Logs for the eventdispatcher 1.1.58 tests

Tests started on Sat Apr 27 01:06:22 PM PDT 2024 and finished on Sat Apr 27 01:08:05 PM PDT 2024

Start running eventdispatcher tests v1.1.58 on Sat Apr 27 01:06:48 PM PDT 2024

eventdispatcher v1.1.58 [3079013]:unittest: seed is 1714248408
source directory: "/home/snapwebsites/snapcpp/contrib/eventdispatcher"
binary directory: "/home/snapwebsites/snapcpp/BUILD/Debug/contrib/eventdispatcher/coverage/BUILD"
temporary directory: "/home/snapwebsites/snapcpp/BUILD/Debug/contrib/eventdispatcher/tmp"
Randomness seeded to: 3286647339
SECTION: create a dispatcher with callback set to nullptr
SECTION: create a dispatcher with missing expression when using the one_to_one_match() function
SECTION: create a dispatcher with missing expression when using the one_to_one_match() function
SECTION: file_changed_events: attributes
2024/04/27 20:06:48 monster [3079013]: trace: added 1 connection, "file-listener", there is now 1 connections (including this one). (in function "add_connection()") (communicator.cpp:228)
2024/04/27 20:06:48 monster [3079013]: information: entering thread "attributes" #3079019. (in function "getopt_logs()") (private_logger.cpp:87)
2024/04/27 20:06:48 monster [3079013]: information: leaving thread "attributes" #3079019 with status 0. (in function "getopt_logs()") (private_logger.cpp:87)
2024/04/27 20:06:51 monster [3079013]: trace: removing 1 connection, "file-listener", of 1 connections (including this one). (in function "remove_connection()") (communicator.cpp:257)
SECTION: file_changed_events: create, write, close file, then open, read, close, finally delete
2024/04/27 20:06:51 monster [3079013]: trace: added 1 connection, "file-listener", there is now 1 connections (including this one). (in function "add_connection()") (communicator.cpp:228)
2024/04/27 20:06:51 monster [3079013]: information: entering thread "file" #3079022. (in function "getopt_logs()") (private_logger.cpp:87)
2024/04/27 20:06:53 monster [3079013]: information: leaving thread "file" #3079022 with status 0. (in function "getopt_logs()") (private_logger.cpp:87)
2024/04/27 20:06:56 monster [3079013]: trace: removing 1 connection, "file-listener", of 1 connections (including this one). (in function "remove_connection()") (communicator.cpp:257)
SECTION: Simple message fields
SECTION: To & From Messages (simple)
SECTION: To & From Messages (full message)
JSON [{"command":"FIRE","parameters":{"correct":false,"length":-35,"name":"Charles","range":101,"valid":true,"void":""}}]
2024/04/27 20:06:57 monster [3079013]: error: a server name cannot be empty when specified, also it cannot include two server names and a server name after a service name was specified. (in function "from_string()") (message.cpp:286)
SECTION: simple cat
2024/04/27 20:06:57 monster [3079013]: trace: added 1 connection, "", there is now 1 connections (including this one). (in function "add_connection()") (communicator.cpp:228)
2024/04/27 20:06:57 monster [3079013]: trace: added 1 connection, "", there is now 2 connections (including this one). (in function "add_connection()") (communicator.cpp:228)
2024/04/27 20:06:57 monster [3079013]: trace: removing 1 connection, "", of 2 connections (including this one). (in function "remove_connection()") (communicator.cpp:257)
2024/04/27 20:06:57 monster [3079013]: trace: removing 1 connection, "", of 1 connections (including this one). (in function "remove_connection()") (communicator.cpp:257)
SECTION: simple logger, we pipe the input as the message
2024/04/27 20:06:57 monster [3079013]: trace: added 1 connection, "", there is now 1 connections (including this one). (in function "add_connection()") (communicator.cpp:228)
2024/04/27 20:06:57 monster [3079013]: trace: added 1 connection, "", there is now 2 connections (including this one). (in function "add_connection()") (communicator.cpp:228)
2024/04/27 20:06:57 monster [3079013]: trace: removing 1 connection, "", of 2 connections (including this one). (in function "remove_connection()") (communicator.cpp:257)
2024/04/27 20:06:57 monster [3079013]: trace: removing 1 connection, "", of 1 connections (including this one). (in function "remove_connection()") (communicator.cpp:257)
SECTION: in | sed | out
2024/04/27 20:06:57 monster [3079013]: trace: added 1 connection, "", there is now 1 connections (including this one). (in function "add_connection()") (communicator.cpp:228)
2024/04/27 20:06:57 monster [3079013]: trace: added 1 connection, "", there is now 2 connections (including this one). (in function "add_connection()") (communicator.cpp:228)
2024/04/27 20:06:57 monster [3079013]: trace: added 1 connection, "", there is now 3 connections (including this one). (in function "add_connection()") (communicator.cpp:228)
2024/04/27 20:06:57 monster [3079013]: trace: removing 1 connection, "", of 3 connections (including this one). (in function "remove_connection()") (communicator.cpp:257)
2024/04/27 20:06:57 monster [3079013]: trace: removing 1 connection, "", of 2 connections (including this one). (in function "remove_connection()") (communicator.cpp:257)
2024/04/27 20:06:57 monster [3079013]: trace: removing 1 connection, "", of 1 connections (including this one). (in function "remove_connection()") (communicator.cpp:257)
SECTION: ls unknown-file, expect an error
2024/04/27 20:06:57 monster [3079013]: trace: added 1 connection, "", there is now 1 connections (including this one). (in function "add_connection()") (communicator.cpp:228)
2024/04/27 20:06:57 monster [3079013]: trace: added 1 connection, "", there is now 2 connections (including this one). (in function "add_connection()") (communicator.cpp:228)
2024/04/27 20:06:57 monster [3079013]: trace: removing 1 connection, "", of 2 connections (including this one). (in function "remove_connection()") (communicator.cpp:257)
2024/04/27 20:06:57 monster [3079013]: trace: removing 1 connection, "", of 1 connections (including this one). (in function "remove_connection()") (communicator.cpp:257)
SECTION: cat | tr
