679             :  *
     680             :  * In this case the characters are not checked because comments are
     681             :  * always written between parenthesis. The quoting always happens.
     682             :  * However, if the comment includes opening and closing parenthesis,
     683             :  * then those are backslased.
     684             :  *
     685             :  * This is used for comments.
     686             :  *
     687             :  * Note that in effect this function cannot be used to create
     688             :  * comments that include sub-comments.
     689             :  *
     690             :  * \li Quote is another character.
     691             :  *
     692             :  * In this case the function raises an exception.
     693             :  *
     694             :  * \exception std::logic_error
     695             :  * The function was called with an invalid quote parameter.
     696             :  *
     697             :  * \param[in] str  The string to be quoted as required.
     698             :  * \param[in] quote  The type of quotes to use with this string.
     699             :  *
     700             :  * \return The input string with quotes if required.
     701             :  */
     702        2036 : std::string tld_email_list::quote_string(const std::string& str, char quote)
     703             : {
     704        2036 :     bool apply_quotes(false);
     705        2036 :     char open(quote);
     706        2036 :     char close('"');
     707        2036 :     const char *extra("");
     708        2036 :     const char *escape("");
     709        2036 :     switch(quote)
     710             :     {
     711             :     case '(':
     712           2 :         close = ')';
     713           2 :         apply_quotes = true;
     714           2 :         escape = "()";
     715           2 :         break;
     716             : 
     717             :     case '"':
     718          18 :         extra = " \t";
     719          18 :         escape = "\"";
     720          18 :         break;
     721             : 
     722             :     case '\'':
     723        1008 :         open = '"';
     724        1008 :         close = '"';
     725        1008 :         extra = ".";
     726        1008 :         escape = "\"";
     727        1008 :         break;
     728             : 
     729             :     case '[':
     730        1008 :         close = ']';
     731        1008 :         extra = ".";
     732        1008 :         break;
     733             : 
     734             :     }
     735        2036 :     if(!apply_quotes)
     736             :     {
     737             :         // check whether quotes are required
     738        2034 :         const char *s(str.c_str());
     739       17995 :         for(; *s != '\0'; ++s)
     740             :         {
     741       16034 :             if(!is_atom_char(*s) && strchr(extra, *s) == NULL)
     742             :             {
     743          73 :                 break;
     744             :             }
     745             :         }
     746        2034 :         apply_quotes = *s != '\0';
     747             :     }
     748        2036 :     if(apply_quotes)
     749             :     {
     750          75 :         std::string result;
     751          75 :         result += open;
     752         797 :         for(const char *s(str.c_str()); *s != '\0'; ++s)
     753             :         {
     754         722 :             if(strchr(escape, *s) != NULL)
     755             :             {
     756          10 :                 result += '\\';
     757             :             }
     758         722 :             result += *s;
     759             :         }
     760          75 :         result += close;
     761          75 :         return result;
     762             :     }
     763        1961 :     return str;
     764             : }
     765             : 
     766             : /** \brief Return the number of emails recorded.
     767             :  *
     768             :  * This function returns the number of times the next() function can be
     769             :  * called to retrieve all the groups and emails. Note that this count
     770             :  * include group entries (i.e. entries with a group name but no email
     771             :  * addresses.)
     772             :  *
     773             :  * \return The number of items in the list of emails, including groups.
     774             :  *
     775             :  * \sa next()
     776             :  */
     777          34 : int tld_email_list::count() const
     778             : {
     779          34 :     return static_cast<int>(f_email_list.size());
     780             : }
     781             : 
     782             : /** \brief Rewind the reader to the start of the list.
     783             :  *
     784             :  * This function reset the reader position back to the beginning of
     785             :  * the list of emails. The position increases each time the next()
     786             :  * function returns true.
     787             :  *
     788             :  * \sa next()
     789             :  */
     790          51 : void tld_email_list::rewind() const
     791             : {
     792          51 :     f_pos = 0;
     793          51 : }
     794             : 
     795             : /** \brief Retrieve a copy of the next email information.
     796             :  *
     797             :  * This function reads the next email in your \p e parameter.
     798             :  *
     799             :  * The function returns true when the email parameter could be set. It
     800             :  * is very important that you check that return value because otherwise
     801             :  * you cannot actually know whether you reached the end of the list.
     802             :  *
     803             :  * \param[out] e  The email object that receives the next item if there is one.
     804             :  *
     805             :  * \return true if e was set, false otherwise and e is not modified.
     806             :  */
     807          44 : bool tld_email_list::next(tld_email_t& e) const
     808             : {
     809          44 :     if(f_pos >= static_cast<int>(f_email_list.size()))
     810             :     {
     811          17 :         return false;
     812             :     }
     813             : 
     814          27 :     e = f_email_list[f_pos];
     815          27 :     ++f_pos;
     816             : 
     817          27 :     return true;
     818             : }
     819             : 
     820             : /** \brief Retrieve a copy of the next email information.
     821             :  *
     822             :  * This function reads the next email in your \p e parameter.
     823             :  *
     824             :  * The function returns true when the email parameter could be set. It
     825             :  * is very important that you check that return value because otherwise
     826             :  * you cannot actually know whether you reached the end of the list.
     827             :  *
     828             :  * \warning
     829             :  * The pointers saved in the tld_email structure are taken from the
     830             :  * list of emails defined in the tld_email_list object. If the list
     831             :  * is changed (by a call to the parse() function) then those pointers
     832             :  * become invalid.
     833             :  *
     834             :  * \param[out] e  The email object that receives the next item if there is one.
     835             :  *
     836             :  * \return true if e was set, false otherwise and e is not modified.
     837             :  */
     838         132 : bool tld_email_list::next(tld_email *e) const
     839             : {
     840         132 :     if(f_pos >= static_cast<int>(f_email_list.size()))
     841             :     {
     842          51 :         return false;
     843             :     }
     844             : 
     845          81 :     e->f_group               = f_email_list[f_pos].f_group.c_str();
     846          81 :     e->f_original_email      = f_email_list[f_pos].f_original_email.c_str();
     847          81 :     e->f_fullname            = f_email_list[f_pos].f_fullname.c_str();
     848          81 :     e->f_username            = f_email_list[f_pos].f_username.c_str();
     849          81 :     e->f_domain              = f_email_list[f_pos].f_domain.c_str();
     850          81 :     e->f_email_only          = f_email_list[f_pos].f_email_only.c_str();
     851          81 :     e->f_canonicalized_email = f_email_list[f_pos].f_canonicalized_email.c_str();
     852          81 :     ++f_pos;
     853             : 
     854          81 :     return true;
     855             : }
     856             : 
     857             : /** \brief Check whether a name represents a field with a list of emails.
