Logs for the libexcept 1.1.14 tests

Tests started on Thu Jun 30 20:42:07 PDT 2022 and finished on Thu Jun 30 20:42:24 PDT 2022

Start running libexcept tests v1.1.14 on Thu Jun 30 20:42:13 PDT 2022

libexcept v1.1.14 [30591]:unittest: seed is 1656646933
source directory: "/home/snapwebsites/snapcpp/contrib/libexcept"
temporary directory: "/home/snapwebsites/snapcpp/BUILD/Debug/contrib/libexcept/tmp"
Randomness seeded to: 861362716
SECTION: demangle
SECTION: trace mode
SECTION: logic exception
SECTION: range exception
SECTION: run-time exception
SECTION: direct logic exception
SECTION: direct range exception
SECTION: direct run-time exception
SECTION: exception parameters
SECTION: file_inheritance: check command line
SECTION: file_inheritance: verify that a process succeed in a clean environment
SECTION: file_inheritance: verify that a process fails if unexpected files are inherited
warning: file descriptor 3 (/home/snapwebsites/snapcpp/BUILD/Debug/contrib/libexcept/tmp/file-to-inherit.txt) leaked on invocation. Parent PID 30848: sh
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'libexcept::file_inherited'
  what():  file_inherited: found unexpected file descriptor leaks.
Aborted (core dumped)
SECTION: stack trace
SECTION: verify runtime vs compile time version numbers
All tests passed (92 assertions in 8 test cases)

Finished running libexcept tests v1.1.14 on Thu Jun 30 20:42:16 PDT 2022