2024/04/27 20:06:57 monster [3079013]: trace: added 1 connection, "", there is now 1 connections (including this one). (in function "add_connection()") (communicator.cpp:228)
2024/04/27 20:06:57 monster [3079013]: trace: added 1 connection, "", there is now 2 connections (including this one). (in function "add_connection()") (communicator.cpp:228)
2024/04/27 20:06:57 monster [3079013]: trace: added 1 connection, "", there is now 3 connections (including this one). (in function "add_connection()") (communicator.cpp:228)
2024/04/27 20:06:57 monster [3079013]: trace: removing 1 connection, "", of 3 connections (including this one). (in function "remove_connection()") (communicator.cpp:257)
2024/04/27 20:06:57 monster [3079013]: trace: removing 1 connection, "", of 2 connections (including this one). (in function "remove_connection()") (communicator.cpp:257)
2024/04/27 20:06:57 monster [3079013]: trace: removing 1 connection, "", of 1 connections (including this one). (in function "remove_connection()") (communicator.cpp:257)
SECTION: file based: cat | tr
2024/04/27 20:06:57 monster [3079013]: trace: added 1 connection, "", there is now 1 connections (including this one). (in function "add_connection()") (communicator.cpp:228)
2024/04/27 20:06:57 monster [3079013]: trace: removing 1 connection, "", of 1 connections (including this one). (in function "remove_connection()") (communicator.cpp:257)
SECTION: check ourselves
SECTION: Create a Server, Client, Connect & Send Messages
2024/04/27 20:06:57 monster [3079013]: trace: added 1 connection, "unix-dgram-server", there is now 1 connections (including this one). (in function "add_connection()") (communicator.cpp:228)
2024/04/27 20:06:57 monster [3079013]: trace: added 1 connection, "unix-dgram-client", there is now 2 connections (including this one). (in function "add_connection()") (communicator.cpp:228)
2024/04/27 20:06:57 monster [3079013]: trace: dispatch message "HELLO". (in function "dispatch()") (dispatcher.cpp:434)
2024/04/27 20:06:57 monster [3079013]: trace: dispatch message "HI". (in function "dispatch()") (dispatcher.cpp:434)
2024/04/27 20:06:57 monster [3079013]: trace: removing 1 connection, "unix-dgram-client", of 2 connections (including this one). (in function "remove_connection()") (communicator.cpp:257)
2024/04/27 20:06:57 monster [3079013]: trace: dispatch message "DOWN". (in function "dispatch()") (dispatcher.cpp:434)
2024/04/27 20:06:57 monster [3079013]: trace: removing 1 connection, "unix-dgram-server", of 1 connections (including this one). (in function "remove_connection()") (communicator.cpp:257)
SECTION: Create a Server, Client, Connect & Send Messages
2024/04/27 20:06:57 monster [3079013]: trace: added 1 connection, "", there is now 1 connections (including this one). (in function "add_connection()") (communicator.cpp:228)
2024/04/27 20:06:57 monster [3079013]: trace: added 1 connection, "unix-client", there is now 2 connections (including this one). (in function "add_connection()") (communicator.cpp:228)
2024/04/27 20:06:57 monster [3079013]: trace: added 1 connection, "local_stream_client_permanent_message_connection_impl::thread_signal_handler", there is now 3 connections (including this one). (in function "add_connection()") (communicator.cpp:228)
2024/04/27 20:06:57 monster [3079013]: information: entering thread "background local_stream_client_permanent_message_connection for asynchronous connections" #3079036. (in function "getopt_logs()") (private_logger.cpp:87)
2024/04/27 20:06:57 monster [3079013]: information: leaving thread "background local_stream_client_permanent_message_connection for asynchronous connections" #3079036 with status 0. (in function "getopt_logs()") (private_logger.cpp:87)
2024/04/27 20:06:57 monster [3079013]: trace: added 1 connection, "unix-server-client", there is now 4 connections (including this one). (in function "add_connection()") (communicator.cpp:228)
2024/04/27 20:06:57 monster [3079013]: trace: removing 1 connection, "local_stream_client_permanent_message_connection_impl::thread_signal_handler", of 4 connections (including this one). (in function "remove_connection()") (communicator.cpp:257)
2024/04/27 20:06:57 monster [3079013]: trace: added 1 connection, "local_stream_client_permanent_message_connection_impl::messenger", there is now 4 connections (including this one). (in function "add_connection()") (communicator.cpp:228)
2024/04/27 20:06:57 monster [3079013]: trace: dispatch message "HELLO". (in function "dispatch()") (dispatcher.cpp:434)
2024/04/27 20:06:57 monster [3079013]: trace: dispatch message "HI". (in function "dispatch()") (dispatcher.cpp:434)
2024/04/27 20:06:57 monster [3079013]: debug: socket 7 of connection "local_stream_client_permanent_message_connection_impl::messenger" was marked as done, removing in process_empty_buffer(). (in function "process_empty_buffer()") (connection.cpp:924)
2024/04/27 20:06:57 monster [3079013]: trace: removing 1 connection, "local_stream_client_permanent_message_connection_impl::messenger", of 4 connections (including this one). (in function "remove_connection()") (communicator.cpp:257)
2024/04/27 20:06:57 monster [3079013]: debug: socket -1 of connection "unix-client" was marked as done, removing in process_empty_buffer(). (in function "process_empty_buffer()") (connection.cpp:924)
2024/04/27 20:06:57 monster [3079013]: trace: removing 1 connection, "unix-client", of 3 connections (including this one). (in function "remove_connection()") (communicator.cpp:257)
2024/04/27 20:06:57 monster [3079013]: trace: dispatch message "DOWN". (in function "dispatch()") (dispatcher.cpp:434)
2024/04/27 20:06:57 monster [3079013]: trace: removing 1 connection, "unix-server-client", of 2 connections (including this one). (in function "remove_connection()") (communicator.cpp:257)
2024/04/27 20:06:57 monster [3079013]: trace: removing 1 connection, "", of 1 connections (including this one). (in function "remove_connection()") (communicator.cpp:257)
SECTION: verify runtime vs compile time eventdispatcher version numbers
SECTION: verify runtime vs compile time cppprocess version numbers