     858             :  *
     859             :  * This function checks whether a given name represents (is used as) a list
     860             :  * of email addresses.
     861             :  *
     862             :  * All field names are expected to be ASCII. If any other characters appear
     863             :  * then the function returns TLD_EMAIL_FIELD_TYPE_INVALID. The field name
     864             :  * must also start with a letter (A-Z) and it cannot be empty.
     865             :  *
     866             :  * When a field that does not represent an email address or a list thereof
     867             :  * the function returns TLD_EMAIL_FIELD_TYPE_UNKNOWN.
     868             :  *
     869             :  * In all other cases, the function return another TLD_EMAIL_FIELD_TYPE_...
     870             :  *
     871             :  * Note that the field name may be followed by a colon character in which
     872             :  * case the parser stops there.
     873             :  *
     874             :  * \param[in] name  The name of the field to check.
     875             :  *
     876             :  * \return One of the TLD_EMAIL_FIELD_TYPE_... values.
     877             :  */
     878          48 : tld_email_field_type tld_email_list::email_field_type(const std::string& name)
     879             : {
     880          48 :     std::string uname;
     881         388 :     for(const char *u(name.c_str()); *u != '\0' && *u != ':'; ++u)
     882             :     {
     883         342 :         if(*u >= 'a' && *u <= 'z')
     884             :         {
     885         298 :             uname += *u & 0x5F;
     886             :         }
     887          44 :         else if((*u >= 'A' && *u <= 'Z')
     888          40 :              || (*u >= '0' && *u <= '9')
     889          30 :              || *u == '-')
     890             :         {
     891          42 :             uname += *u;
     892             :         }
     893             :         else
     894             :         {
     895           2 :             return TLD_EMAIL_FIELD_TYPE_INVALID;
     896             :         }
     897             :     }
     898             :     // the field must start with a letter and it cannot be empty
     899          46 :     if(uname.empty() || uname[0] < 'A' || uname[0] > 'Z')
     900             :     {
     901          12 :         return TLD_EMAIL_FIELD_TYPE_INVALID;
     902             :     }
     903             : 
     904          68 :     if(uname == "FROM"
     905          34 :     || uname == "RESENT-FROM")
     906             :     {
     907           4 :         return TLD_EMAIL_FIELD_TYPE_MAILBOX_LIST;
     908             :     }
     909          60 :     if(uname == "SENDER"
     910          30 :     || uname == "RESENT-SENDER")
     911             :     {
     912           4 :         return TLD_EMAIL_FIELD_TYPE_MAILBOX;
     913             :     }
     914          52 :     if(uname == "TO"
     915          20 :     || uname == "CC"
     916          18 :     || uname == "REPLY-TO"
     917          16 :     || uname == "RESENT-TO"
     918          40 :     || uname == "RESENT-CC")
     919             :     {
     920          14 :         return TLD_EMAIL_FIELD_TYPE_ADDRESS_LIST;
     921             :     }
     922          24 :     if(uname == "BCC"
     923          12 :     || uname == "RESENT-BCC")
     924             :     {
     925           4 :         return TLD_EMAIL_FIELD_TYPE_ADDRESS_LIST_OPT;
     926             :     }
     927             : 
     928           8 :     return TLD_EMAIL_FIELD_TYPE_UNKNOWN;
     929             : }
     930             : 
     931             : /** \brief Parse one email to a tld_email_t object.
     932             :  *
     933             :  * The \p email parameter is expected to represent exactly one email.
     934             :  * This function is expected to only be used by the tld_email_list
     935             :  * parser with valid data, although it is definitively not forbidden
     936             :  * to make use of this function, you may find it more difficult to
     937             :  * use directly.
     938             :  *
     939             :  * The canonicalized email address in the list of resulting emails
     940             :  * has the domain canonicalized using the tld_domain_to_lowercase()
     941             :  * function. This means it will be in lowercase and special characters
     942             :  * (including UTF-8 characters) will be transformed to %XX notation.
     943             :  *
     944             :  * \note
     945             :  * If the email is not valid, then the tld_email_t object remains
     946             :  * unchanged.
     947             :  *
     948             :  * \exception std::logic_error
     949             :  * If a quoted string or a comment have an unexpected character in
     950             :  * them then this exception is raised. If you are calling this
     951             :  * function directly then you may get this exception. If you called
     952             :  * the parse() function of the tld_email_list then this exception
     953             :  * should never happen because the previous level captures those
     954             :  * errors already (hence the exception.)
     955             :  *
     956             :  * \param[in] email  The email to be parsed.
     957             :  *
     958             :  * \return The result of the parsing, TLD_RESULT_SUCCESS on success,
     959             :  * another value otherwise.
     960             :  */
     961         582 : tld_result tld_email_list::tld_email_t::parse(const std::string& email)
     962             : {
     963             :     // The following is parsing ONE email since we already removed the
     964             :     // groups, commas, semi-colons, leading and ending spaces.
