Statistics of the libexcept v1.1.10 library
9 text files.
classified 9 files
9 unique files.
1 file ignored. v 1.74 T=0.06 s (134.1 files/s, 23526.2 lines/s)
Language files blank comment code
C++ 4 167 631 290
C/C++ Header 3 55 96 87
CMake 1 13 28 37
SUM: 8 235 755 414
Statistics of the libexcept v1.1.10 tests
7 text files.
classified 7 files
7 unique files.
0 files ignored. v 1.74 T=0.05 s (134.0 files/s, 16085.5 lines/s)
Language files blank comment code
C++ 5 175 142 397
CMake 1 14 22 26
C/C++ Header 1 14 26 24
SUM: 7 203 190 447