SECTION: verify sleep in a function
2024/04/27 20:06:57 monster [3079013]: trace: added 1 connection, "thread_done", there is now 1 connections (including this one). (in function "add_connection()") (communicator.cpp:228)
2024/04/27 20:06:59 monster [3079013]: trace: removing 1 connection, "thread_done", of 1 connections (including this one). (in function "remove_connection()") (communicator.cpp:257)
SECTION: verify starting the thread
2024/04/27 20:06:59 monster [3079013]: trace: added 1 connection, "thread_done", there is now 1 connections (including this one). (in function "add_connection()") (communicator.cpp:228)
2024/04/27 20:06:59 monster [3079013]: trace: removing 1 connection, "thread_done", of 1 connections (including this one). (in function "remove_connection()") (communicator.cpp:257)
SECTION: verify computation (integers)
2024/04/27 20:06:59 monster [3079013]: trace: added 1 connection, "thread_done", there is now 1 connections (including this one). (in function "add_connection()") (communicator.cpp:228)
2024/04/27 20:06:59 monster [3079013]: trace: removing 1 connection, "thread_done", of 1 connections (including this one). (in function "remove_connection()") (communicator.cpp:257)
SECTION: verify computation (floating points)
2024/04/27 20:06:59 monster [3079013]: trace: added 1 connection, "thread_done", there is now 1 connections (including this one). (in function "add_connection()") (communicator.cpp:228)
2024/04/27 20:06:59 monster [3079013]: trace: removing 1 connection, "thread_done", of 1 connections (including this one). (in function "remove_connection()") (communicator.cpp:257)
SECTION: verify computation (timestamp)
2024/04/27 20:06:59 monster [3079013]: trace: added 1 connection, "thread_done", there is now 1 connections (including this one). (in function "add_connection()") (communicator.cpp:228)
2024/04/27 20:06:59 monster [3079013]: trace: removing 1 connection, "thread_done", of 1 connections (including this one). (in function "remove_connection()") (communicator.cpp:257)
SECTION: verify computation (address)
2024/04/27 20:06:59 monster [3079013]: trace: added 1 connection, "thread_done", there is now 1 connections (including this one). (in function "add_connection()") (communicator.cpp:228)
2024/04/27 20:06:59 monster [3079013]: trace: removing 1 connection, "thread_done", of 1 connections (including this one). (in function "remove_connection()") (communicator.cpp:257)
SECTION: verify computation (concatenation)
2024/04/27 20:06:59 monster [3079013]: trace: added 1 connection, "thread_done", there is now 1 connections (including this one). (in function "add_connection()") (communicator.cpp:228)
2024/04/27 20:06:59 monster [3079013]: trace: removing 1 connection, "thread_done", of 1 connections (including this one). (in function "remove_connection()") (communicator.cpp:257)
SECTION: verify computation (string repeat)
2024/04/27 20:06:59 monster [3079013]: trace: added 1 connection, "thread_done", there is now 1 connections (including this one). (in function "add_connection()") (communicator.cpp:228)
2024/04/27 20:06:59 monster [3079013]: trace: removing 1 connection, "thread_done", of 1 connections (including this one). (in function "remove_connection()") (communicator.cpp:257)
SECTION: verify variable in string
2024/04/27 20:06:59 monster [3079013]: trace: added 1 connection, "thread_done", there is now 1 connections (including this one). (in function "add_connection()") (communicator.cpp:228)
2024/04/27 20:06:59 monster [3079013]: trace: removing 1 connection, "thread_done", of 1 connections (including this one). (in function "remove_connection()") (communicator.cpp:257)
SECTION: print() + message
2024/04/27 20:06:59 monster [3079013]: trace: added 1 connection, "thread_done", there is now 1 connections (including this one). (in function "add_connection()") (communicator.cpp:228)
--- message: testing print()
2024/04/27 20:06:59 monster [3079013]: trace: removing 1 connection, "thread_done", of 1 connections (including this one). (in function "remove_connection()") (communicator.cpp:257)
SECTION: send/receive one message
2024/04/27 20:06:59 monster [3079013]: trace: added 1 connection, "thread_done", there is now 1 connections (including this one). (in function "add_connection()") (communicator.cpp:228)
2024/04/27 20:06:59 monster [3079013]: trace: added 1 connection, "messenger_responder", there is now 2 connections (including this one). (in function "add_connection()") (communicator.cpp:228)
2024/04/27 20:06:59 monster [3079013]: trace: added 1 connection, "messenger_timer", there is now 3 connections (including this one). (in function "add_connection()") (communicator.cpp:228)
2024/04/27 20:06:59 monster [3079013]: trace: added 1 connection, "tcp_client_permanent_message_connection_impl::thread_signal_handler", there is now 4 connections (including this one). (in function "add_connection()") (communicator.cpp:228)
2024/04/27 20:06:59 monster [3079013]: information: entering thread "background tcp_client_permanent_message_connection for asynchronous connections" #3079076. (in function "getopt_logs()") (private_logger.cpp:87)
2024/04/27 20:06:59 monster [3079013]: information: leaving thread "background tcp_client_permanent_message_connection for asynchronous connections" #3079076 with status 0. (in function "getopt_logs()") (private_logger.cpp:87)
2024/04/27 20:06:59 monster [3079013]: trace: removing 1 connection, "tcp_client_permanent_message_connection_impl::thread_signal_handler", of 4 connections (including this one). (in function "remove_connection()") (communicator.cpp:257)
2024/04/27 20:06:59 monster [3079013]: trace: added 1 connection, "tcp_client_permanent_message_connection_impl::messenger", there is now 4 connections (including this one). (in function "add_connection()") (communicator.cpp:228)
--- script message: REGISTER service=responder;version=1
--- "client" message (1):  HUP)
2024/04/27 20:07:00 monster [3079013]: trace: added 1 connection, "thread_done", there is now 1 connections (including this one). (in function "add_connection()") (communicator.cpp:228)