     965         582 :     std::string value;
     966         582 :     value.reserve(email.length());
     967        1164 :     std::string fullname;
     968        1164 :     std::string username;
     969        1164 :     std::string domain;
     970             :     int count;
     971         582 :     bool has_angle(false);
     972         582 :     bool found_at(false);
     973         582 :     bool found_dot(false);
     974         582 :     bool done(false);
     975         582 :     const char *start(email.c_str());
     976         582 :     const char *s(start);
     977        8266 :     for(; *s != '\0'; ++s)
     978             :     {
     979        7742 :         switch(*s)
     980             :         {
     981             :         case '"':
     982         209 :             if(done)
     983             :             {
     984           2 :                 return TLD_RESULT_INVALID;
     985             :             }
     986        1796 :             for(++s; *s != '"'; ++s)
     987             :             {
     988        1592 :                 if(*s == '\0')
     989             :                 {
     990           1 :                     throw std::logic_error("somehow we found a \\0 in a quoted string in tld_email_t which should not happen since it was already checked validity in tld_email_t::parse()");
     991             :                 }
     992        1591 :                 if(*s == '\\')
     993             :                 {
     994             :                     // the backslash is not part of the result
     995         100 :                     ++s;
     996         100 :                     if(*s == '\0')
     997             :                     {
     998             :                         // this cannot actually happen because we are
     999             :                         // expected to capture those at the previous
    1000             :                         // level
    1001             :                         throw std::logic_error("somehow we found a \\0 in a quoted string after a backslash in tld_email_t which should not happen since it was already checked validity in tld_email_t::parse()"); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE
    1002             :                     }
    1003             :                 }
    1004        1591 :                 if((static_cast<unsigned char>(*s) < ' ' && *s != '\t') || *s == 0x7F)
    1005             :                 {
    1006             :                     // do not accept any control characters
    1007             :                     // (note that this is sufficient to check all characters
    1008             :                     // after the \ character)
    1009           2 :                     return TLD_RESULT_INVALID;
    1010             :                 }
    1011        1589 :                 value += *s;
    1012             :             }
    1013         204 :             break;
    1014             : 
    1015             :         case '(':
    1016             :             // comments are completely ignored
    1017         201 :             count = 1;
    1018        4060 :             for(++s; count > 0; ++s)
    1019             :             {
    1020        3863 :                 char c(*s);
    1021        3863 :                 switch(c)
    1022             :                 {
    1023             :                 case '\0':
    1024           1 :                     throw std::logic_error("somehow we found a \\0 in a comment in tld_email_t which should not happen since it was already checked in tld_email_t::parse()");
    1025             : 
    1026             :                 case '(':
    1027          16 :                     ++count;
    1028          16 :                     break;
    1029             : 
    1030             :                 case ')':
    1031         213 :                     --count;
    1032         213 :                     break;
    1033             : 
    1034             :                 case '\n':
    1035             :                 case '\r':
    1036             :                 case '\t':
    1037           5 :                     c = ' ';
    1038           5 :                     break;
    1039             : 
    1040             :                 case '\\':
    1041           3 :                     ++s;
    1042           3 :                     if(!is_quoted_char(*s))
    1043             :                     {
    1044           1 :                         throw std::logic_error("somehow we found a \\0 in a comment quoted pair in tld_email_t which should not happen since it was already checked in tld_email_list::parse()");
    1045             :                     }
    1046           2 :                     c = *s;
    1047           2 :                     break;
    1048             : 
    1049             :                 }
    1050        3861 :                 if(static_cast<unsigned char>(c) < ' ')
    1051             :                 {
    1052             :                     // do not accept any control characters in comments
    1053             :                     // (except \r, \n, and \t)
    1054           2 :                     return TLD_RESULT_INVALID;
    1055             :                 }
    1056             :             }
    1057         197 :             --s;
    1058         197 :             break;
    1059             : 
    1060             :         case '[':
    1061         125 :             if(!found_at || done || !value.empty() || !domain.empty())
    1062             :             {
    1063             :                 // domain before the '@'
    1064           8 :                 return TLD_RESULT_INVALID;
    1065             :             }
    1066         251 :             for(++s; *s != ']'; ++s)
    1067             :             {
    1068         251 :                 const char c(*s);
    1069         251 :                 if(c != ' ' && c != '\n' && c != '\r' && c != '\t')
    1070             :                 {
    1071         117 :                     break;
    1072             :                 }
    1073             :             }
    1074        1358 :             for(; *s != '[' && *s != '\\' && *s != ']' && *s != ' ' && *s != '\n' && *s != '\r' && *s != '\t'; ++s)
    1075             :             {
    1076        1244 :                 if(*s == '\0')
    1077             :                 {
    1078           1 :                     throw std::logic_error("somehow we found a \\0 in a literal domain in tld_email_t which should not happen since it was already checked in tld_email_list::parse()");
    1079             :                 }
    1080        1243 :                 if(static_cast<unsigned char>(*s) < ' ' || *s == 0x7F)
    1081             :                 {
    1082             :                     // do not accept any control characters
    1083           2 :                     return TLD_RESULT_INVALID;
    1084             :                 }
    1085        1241 :                 value += *s;
    1086             :             }
    1087             :             // we can have spaces at the end, but those must be followed by ']'
    1088         248 :             for(; *s != '[' && *s != '\\' && *s != ']'; ++s)
    1089             :             {
    1090         136 :                 const char c(*s);
    1091         136 :                 if(c != ' ' && c != '\n' && c != '\r' && c != '\t')
    1092             :                 {
    1093           2 :                     break;
    1094             :                 }
    1095             :             }
    1096         114 :             if(*s != ']' || value.empty())
    1097             :             {
    1098             :                 // domain literal cannot include a space and other characters
    1099             :                 // nor can it be empty
    1100           2 :                 return TLD_RESULT_NULL;
    1101             :             }
    1102         112 :             domain = value;
    1103         112 :             value.clear();
    1104         112 :             break;
    1105             : 
    1106             :         case '<':
    1107          46 :             if(has_angle || found_at || found_dot || done)
    1108             :             {
    1109             :                 // found two '<' or the '<' after the '@'
    1110             :                 // or we had a dot before meaning that we already have a dotted username
    1111           2 :                 return TLD_RESULT_INVALID;
    1112             :             }
    1113             : 
    1114             :             // if we have an angle email address, whatever we found so far
    1115             :             // is the user name; although it can be empty
    1116          44 :             trim(value);
    1117          44 :             if(!value.empty())
    1118             :             {
    1119          22 :                 fullname = value;
    1120          22 :                 value.clear();
    1121             :             }
    1122          44 :             has_angle = true;
    1123          44 :             break;
    1124             : 
    1125             :         case '>':
    1126          40 :             if(!has_angle || !found_at || done)
    1127             :             {
    1128             :                 // missing '<' and/or '@'
    1129           6 :                 return TLD_RESULT_INVALID;
    1130             :             }
    1131          34 :             if(domain.empty())
    1132             :             {
    1133          24 :                 trim(value);
    1134          24 :                 if(value.empty())
    1135             :                 {
    1136             :                     // an empty domain name is not valid, apparently
    1137           2 :                     return TLD_RESULT_NULL;
    1138             :                 }
    1139             :                 // we are done, we can only find spaces and comments
    1140          22 :                 domain = value;
    1141             :             }
    1142             :             else
    1143             :             {
    1144          10 :                 if(!value.empty())
    1145             :                 {
    1146           2 :                     return TLD_RESULT_INVALID;
    1147             :                 }
    1148             :             }
    1149          30 :             done = true;
    1150          30 :             has_angle = false;
    1151          30 :             value.clear();
    1152          30 :             break;
    1153             : 
    1154             :         case '@':
    1155             :             // Note: if done is true, found_at is also true here
    1156         559 :             if(found_at || done)
    1157             :             {
    1158             :                 // found two '@' characters
    1159           4 :                 return TLD_RESULT_INVALID;
    1160             :             }
    1161         555 :             found_at = true;
    1162         555 :             found_dot = false; // reset this flag
    1163         555 :             trim(value);
    1164         555 :             if(value.empty())
    1165             :             {
    1166             :                 // no username is not a valid entry
    1167           4 :                 return TLD_RESULT_NULL;
    1168             :             }
    1169         551 :             username = value;
    1170         551 :             value.clear();
    1171         551 :             break;
    1172             : 
    1173             :         case ' ':
    1174             :         case '\n':
    1175             :         case '\r':
    1176             :         case '\t':
    1177             :             // keep just one space
    1178         263 :             if(!value.empty())
    1179             :             {
    1180          36 :                 value += ' ';
    1181             :             }
    1182             :             // and skip all the others
    1183             :             // (as far as I know this is not allowed in the RFC, only one space
    1184             :             // between items; however, after a new-line / carriage return, you
    1185             :             // could get many spaces and tabs and that's legal)
    1186         333 :             for(++s; *s != '\0'; ++s)
    1187             :             {
    1188         333 :                 const char c(*s);
    1189         333 :                 if(c != ' ' && c != '\n' && c != '\r' && c != '\t')
    1190             :                 {
    1191         263 :                     break;
    1192             :                 }
    1193             :             }
    1194         263 :             --s;
    1195         263 :             break;
    1196             : 
    1197             :         case '.':
    1198        1384 :             if(value.empty()                                // cannot start with a dot
    1199        1372 :             || (!value.empty() && *value.rbegin() == '.')   // cannot include two dots one after the other
    1200        1374 :             || s[1] == '@' || s[1] == '>')                  // cannot end with a dot
    1201             :             {
    1202          12 :                 return TLD_RESULT_INVALID;
    1203             :             }
    1204         448 :             found_dot = true;
    1205         448 :             value += '.';
    1206         448 :             break;
    1207             : 
    1208             :         default:
    1209             :             // here we must have a valid atom character ([-A-Za-z0-9!#$%&'*+/=?^_`{|}~])
    1210        5839 :             if(!is_atom_char(*s))
    1211             :             {
    1212             :                 // not a valid atom character
    1213           4 :                 return TLD_RESULT_INVALID;
    1214             :             }
    1215        5835 :             value += *s;
    1216        5835 :             break;
    1217             : 
    1218             :         }
    1219             :     }
    1220             : 
    1221         524 :     if(username.empty() || has_angle)
    1222             :     {
    1223             :         // no username means the '@' is missing
    1224             :         // angle bracket was not closed
    1225           4 :         return TLD_RESULT_NULL;
    1226             :     }
    1227             : 
    1228         520 :     if(done)
    1229             :     {
    1230          22 :         if(!value.empty())
    1231             :         {
    1232             :             // nothing of substance can appear after the domain
    1233           2 :             return TLD_RESULT_INVALID;
    1234             :         }
    1235             :     }
    1236             :     else
    1237             :     {
    1238         498 :         trim(value);
    1239         498 :         if(value.empty())
    1240             :         {
    1241          98 :             if(domain.empty())
    1242             :             {
    1243             :                 // domain is missing
    1244           2 :                 return TLD_RESULT_NULL;
    1245             :             }
    1246             :         }
    1247             :         else
    1248             :         {
    1249         400 :             if(!domain.empty())
    1250             :             {
    1251             :                 // domain "defined twice"
    1252           2 :                 return TLD_RESULT_INVALID;
    1253             :             }
    1254         398 :             domain = value;
    1255             :         }
    1256             :     }
    1257             : 
    1258             :     // finally, verify that the domain is indeed valid
    1259             :     // (i.e. proper characters, structure, and TLD)
    1260             :     // for that step we use the lowercase version
    1261             :     struct tld_info info;
    1262         514 :     std::unique_ptr<char, void(*)(char *)> lowercase_domain(tld_domain_to_lowercase(domain.c_str()), reinterpret_cast<void(*)(char *)>(&::free));
    1263         514 :     tld_result result(tld(lowercase_domain.get(), &info));
    1264         514 :     if(result != TLD_RESULT_SUCCESS)
    1265             :     {
    1266          10 :         return result;
    1267             :     }
    1268             : 
    1269         504 :     f_original_email = email;
    1270         504 :     f_fullname = fullname;
    1271         504 :     f_username = username;
    1272         504 :     f_domain = domain;
    1273         504 :     f_email_only = quote_string(username, '\'') + "@" + quote_string(domain, '[');  // TODO protect characters...
    1274             : 
    1275             :     // the canonicalized version uses the domain name in lowercase
    1276        1008 :     std::string canonicalized_email(quote_string(username, '\'') + "@" + quote_string(lowercase_domain.get(), '['));  // TODO protect characters...
    1277         504 :     if(fullname.empty())
    1278             :     {
    1279         486 :         f_canonicalized_email = canonicalized_email;
    1280             :     }
    1281             :     else
    1282             :     {
    1283          18 :         f_canonicalized_email = quote_string(fullname, '"') + " <" + canonicalized_email + ">";  // TODO protect characters...
    1284             :     }
    1285             : 
    1286        1600 :     return TLD_RESULT_SUCCESS;
    1287             : }
    1288             : 
    1289             : /** \brief Parse a group including comments.
    1290             :  *
    1291             :  * This function parses a group name and remove comments and
    1292             :  * double spaces, and replace all white spaces with character 0x20.