2024/04/27 20:07:00 monster [3079013]: trace: added 1 connection, "messenger_responder", there is now 2 connections (including this one). (in function "add_connection()") (communicator.cpp:228)
2024/04/27 20:07:00 monster [3079013]: trace: added 1 connection, "messenger_timer", there is now 3 connections (including this one). (in function "add_connection()") (communicator.cpp:228)
2024/04/27 20:07:00 monster [3079013]: trace: added 1 connection, "tcp_client_permanent_message_connection_impl::thread_signal_handler", there is now 4 connections (including this one). (in function "add_connection()") (communicator.cpp:228)
2024/04/27 20:07:00 monster [3079013]: information: entering thread "background tcp_client_permanent_message_connection for asynchronous connections" #3079084. (in function "getopt_logs()") (private_logger.cpp:87)
2024/04/27 20:07:00 monster [3079013]: information: leaving thread "background tcp_client_permanent_message_connection for asynchronous connections" #3079084 with status 0. (in function "getopt_logs()") (private_logger.cpp:87)
2024/04/27 20:07:00 monster [3079013]: trace: removing 1 connection, "tcp_client_permanent_message_connection_impl::thread_signal_handler", of 4 connections (including this one). (in function "remove_connection()") (communicator.cpp:257)
2024/04/27 20:07:00 monster [3079013]: trace: added 1 connection, "tcp_client_permanent_message_connection_impl::messenger", there is now 4 connections (including this one). (in function "add_connection()") (communicator.cpp:228)
--- script message: REGISTER service=responder;version=1
--- "client" message (1):  +  that are not valid
2024/04/27 20:07:00 monster [3079013]: trace: added 1 connection, "thread_done", there is now 1 connections (including this one). (in function "add_connection()") (communicator.cpp:228)
2024/04/27 20:07:00 monster [3079013]: trace: removing 1 connection, "thread_done", of 1 connections (including this one). (in function "remove_connection()") (communicator.cpp:257)
2024/04/27 20:07:00 monster [3079013]: trace: added 1 connection, "thread_done", there is now 1 connections (including this one). (in function "add_connection()") (communicator.cpp:228)
2024/04/27 20:07:00 monster [3079013]: trace: removing 1 connection, "thread_done", of 1 connections (including this one). (in function "remove_connection()") (communicator.cpp:257)
2024/04/27 20:07:00 monster [3079013]: trace: added 1 connection, "thread_done", there is now 1 connections (including this one). (in function "add_connection()") (communicator.cpp:228)
2024/04/27 20:07:00 monster [3079013]: trace: removing 1 connection, "thread_done", of 1 connections (including this one). (in function "remove_connection()") (communicator.cpp:257)
2024/04/27 20:07:00 monster [3079013]: trace: added 1 connection, "thread_done", there is now 1 connections (including this one). (in function "add_connection()") (communicator.cpp:228)
2024/04/27 20:07:00 monster [3079013]: trace: removing 1 connection, "thread_done", of 1 connections (including this one). (in function "remove_connection()") (communicator.cpp:257)
2024/04/27 20:07:00 monster [3079013]: trace: added 1 connection, "thread_done", there is now 1 connections (including this one). (in function "add_connection()") (communicator.cpp:228)
2024/04/27 20:07:00 monster [3079013]: trace: removing 1 connection, "thread_done", of 1 connections (including this one). (in function "remove_connection()") (communicator.cpp:257)
2024/04/27 20:07:00 monster [3079013]: trace: added 1 connection, "thread_done", there is now 1 connections (including this one). (in function "add_connection()") (communicator.cpp:228)
2024/04/27 20:07:00 monster [3079013]: trace: removing 1 connection, "thread_done", of 1 connections (including this one). (in function "remove_connection()") (communicator.cpp:257)
2024/04/27 20:07:00 monster [3079013]: trace: added 1 connection, "thread_done", there is now 1 connections (including this one). (in function "add_connection()") (communicator.cpp:228)
2024/04/27 20:07:00 monster [3079013]: trace: removing 1 connection, "thread_done", of 1 connections (including this one). (in function "remove_connection()") (communicator.cpp:257)
SECTION:  -  that are not valid
2024/04/27 20:07:00 monster [3079013]: trace: added 1 connection, "thread_done", there is now 1 connections (including this one). (in function "add_connection()") (communicator.cpp:228)
2024/04/27 20:07:00 monster [3079013]: trace: removing 1 connection, "thread_done", of 1 connections (including this one). (in function "remove_connection()") (communicator.cpp:257)
2024/04/27 20:07:00 monster [3079013]: trace: added 1 connection, "thread_done", there is now 1 connections (including this one). (in function "add_connection()") (communicator.cpp:228)
2024/04/27 20:07:00 monster [3079013]: trace: removing 1 connection, "thread_done", of 1 connections (including this one). (in function "remove_connection()") (communicator.cpp:257)
2024/04/27 20:07:00 monster [3079013]: trace: added 1 connection, "thread_done", there is now 1 connections (including this one). (in function "add_connection()") (communicator.cpp:228)
2024/04/27 20:07:00 monster [3079013]: trace: removing 1 connection, "thread_done", of 1 connections (including this one). (in function "remove_connection()") (communicator.cpp:257)
2024/04/27 20:07:00 monster [3079013]: trace: added 1 connection, "thread_done", there is now 1 connections (including this one). (in function "add_connection()") (communicator.cpp:228)
2024/04/27 20:07:00 monster [3079013]: trace: removing 1 connection, "thread_done", of 1 connections (including this one). (in function "remove_connection()") (communicator.cpp:257)
2024/04/27 20:07:00 monster [3079013]: trace: added 1 connection, "thread_done", there is now 1 connections (including this one). (in function "add_connection()") (communicator.cpp:228)
2024/04/27 20:07:00 monster [3079013]: trace: removing 1 connection, "thread_done", of 1 connections (including this one). (in function "remove_connection()") (communicator.cpp:257)