    1293             :  *
    1294             :  * The function also verifies that the input string does not include
    1295             :  * characters that are considered illegal in a group name such as
    1296             :  * controls.
    1297             :  *
    1298             :  * Note that the name of the group cannot be empty because when this
    1299             :  * function is called, it is expected to preceed the colon (:) character.
    1300             :  *
    1301             :  * \exception std::logic_error
    1302             :  * This exception is raised if the function detects an invalid comment.
    1303             :  * This function is not expected to be called directly so comments should
    1304             :  * never be wrong since these are checked in the parse_all_emails()
    1305             :  * function and thus cannot logically be wrong here.
    1306             :  *
    1307             :  * \param[in] group  The name of the group to be parsed.
    1308             :  *
    1309             :  * \return Whether the function succeeded (TLD_RESULT_SUCCESS) or
    1310             :  * failed (TLD_RESULT_INVALID).
    1311             :  */
    1312          20 : tld_result tld_email_list::tld_email_t::parse_group(const std::string& group)
    1313             : {
    1314          20 :     const char *s(group.c_str());
    1315          20 :     std::string g;
    1316             :     int count;
    1317             : 
    1318         216 :     for(; *s != '\0'; ++s)
    1319             :     {
    1320         200 :         switch(*s)
    1321             :         {
    1322             :         case ' ':
    1323             :         case '\n':
    1324             :         case '\r':
    1325             :         case '\t':
    1326          24 :             if(!g.empty())
    1327             :             {
    1328          18 :                 g += ' ';
    1329             :             }
    1330          24 :             for(++s; *s == ' ' || *s == '\n' || *s == '\r' || *s == '\t'; ++s);
    1331          24 :             --s;
    1332          24 :             break;
    1333             : 
    1334             :         case '(':
    1335          12 :             count = 1;
    1336         349 :             for(++s; count > 0; ++s)
    1337             :             {
    1338         339 :                 if(*s == '\0')
    1339             :                 {
    1340           1 :                     throw std::logic_error("somehow we found a \\0 in a quoted string in tld_email_t which should not happen since it was already checked in tld_email_list::parse()");
    1341             :                 }
    1342         338 :                 switch(*s)
    1343             :                 {
    1344             :                 case '(':
    1345           6 :                     ++count;
    1346           6 :                     break;
    1347             : 
    1348             :                 case ')':
    1349          16 :                     --count;
    1350          16 :                     break;
    1351             : 
    1352             :                 case '\\':
    1353           3 :                     if(!is_quoted_char(s[1]))
    1354             :                     {
    1355           1 :                         throw std::logic_error("somehow we found a \\0 in a comment in tld_email_t which should not happen since it was already checked in tld_email_list::parse()");
    1356             :                     }
    1357           2 :                     ++s;
    1358           2 :                     break;
    1359             : 
    1360             :                 // controls, etc. were already checked
    1361             :                 }
    1362             :             }
    1363             :             // come back on the ')' since the main for will do a ++s
    1364          10 :             --s;
    1365          10 :             break;
    1366             : 
    1367             :         default:
    1368         164 :             if(static_cast<unsigned char>(*s) < ' ' || *s == 0x7F)
    1369             :             {
    1370           2 :                 return TLD_RESULT_INVALID;
    1371             :             }
    1372         162 :             g += *s;
    1373         162 :             break;
    1374             : 
    1375             :         }
    1376             :     }
    1377          16 :     if(g.empty())
    1378             :     {
    1379           2 :         return TLD_RESULT_INVALID;
    1380             :     }
    1381             : 
    1382          14 :     f_group = g;
    1383             : 
    1384          16 :     return TLD_RESULT_SUCCESS;
    1385             : }
    1386             : 
    1387             : /** \brief Allocate a list of emails object.
    1388             :  *
    1389             :  * This function allocates a list of emails object that can then be
    1390             :  * used to parse a string representing a list of emails and retrieve
    1391             :  * those emails with the use of the tld_email_next() function.
    1392             :  *
    1393             :  * \note
    1394             :  * The object is a C++ class.
    1395             :  *
    1396             :  * \return A pointer to a list of emails object.
    1397             :  *
    1398             :  * \sa tld_email_next()
    1399             :  */
    1400          68 : struct tld_email_list *tld_email_alloc()
    1401             : {
    1402          68 :     return new tld_email_list;
    1403             : }
    1404             : 
    1405             : /** \brief Free the list of emails.
    1406             :  *
    1407             :  * This function frees the list of emails as allocated by the
    1408             :  * tld_email_alloc(). Afterward the \p list pointer is not valid
    1409             :  * anymore.
    1410             :  *
    1411             :  * \param[in] list  The list to be freed.
    1412             :  */
    1413          68 : void tld_email_free(struct tld_email_list *list)
    1414             : {
    1415          68 :     delete list;
    1416          68 : }
    1417             : 
    1418             : /** \brief Parse a list of emails in the email list object.
    1419             :  *
    1420             :  * This function parses the email listed in the \p emails parameter
    1421             :  * and saves the result in the list parameter. The function saves
    1422             :  * the information as a list of email list in the \p list object.
    1423             :  *
    1424             :  * \param[in] list  The list of emails object.
    1425             :  * \param[in] emails  The list of emails to be parsed.
    1426             :  * \param[in] flags  The flags are used to change the behavior of the parser.
    1427             :  *
    1428             :  * \return TLD_RESULT_SUCCESS if the email was parsed successfully,
    1429             :  *         another TLD_RESULT_... when an error is detected
    1430             :  */
    1431          68 : tld_result tld_email_parse(struct tld_email_list *list, const char *emails, int flags)
    1432             : {
    1433          68 :     return list->parse(emails, flags);
    1434             : }
    1435             : 
    1436             : /** \brief Return the number of emails found after a parse.
    1437             :  *
    1438             :  * This function returns the number of emails that were found in the list
    1439             :  * of emails passed to the tld_email_parse() function.
    1440             :  *
    1441             :  * \param[in] list  The email list object.
    1442             :  *
    1443             :  * \return The number of emails defined in the object, it may be zero.
    1444             :  */
    1445          17 : int tld_email_count(struct tld_email_list *list)
    1446             : {
    1447          17 :     return list->count();
    1448             : }
    1449             : 
    1450             : /** \brief Rewind the reading of the emails.
    1451             :  *
    1452             :  * This function resets the position to the start of the list.
    1453             :  * The next call to the tld_email_next() function will return
    1454             :  * the first email again.
    1455             :  *
    1456             :  * \param[in] list  The list of email object to reset.
    1457             :  */
    1458          34 : void tld_email_rewind(struct tld_email_list *list)
    1459             : {
    1460          34 :     list->rewind();
    1461          34 : }
    1462             : 
    1463             : /** \brief Retrieve the next email.
    1464             :  *
    1465             :  * This function retrieves the next email found when parsing the emails
    1466             :  * passed to to the tld_email_parse() function. The function returns
    1467             :  * 1 when another email was defined. It returns 0 when no more emails
    1468             :  * exist and the \p e parameter does not get set. The function can be
    1469             :  * called any number of times after it returned zero (0).
    1470             :  *
    1471             :  * \param[in] list  The list from which the email is to be read.
    1472             :  * \param[out] e  The buffer where the email is to be written.
    1473             :  *
    1474             :  * \return The function returns 0 if the end of the list was reached,
    1475             :  * it returns 1 if e was defined with the next email.
    1476             :  *
    1477             :  * \sa tld_email_parse()
    1478             :  */
    1479          88 : int tld_email_next(struct tld_email_list *list, struct tld_email *e)
    1480             : {
    1481          88 :     return list->next(e) ? 1 : 0;
    1482             : }
    1483             : 
    1484             : /** \struct tld_email
    1485             :  * \brief Parts of one email.
    1486             :  *
    1487             :  * This is the C structure used to return the email parts. See the
    1488             :  * tld_email_list::tld_email_t structure documentation for details.
    1489             :  *
    1490             :  * \warning
    1491             :  * Remember that this structure has pointers to internal data. When
    1492             :  * the corresponding list of emails is modified by a call to
    1493             :  * tld_email_parse() or freed by tld_email_free(), these
    1494             :  * pointers become invalid. It is very important that you make use
    1495             :  * of the data immediatly or make copies as required.
    1496             :  */
    1497             : 
    1498             : /** \var tld_email::f_group
    1499             :  * \brief The group this emails was defined in.
    1500             :  *
    1501             :  * Please see the documentation of tld_email_list::tld_email_t::f_group
    1502             :  * as this field is a pointer to that other field.
    1503             :  */
    1504             : 
    1505             : /** \var tld_email::f_original_email
    1506             :  * \brief The email as read from the source.
    1507             :  *
    1508             :  * Please see the documentation of tld_email_list::tld_email_t::f_original_email
    1509             :  * as this field is a pointer to that other field.
    1510             :  */
    1511             : 
    1512             : /** \var tld_email::f_fullname
    1513             :  * \brief The user full or display name.
    1514             :  *
    1515             :  * Please see the documentation of tld_email_list::tld_email_t::f_fullname
    1516             :  * as this field is a pointer to that other field.
    1517             :  */
    1518             : 
    1519             : /** \var tld_email::f_username
    1520             :  * \brief The user being named in this email address.
    1521             :  *
    1522             :  * Please see the documentation of tld_email_list::tld_email_t::f_username
    1523             :  * as this field is a pointer to that other field.
    1524             :  */
    1525             : 
    1526             : /** \var tld_email::f_domain
    1527             :  * \brief The domain part of the email address.
    1528             :  *
    1529             :  * Please see the documentation of tld_email_list::tld_email_t::f_domain
    1530             :  * as this field is a pointer to that other field.
    1531             :  */
    1532             : 
    1533             : /** \var tld_email::f_email_only
    1534             :  * \brief The complete email address without display name.
    1535             :  *
    1536             :  * Please see the documentation of tld_email_list::tld_email_t::f_email_only
    1537             :  * as this field is a pointer to that other field.
    1538             :  */
    1539             : 
    1540             : /** \var tld_email::f_canonicalized_email
    1541             :  * \brief The email including the display name.
    1542             :  *
    1543             :  * Please see the documentation of tld_email_list::tld_email_t::f_canonicalized_email
    1544             :  * as this field is a pointer to that other field.
    1545             :  */
    1546             : 
    1547             : /** \enum tld_email_field_type
    1548             :  * \brief Type of email as determined by the email_field_type() function.
    1549             :  *
    1550             :  * A string may represent various types of email data which are represented
    1551             :  * by the type in this enumeration.
    1552             :  */
    1553             : 
    1554             : /** \var TLD_EMAIL_FIELD_TYPE_INVALID
    1555             :  * \brief The input of email_field_type() was not valid.
    1556             :  *
    1557             :  * An email field is expected to be valid ASCII characters. This
    1558             :  * error is returned if invalid characters are found.
    1559             :  */
    1560             : 
    1561             : /** \var TLD_EMAIL_FIELD_TYPE_UNKNOWN
    1562             :  * \brief The input does not represent valid emails.
    1563             :  *
    1564             :  * The email_field_type() function returns this value if the input
    1565             :  * field does not represent what is considered a field with email
    1566             :  * addresses. If you are parsing many email fields, you probably
    1567             :  * want to see this as a soft error (i.e. an error saying that
    1568             :  * the field can be skip as far as the TLD library is concerned.)
    1569             :  */
    1570             : 
    1571             : /** \var TLD_EMAIL_FIELD_TYPE_MAILBOX_LIST
    1572             :  * \brief The input represents a mailbox list.
    1573             :  *
    1574             :  * The fields FROM and RESENT-FROM are viewed as mailbox lists.
    1575             :  * These fields may include a list of email addresses.
    1576             :  */
    1577             : 
    1578             : /** \var TLD_EMAIL_FIELD_TYPE_MAILBOX
    1579             :  * \brief The input represents a mailbox.
    1580             :  *
    1581             :  * The fields SENDER and RESENT-SENDER are viewed as mailbox fields.
    1582             :  * These are expected to include only one email address.
    1583             :  */
    1584             : 
    1585             : /** \var TLD_EMAIL_FIELD_TYPE_ADDRESS_LIST
    1586             :  * \brief The input represents a mandatory list of mailboxes.