2024/04/27 20:07:00 monster [3079013]: trace: added 1 connection, "thread_done", there is now 1 connections (including this one). (in function "add_connection()") (communicator.cpp:228)
2024/04/27 20:07:00 monster [3079013]: trace: removing 1 connection, "thread_done", of 1 connections (including this one). (in function "remove_connection()") (communicator.cpp:257)
SECTION:  *  that are not valid
2024/04/27 20:07:00 monster [3079013]: trace: added 1 connection, "thread_done", there is now 1 connections (including this one). (in function "add_connection()") (communicator.cpp:228)
2024/04/27 20:07:00 monster [3079013]: trace: removing 1 connection, "thread_done", of 1 connections (including this one). (in function "remove_connection()") (communicator.cpp:257)
2024/04/27 20:07:00 monster [3079013]: trace: added 1 connection, "thread_done", there is now 1 connections (including this one). (in function "add_connection()") (communicator.cpp:228)
2024/04/27 20:07:00 monster [3079013]: trace: removing 1 connection, "thread_done", of 1 connections (including this one). (in function "remove_connection()") (communicator.cpp:257)
2024/04/27 20:07:00 monster [3079013]: trace: added 1 connection, "thread_done", there is now 1 connections (including this one). (in function "add_connection()") (communicator.cpp:228)
2024/04/27 20:07:00 monster [3079013]: trace: removing 1 connection, "thread_done", of 1 connections (including this one). (in function "remove_connection()") (communicator.cpp:257)
2024/04/27 20:07:00 monster [3079013]: trace: added 1 connection, "thread_done", there is now 1 connections (including this one). (in function "add_connection()") (communicator.cpp:228)
2024/04/27 20:07:00 monster [3079013]: trace: removing 1 connection, "thread_done", of 1 connections (including this one). (in function "remove_connection()") (communicator.cpp:257)
2024/04/27 20:07:00 monster [3079013]: trace: added 1 connection, "thread_done", there is now 1 connections (including this one). (in function "add_connection()") (communicator.cpp:228)
2024/04/27 20:07:00 monster [3079013]: trace: removing 1 connection, "thread_done", of 1 connections (including this one). (in function "remove_connection()") (communicator.cpp:257)
2024/04/27 20:07:00 monster [3079013]: trace: added 1 connection, "thread_done", there is now 1 connections (including this one). (in function "add_connection()") (communicator.cpp:228)
2024/04/27 20:07:00 monster [3079013]: trace: removing 1 connection, "thread_done", of 1 connections (including this one). (in function "remove_connection()") (communicator.cpp:257)
2024/04/27 20:07:00 monster [3079013]: trace: added 1 connection, "thread_done", there is now 1 connections (including this one). (in function "add_connection()") (communicator.cpp:228)
2024/04/27 20:07:00 monster [3079013]: trace: removing 1 connection, "thread_done", of 1 connections (including this one). (in function "remove_connection()") (communicator.cpp:257)
2024/04/27 20:07:00 monster [3079013]: trace: added 1 connection, "thread_done", there is now 1 connections (including this one). (in function "add_connection()") (communicator.cpp:228)
2024/04/27 20:07:00 monster [3079013]: trace: removing 1 connection, "thread_done", of 1 connections (including this one). (in function "remove_connection()") (communicator.cpp:257)
2024/04/27 20:07:00 monster [3079013]: trace: added 1 connection, "thread_done", there is now 1 connections (including this one). (in function "add_connection()") (communicator.cpp:228)
2024/04/27 20:07:00 monster [3079013]: trace: removing 1 connection, "thread_done", of 1 connections (including this one). (in function "remove_connection()") (communicator.cpp:257)
SECTION:  /  that are not valid
2024/04/27 20:07:00 monster [3079013]: trace: added 1 connection, "thread_done", there is now 1 connections (including this one). (in function "add_connection()") (communicator.cpp:228)
2024/04/27 20:07:00 monster [3079013]: trace: removing 1 connection, "thread_done", of 1 connections (including this one). (in function "remove_connection()") (communicator.cpp:257)
2024/04/27 20:07:00 monster [3079013]: trace: added 1 connection, "thread_done", there is now 1 connections (including this one). (in function "add_connection()") (communicator.cpp:228)
2024/04/27 20:07:00 monster [3079013]: trace: removing 1 connection, "thread_done", of 1 connections (including this one). (in function "remove_connection()") (communicator.cpp:257)
2024/04/27 20:07:00 monster [3079013]: trace: added 1 connection, "thread_done", there is now 1 connections (including this one). (in function "add_connection()") (communicator.cpp:228)
2024/04/27 20:07:00 monster [3079013]: trace: removing 1 connection, "thread_done", of 1 connections (including this one). (in function "remove_connection()") (communicator.cpp:257)
2024/04/27 20:07:00 monster [3079013]: trace: added 1 connection, "thread_done", there is now 1 connections (including this one). (in function "add_connection()") (communicator.cpp:228)
2024/04/27 20:07:00 monster [3079013]: trace: removing 1 connection, "thread_done", of 1 connections (including this one). (in function "remove_connection()") (communicator.cpp:257)
2024/04/27 20:07:00 monster [3079013]: trace: added 1 connection, "thread_done", there is now 1 connections (including this one). (in function "add_connection()") (communicator.cpp:228)
2024/04/27 20:07:00 monster [3079013]: trace: removing 1 connection, "thread_done", of 1 connections (including this one). (in function "remove_connection()") (communicator.cpp:257)
2024/04/27 20:07:00 monster [3079013]: trace: added 1 connection, "thread_done", there is now 1 connections (including this one). (in function "add_connection()") (communicator.cpp:228)
2024/04/27 20:07:00 monster [3079013]: trace: removing 1 connection, "thread_done", of 1 connections (including this one). (in function "remove_connection()") (communicator.cpp:257)