    1587             :  *
    1588             :  * The fields TO, CC, REPLY-TO, RESENT-TO, and RESENT-CC are
    1589             :  * viewed as mailbox fields. These are expected to include
    1590             :  * any number of email addresses.
    1591             :  */
    1592             : 
    1593             : /** \var TLD_EMAIL_FIELD_TYPE_ADDRESS_LIST_OPT
    1594             :  * \brief The input represents an optional list of email addresses.
    1595             :  *
    1596             :  * The fields BBC and RESENT-BBC are viewed as optional
    1597             :  * mailbox fields. These may not exist, be empty, or have
    1598             :  * one or more email addresses.
    1599             :  */
    1600             : 
    1601             : /** \class tld_email_list
    1602             :  * \brief The C++ side of the email list implementation.
    1603             :  *
    1604             :  * Note that this structure is always used internally, even when the C version
    1605             :  * of the library is used to read emails from a string.
    1606             :  *
    1607             :  * This class represents a list of emails as defined in a string and parsed by
    1608             :  * the parse() function. By default the list of emails is empty. The results
    1609             :  * of the parse can be retrieved using the next() function repetitively.
    1610             :  *
    1611             :  * \sa parse()
    1612             :  * \sa next()
    1613             :  */
    1614             : 
    1615             : /** \var tld_email_list::f_input
    1616             :  * \brief The input string of the last call to parse().
    1617             :  *
    1618             :  * This is the exact input to the parse() function. It is used internally
    1619             :  * to hold the input string while parsing it.
    1620             :  */
    1621             : 
    1622             : /** \var tld_email_list::f_flags
    1623             :  * \brief The flags as passed to the parse() function.
    1624             :  *
    1625             :  * This is the set of flags passed to the parse() funciton. These are used
    1626             :  * by the different parsing functions to determine what is allowed and what
    1627             :  * is not.
    1628             :  *
    1629             :  * \note
    1630             :  * In version 1.4.0 this parameter is not used and it should be set to zero
    1631             :  * to avoid surprises. Later I intend to add support to test for ASCII only,
    1632             :  * opposed to UTF-8, and a few other behaviors that may be useful when
    1633             :  * parsing emails.
    1634             :  */
    1635             : 
    1636             : /** \var tld_email_list::f_result
    1637             :  * \brief The result of the parse() function.
    1638             :  *
    1639             :  * The result is stored in this parameter. By default this value is
    1640             :  * TLD_RESULT_SUCCESS. In most cases an error is represented by the
    1641             :  * TLD_RESULT_INVALID. If the domain of an email address is not correct,
    1642             :  * then other result values may be used.
    1643             :  *
    1644             :  * Note that the parse() function stops as soon as an error occurs and
    1645             :  * that first error is what appears in f_result.
    1646             :  */
    1647             : 
    1648             : /** \var tld_email_list::f_last_group
    1649             :  * \brief The last group read in the input.
    1650             :  *
    1651             :  * While reading a list of emails, a group is defined as a display name
    1652             :  * followed by a colon. That name is saved in this parameter as all the
    1653             :  * following emails will be assigned this group. Once the semi-colon is
    1654             :  * found, the f_last_group parameter is reset back to the empty string.
    1655             :  *
    1656             :  * In the end, assuming no error occured, this parameter is always an
    1657             :  * empty string.
    1658             :  */
    1659             : 
    1660             : /** \var tld_email_list::f_pos
    1661             :  * \brief The current position reading the emails.
    1662             :  *
    1663             :  * This parameter is the index in the f_email_list field. It is reset
    1664             :  * to zero each time you call the parse() function and the rewind()
    1665             :  * function. The next() function increases it by one on each call
    1666             :  * until all the emails were read in which case it stops changing.
    1667             :  *
    1668             :  * \sa next()
    1669             :  * \sa parse()
    1670             :  * \sa rewind()
    1671             :  */
    1672             : 
    1673             : /** \var tld_email_list::f_email_list
    1674             :  * \brief The list of emails.
    1675             :  *
    1676             :  * This vector is the complete list of all the emails found while parsing
    1677             :  * the input string. Note that the parse() function clears the existing
    1678             :  * list each time it is called so new emails are not appended to an
    1679             :  * existing list. At the same time, the f_pos field is reset to zero.
    1680             :  *
    1681             :  * By default the list is empty so calling next() immediately returns
    1682             :  * false and the count() function returns zero.
    1683             :  *
    1684             :  * \sa count()
    1685             :  * \sa next()
    1686             :  * \sa parse()
    1687             :  */
    1688             : 
    1689             : /** \struct tld_email_list::tld_email_t
    1690             :  * \brief Parts of one email.
    1691             :  *
    1692             :  * When parsing a list of email addresses, one can include a display name,
    1693             :  * a user name, and a domain. The user name and domain are mandatory, not
    1694             :  * the display name. Also the list may include comments and group
    1695             :  * names.
    1696             :  *
    1697             :  * This structure is used internally to store the emails and when someone
    1698             :  * queries the different emails with the \p next() or \p tld_email_next()
    1699             :  * functions.
    1700             :  *
    1701             :  * Note that in the list of emails, a new group is announced by itself.
    1702             :  * This means an entry may have just and only the f_group field defined.
    1703             :  *
    1704             :  * The fields of this structure use the same encoding as the input which
    1705             :  * is expected to be UTF-8 unless otherwise defined in the emails
    1706             :  * themselves. In the current version we do not decode international
    1707             :  * characters, however, we do plan to do so in a future version. This
    1708             :  * means the results should always be seen as valid UTF-8 even if for
    1709             :  * now it is just ASCII.
    1710             :  *
    1711             :  * \note
    1712             :  * I made this a simple structure instead of a class with all the fields
    1713             :  * private because I think it makes it easier. If you use the C++ version
    1714             :  * then you get a copy of the internal data in your own tld_email_t
    1715             :  * structure. However, the C version returns a tld_email object which
    1716             :  * has pointers pointing directly to the internal data. In that case it
    1717             :  * is a security risk as the strings should never be modified from the
    1718             :  * outside. Also a call to the \p parse() function replaces the list of
    1719             :  * email in effect invalidating all the pointers of all the tld_email
    1720             :  * objects that still exist.