2024/04/27 20:07:00 monster [3079013]: trace: added 1 connection, "thread_done", there is now 1 connections (including this one). (in function "add_connection()") (communicator.cpp:228)
2024/04/27 20:07:00 monster [3079013]: trace: removing 1 connection, "thread_done", of 1 connections (including this one). (in function "remove_connection()") (communicator.cpp:257)
2024/04/27 20:07:00 monster [3079013]: trace: added 1 connection, "thread_done", there is now 1 connections (including this one). (in function "add_connection()") (communicator.cpp:228)
2024/04/27 20:07:00 monster [3079013]: trace: removing 1 connection, "thread_done", of 1 connections (including this one). (in function "remove_connection()") (communicator.cpp:257)
2024/04/27 20:07:00 monster [3079013]: trace: added 1 connection, "thread_done", there is now 1 connections (including this one). (in function "add_connection()") (communicator.cpp:228)
2024/04/27 20:07:00 monster [3079013]: trace: removing 1 connection, "thread_done", of 1 connections (including this one). (in function "remove_connection()") (communicator.cpp:257)
SECTION:  %  that are not valid
2024/04/27 20:07:00 monster [3079013]: trace: added 1 connection, "thread_done", there is now 1 connections (including this one). (in function "add_connection()") (communicator.cpp:228)
2024/04/27 20:07:00 monster [3079013]: trace: removing 1 connection, "thread_done", of 1 connections (including this one). (in function "remove_connection()") (communicator.cpp:257)
2024/04/27 20:07:00 monster [3079013]: trace: added 1 connection, "thread_done", there is now 1 connections (including this one). (in function "add_connection()") (communicator.cpp:228)
2024/04/27 20:07:00 monster [3079013]: trace: removing 1 connection, "thread_done", of 1 connections (including this one). (in function "remove_connection()") (communicator.cpp:257)
2024/04/27 20:07:00 monster [3079013]: trace: added 1 connection, "thread_done", there is now 1 connections (including this one). (in function "add_connection()") (communicator.cpp:228)
2024/04/27 20:07:00 monster [3079013]: trace: removing 1 connection, "thread_done", of 1 connections (including this one). (in function "remove_connection()") (communicator.cpp:257)
2024/04/27 20:07:00 monster [3079013]: trace: added 1 connection, "thread_done", there is now 1 connections (including this one). (in function "add_connection()") (communicator.cpp:228)
2024/04/27 20:07:00 monster [3079013]: trace: removing 1 connection, "thread_done", of 1 connections (including this one). (in function "remove_connection()") (communicator.cpp:257)
2024/04/27 20:07:00 monster [3079013]: trace: added 1 connection, "thread_done", there is now 1 connections (including this one). (in function "add_connection()") (communicator.cpp:228)
2024/04/27 20:07:00 monster [3079013]: trace: removing 1 connection, "thread_done", of 1 connections (including this one). (in function "remove_connection()") (communicator.cpp:257)
2024/04/27 20:07:00 monster [3079013]: trace: added 1 connection, "thread_done", there is now 1 connections (including this one). (in function "add_connection()") (communicator.cpp:228)
2024/04/27 20:07:00 monster [3079013]: trace: removing 1 connection, "thread_done", of 1 connections (including this one). (in function "remove_connection()") (communicator.cpp:257)
2024/04/27 20:07:00 monster [3079013]: trace: added 1 connection, "thread_done", there is now 1 connections (including this one). (in function "add_connection()") (communicator.cpp:228)
2024/04/27 20:07:00 monster [3079013]: trace: removing 1 connection, "thread_done", of 1 connections (including this one). (in function "remove_connection()") (communicator.cpp:257)
2024/04/27 20:07:00 monster [3079013]: trace: added 1 connection, "thread_done", there is now 1 connections (including this one). (in function "add_connection()") (communicator.cpp:228)
2024/04/27 20:07:00 monster [3079013]: trace: removing 1 connection, "thread_done", of 1 connections (including this one). (in function "remove_connection()") (communicator.cpp:257)
2024/04/27 20:07:00 monster [3079013]: trace: added 1 connection, "thread_done", there is now 1 connections (including this one). (in function "add_connection()") (communicator.cpp:228)
2024/04/27 20:07:00 monster [3079013]: trace: removing 1 connection, "thread_done", of 1 connections (including this one). (in function "remove_connection()") (communicator.cpp:257)
SECTION: - that are not valid
2024/04/27 20:07:00 monster [3079013]: trace: added 1 connection, "thread_done", there is now 1 connections (including this one). (in function "add_connection()") (communicator.cpp:228)
2024/04/27 20:07:00 monster [3079013]: trace: removing 1 connection, "thread_done", of 1 connections (including this one). (in function "remove_connection()") (communicator.cpp:257)
2024/04/27 20:07:00 monster [3079013]: trace: added 1 connection, "thread_done", there is now 1 connections (including this one). (in function "add_connection()") (communicator.cpp:228)
2024/04/27 20:07:00 monster [3079013]: trace: removing 1 connection, "thread_done", of 1 connections (including this one). (in function "remove_connection()") (communicator.cpp:257)
2024/04/27 20:07:00 monster [3079013]: trace: added 1 connection, "thread_done", there is now 1 connections (including this one). (in function "add_connection()") (communicator.cpp:228)
2024/04/27 20:07:00 monster [3079013]: trace: removing 1 connection, "thread_done", of 1 connections (including this one). (in function "remove_connection()") (communicator.cpp:257)
SECTION: variable reference without a '}'
2024/04/27 20:07:00 monster [3079013]: trace: added 1 connection, "thread_done", there is now 1 connections (including this one). (in function "add_connection()") (communicator.cpp:228)
2024/04/27 20:07:00 monster [3079013]: trace: removing 1 connection, "thread_done", of 1 connections (including this one). (in function "remove_connection()") (communicator.cpp:257)
SECTION: regex variable in double string
2024/04/27 20:07:00 monster [3079013]: trace: added 1 connection, "thread_done", there is now 1 connections (including this one). (in function "add_connection()") (communicator.cpp:228)
2024/04/27 20:07:00 monster [3079013]: trace: removing 1 connection, "thread_done", of 1 connections (including this one). (in function "remove_connection()") (communicator.cpp:257)
SECTION: variable reference without a name
2024/04/27 20:07:00 monster [3079013]: trace: added 1 connection, "thread_done", there is now 1 connections (including this one). (in function "add_connection()") (communicator.cpp:228)
2024/04/27 20:07:00 monster [3079013]: trace: removing 1 connection, "thread_done", of 1 connections (including this one). (in function "remove_connection()") (communicator.cpp:257)
SECTION:  *  is not valid
2024/04/27 20:07:00 monster [3079013]: trace: added 1 connection, "thread_done", there is now 1 connections (including this one). (in function "add_connection()") (communicator.cpp:228)
2024/04/27 20:07:00 monster [3079013]: trace: removing 1 connection, "thread_done", of 1 connections (including this one). (in function "remove_connection()") (communicator.cpp:257)
SECTION:  *  is not valid
2024/04/27 20:07:00 monster [3079013]: trace: added 1 connection, "thread_done", there is now 1 connections (including this one). (in function "add_connection()") (communicator.cpp:228)
2024/04/27 20:07:00 monster [3079013]: trace: removing 1 connection, "thread_done", of 1 connections (including this one). (in function "remove_connection()") (communicator.cpp:257)
SECTION: exit() with timeout & error_message is invalid
2024/04/27 20:07:00 monster [3079013]: trace: added 1 connection, "thread_done", there is now 1 connections (including this one). (in function "add_connection()") (communicator.cpp:228)
2024/04/27 20:07:00 monster [3079013]: trace: removing 1 connection, "thread_done", of 1 connections (including this one). (in function "remove_connection()") (communicator.cpp:257)
SECTION: exit() with timeout which is not a number
2024/04/27 20:07:00 monster [3079013]: trace: added 1 connection, "thread_done", there is now 1 connections (including this one). (in function "add_connection()") (communicator.cpp:228)
2024/04/27 20:07:00 monster [3079013]: trace: removing 1 connection, "thread_done", of 1 connections (including this one). (in function "remove_connection()") (communicator.cpp:257)
SECTION: exit() with timeout which is not a number
2024/04/27 20:07:00 monster [3079013]: trace: added 1 connection, "thread_done", there is now 1 connections (including this one). (in function "add_connection()") (communicator.cpp:228)
2024/04/27 20:07:00 monster [3079013]: trace: removing 1 connection, "thread_done", of 1 connections (including this one). (in function "remove_connection()") (communicator.cpp:257)
SECTION: send_message() when not connected
2024/04/27 20:07:00 monster [3079013]: trace: added 1 connection, "thread_done", there is now 1 connections (including this one). (in function "add_connection()") (communicator.cpp:228)
2024/04/27 20:07:00 monster [3079013]: trace: removing 1 connection, "thread_done", of 1 connections (including this one). (in function "remove_connection()") (communicator.cpp:257)
SECTION: if(variable) with invalid type
2024/04/27 20:07:00 monster [3079013]: trace: added 1 connection, "thread_done", there is now 1 connections (including this one). (in function "add_connection()") (communicator.cpp:228)
2024/04/27 20:07:00 monster [3079013]: trace: removing 1 connection, "thread_done", of 1 connections (including this one). (in function "remove_connection()") (communicator.cpp:257)
SECTION: wait() before starting thread
2024/04/27 20:07:00 monster [3079013]: trace: added 1 connection, "thread_done", there is now 1 connections (including this one). (in function "add_connection()") (communicator.cpp:228)
2024/04/27 20:07:00 monster [3079013]: trace: removing 1 connection, "thread_done", of 1 connections (including this one). (in function "remove_connection()") (communicator.cpp:257)
SECTION: wait() with invalid mode
2024/04/27 20:07:00 monster [3079013]: trace: added 1 connection, "thread_done", there is now 1 connections (including this one). (in function "add_connection()") (communicator.cpp:228)
2024/04/27 20:07:00 monster [3079013]: trace: added 1 connection, "messenger_responder", there is now 2 connections (including this one). (in function "add_connection()") (communicator.cpp:228)
2024/04/27 20:07:00 monster [3079013]: trace: added 1 connection, "messenger_timer", there is now 3 connections (including this one). (in function "add_connection()") (communicator.cpp:228)
2024/04/27 20:07:00 monster [3079013]: fatal: thread internal_run() got exception: "unknown mode "not_this_one" in wait().", exiting thread now. (in function "getopt_logs()") (private_logger.cpp:87)
2024/04/27 20:07:00 monster [3079013]: trace: added 1 connection, "tcp_client_permanent_message_connection_impl::thread_signal_handler", there is now 4 connections (including this one). (in function "add_connection()") (communicator.cpp:228)
2024/04/27 20:07:00 monster [3079013]: fatal: thread internal_leave() got exception: "thread failed with leave status: 2", exiting thread now. (in function "getopt_logs()") (private_logger.cpp:87)
2024/04/27 20:07:00 monster [3079013]: trace: removing 1 connection, "thread_done", of 4 connections (including this one). (in function "remove_connection()") (communicator.cpp:257)
2024/04/27 20:07:00 monster [3079013]: information: entering thread "background tcp_client_permanent_message_connection for asynchronous connections" #3079088. (in function "getopt_logs()") (private_logger.cpp:87)
2024/04/27 20:07:00 monster [3079013]: trace: removing 1 connection, "messenger_responder", of 3 connections (including this one). (in function "remove_connection()") (communicator.cpp:257)
2024/04/27 20:07:00 monster [3079013]: error: OpenSSL: [2147483759/2|111]:[]:[BIO_connect]:[]:[../crypto/bio/bio_sock2.c]:[125]:[calling connect()] (in function "bio_log_errors()") (tcp_private.cpp:378)