    1721             :  */
    1722             : 
    1723             : /** \var tld_email_list::tld_email_t::f_group
    1724             :  * \brief The group this emails was defined in.
    1725             :  *
    1726             :  * The name of the group is most often empty since not too many people
    1727             :  * make use of that parameter in lists of emails. However, when defined
    1728             :  * one of the "emails" will represent the group by itself, meaning that
    1729             :  * only this field is defined (all others are empty strings.) It is
    1730             :  * very important to remember because otherwise you will misinterpret
    1731             :  * an entry. It also means that if you have just one email, but it is
    1732             :  * defined in a group, then the number of emails returned is 2.
    1733             :  */
    1734             : 
    1735             : /** \var tld_email_list::tld_email_t::f_original_email
    1736             :  * \brief The email as read from the source.
    1737             :  *
    1738             :  * The original email field has the complete email as it appeared in the
    1739             :  * source. This means this field includes the comments and additional
    1740             :  * spaces. It can be used to reconstruct the original string except for
    1741             :  * the possible trimming that was done before and after the email (the
    1742             :  * parser removes the leading and ending white spaces, new lines, and
    1743             :  * carriage returns.)
    1744             :  *
    1745             :  * In general this is only used for display so the user can see what
    1746             :  * one expects to see.
    1747             :  */
    1748             : 
    1749             : /** \var tld_email_list::tld_email_t::f_fullname
    1750             :  * \brief The user full or display name.
    1751             :  *
    1752             :  * This parameter is called the display name of the email. In most
    1753             :  * cases it is the full name of the owner of the email address.
    1754             :  * For example, in the following email address:
    1755             :  *
    1756             :  * \code "Wilke, Alexis" <> \endcode
    1757             :  *
    1758             :  * The full name is "Wilke, Alexis".
    1759             :  *
    1760             :  * It is common to find empty full names. Your interpretation as a
    1761             :  * human of the full name is likely to be correct. However, the
    1762             :  * assumption for a common format is most certainly incorrect. For
    1763             :  * example, in "Wilke, Alexis", assuming that "Alexis" is a first
    1764             :  * name is just and only an assumption. In a display name such as
    1765             :  * "Albert George, Jr." the "Jr." is not the first name. There is
    1766             :  * no definition on how the display name should be presented.
    1767             :  */
    1768             : 
    1769             : /** \var tld_email_list::tld_email_t::f_username
    1770             :  * \brief The user being named in this email address.
    1771             :  *
    1772             :  * This parameter is always defined (except in a group definition)
    1773             :  * and represents the user name of the email address. This is the
    1774             :  * user as defined on the destination machine. Under a Unix system
    1775             :  * it is the user as listed in /etc/passwd.
    1776             :  *
    1777             :  * The character set limitations of the target machine are not
    1778             :  * known when we parse an email. It is expected that the destination
    1779             :  * generates an error if the character set is not supported. On our
    1780             :  * end, the final result is always UTF-8.
    1781             :  */
    1782             : 
    1783             : /** \var tld_email_list::tld_email_t::f_domain
    1784             :  * \brief The domain part of the email address.
    1785             :  *
    1786             :  * The parameter is always defined (except in a group definition)
    1787             :  * and represents the server handling the mail box for the email
    1788             :  * address. The domain is always checked for validity with the
    1789             :  * \p tld() function. So if the user typed an address such as:
    1790             :  *
    1791             :  * \code
    1792             :  * alexis@m2osw
    1793             :  * \endcode
    1794             :  *
    1795             :  * The email parser returns an error because the domain name m2osw
    1796             :  * is not valid. It should be or some other similar
    1797             :  * extension.
    1798             :  *
    1799             :  * All the emails are checked in this way so only valid domains
    1800             :  * are accepted. Note that also prevents someone from using an
    1801             :  * IP address as the destination server. So email addresses such
    1802             :  * as:
    1803             :  *
    1804             :  * \code
    1805             :  * alexis@
    1806             :  * \endcode
    1807             :  *
    1808             :  * Are not considered valid and should never be used anyway.
    1809             :  */
    1810             : 
    1811             : /** \var tld_email_list::tld_email_t::f_email_only
    1812             :  * \brief The complete email address without display name.
    1813             :  *
    1814             :  * This field holds the complete email address. You can use this
    1815             :  * email address as is to send emails to that user, although it
    1816             :  * is customary to include the display name when available. The
    1817             :  * email is canonical in the sense that it has no fluff added
    1818             :  * (no group name, no comments, no white spaces.)
    1819             :  *
    1820             :  * Note that if the name includes characters that are not part
    1821             :  * of the atom set of characters, then it will be written between
    1822             :  * double quotes (i.e. the name of the user could include a space,
    1823             :  * a comma, etc.)
    1824             :  *
    1825             :  * Similarly, the domain name could include characters that
    1826             :  * cannot be represented with an atom, although that's unlikely
    1827             :  * for a valid domain name. In that case, the domain is written
    1828             :  * between square brackets.
    1829             :  *
    1830             :  * \code
    1831             :  * "Alexis Wilke"@[{code}]
    1832             :  * \endcode
    1833             :  */
    1834             : 
    1835             : /** \var tld_email_list::tld_email_t::f_canonicalized_email
    1836             :  * \brief The email including the display name.
    1837             :  *
    1838             :  * This field is the canonicalized email address with its display
    1839             :  * name. However, the email address still does not include the
    1840             :  * group name. If you want to reconstruct the entire input,
    1841             :  * groups have to be added manually before each canonicalized emails.
    1842             :  *
    1843             :  * The display name will be written between double quotes if any
    1844             :  * of the characters in the display name are not atom characters.
    1845             :  * This ensures the display can safely be reparsed.
    1846             :  *
    1847             :  * Note that comments are not included here.
    1848             :  */
    1849             : 
    1850             : /** \typedef tld_email_list::tld_email_list_t
    1851             :  * \brief A vector of email details.
    1852             :  *
    1853             :  * This typedef creates a vector of emails that we use internally
    1854             :  * to store all the emails. We may later have additional functionality
    1855             :  * where this type becomes useful externally too. You are, of course,
    1856             :  * welcome to use it to store lists of emails.
    1857             :  */
    1858             : 
    1859             : /* vim: ts=4 sw=4 et
    1860             :  */

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