2024/04/27 20:07:00 monster [3079013]: trace: removing 1 connection, "messenger_timer", of 2 connections (including this one). (in function "remove_connection()") (communicator.cpp:257)
2024/04/27 20:07:00 monster [3079013]: error: OpenSSL: [268435559/32|103]:[]:[BIO_connect]:[]:[../crypto/bio/bio_sock2.c]:[127]:[(no details)] (in function "bio_log_errors()") (tcp_private.cpp:378)
2024/04/27 20:07:00 monster [3079013]: error: OpenSSL: [2147483759/2|111]:[]:[conn_state]:[]:[../crypto/bio/bss_conn.c]:[177]:[calling connect(, 20002)] (in function "bio_log_errors()") (tcp_private.cpp:378)
2024/04/27 20:07:00 monster [3079013]: error: OpenSSL: [268435559/32|103]:[]:[conn_state]:[]:[../crypto/bio/bss_conn.c]:[213]:[(no details)] (in function "bio_log_errors()") (tcp_private.cpp:378)
2024/04/27 20:07:00 monster [3079013]: error: connection to failed with: event_dispatcher_exception: failed connecting BIO object to server (failed_connecting) (in function "connect()") (tcp_client_permanent_message_connection.cpp:289)
2024/04/27 20:07:00 monster [3079013]: information: leaving thread "background tcp_client_permanent_message_connection for asynchronous connections" #3079088 with status 0. (in function "getopt_logs()") (private_logger.cpp:87)
2024/04/27 20:07:00 monster [3079013]: trace: removing 1 connection, "tcp_client_permanent_message_connection_impl::thread_signal_handler", of 1 connections (including this one). (in function "remove_connection()") (communicator.cpp:257)
2024/04/27 20:07:00 monster [3079013]: error: connection to failed with: event_dispatcher_exception: failed connecting BIO object to server (in function "thread_done()") (tcp_client_permanent_message_connection.cpp:634)
SECTION: wait() + drain without connections
2024/04/27 20:07:00 monster [3079013]: trace: added 1 connection, "thread_done", there is now 1 connections (including this one). (in function "add_connection()") (communicator.cpp:228)
2024/04/27 20:07:00 monster [3079013]: fatal: thread internal_run() got exception: "no connections to wait() on.", exiting thread now. (in function "getopt_logs()") (private_logger.cpp:87)
2024/04/27 20:07:00 monster [3079013]: trace: removing 1 connection, "thread_done", of 1 connections (including this one). (in function "remove_connection()") (communicator.cpp:257)
2024/04/27 20:07:00 monster [3079013]: fatal: thread internal_leave() got exception: "thread failed with leave status: 2", exiting thread now. (in function "getopt_logs()") (private_logger.cpp:87)
SECTION: try reading missing file
SECTION: verify that the executor::run() function does a try/catch as expected
2024/04/27 20:07:00 monster [3079013]: trace: added 1 connection, "thread_done", there is now 1 connections (including this one). (in function "add_connection()") (communicator.cpp:228)
2024/04/27 20:07:00 monster [3079013]: trace: added 1 connection, "messenger_responder", there is now 2 connections (including this one). (in function "add_connection()") (communicator.cpp:228)
2024/04/27 20:07:00 monster [3079013]: trace: added 1 connection, "messenger_timer", there is now 3 connections (including this one). (in function "add_connection()") (communicator.cpp:228)
2024/04/27 20:07:00 monster [3079013]: trace: added 1 connection, "tcp_client_permanent_message_connection_impl::thread_signal_handler", there is now 4 connections (including this one). (in function "add_connection()") (communicator.cpp:228)
2024/04/27 20:07:00 monster [3079013]: information: entering thread "background tcp_client_permanent_message_connection for asynchronous connections" #3079091. (in function "getopt_logs()") (private_logger.cpp:87)
2024/04/27 20:07:00 monster [3079013]: trace: removing 1 connection, "tcp_client_permanent_message_connection_impl::thread_signal_handler", of 4 connections (including this one). (in function "remove_connection()") (communicator.cpp:257)
2024/04/27 20:07:00 monster [3079013]: information: leaving thread "background tcp_client_permanent_message_connection for asynchronous connections" #3079091 with status 0. (in function "getopt_logs()") (private_logger.cpp:87)
2024/04/27 20:07:00 monster [3079013]: trace: added 1 connection, "tcp_client_permanent_message_connection_impl::messenger", there is now 4 connections (including this one). (in function "add_connection()") (communicator.cpp:228)
--- script message: REGISTER service=responder;version=1
--- "client" message (1): run(): testing that the executor catches these exceptions.
2024/04/27 20:07:13 monster [3079013]: fatal: thread internal_run() got exception: "ppoll() timed out.", exiting thread now. (in function "getopt_logs()") (private_logger.cpp:87)
2024/04/27 20:07:13 monster [3079013]: fatal: thread internal_leave() got exception: "thread failed with leave status: 2", exiting thread now. (in function "getopt_logs()") (private_logger.cpp:87)
2024/04/27 20:07:14 monster [3079013]: trace: removing 1 connection, "thread_done", of 4 connections (including this one). (in function "remove_connection()") (communicator.cpp:257)
SECTION: verify that the executor::run() function does a try/catch of non-standard exceptions
2024/04/27 20:07:14 monster [3079013]: trace: added 1 connection, "thread_done", there is now 4 connections (including this one). (in function "add_connection()") (communicator.cpp:228)
2024/04/27 20:07:14 monster [3079013]: trace: added 1 connection, "messenger_responder", there is now 5 connections (including this one). (in function "add_connection()") (communicator.cpp:228)
2024/04/27 20:07:14 monster [3079013]: trace: added 1 connection, "messenger_timer", there is now 6 connections (including this one). (in function "add_connection()") (communicator.cpp:228)
2024/04/27 20:07:14 monster [3079013]: trace: removing 1 connection, "messenger_timer", of 6 connections (including this one). (in function "remove_connection()") (communicator.cpp:257)
2024/04/27 20:07:14 monster [3079013]: trace: removing 1 connection, "messenger_responder", of 5 connections (including this one). (in function "remove_connection()") (communicator.cpp:257)
2024/04/27 20:07:14 monster [3079013]: trace: removing 1 connection, "tcp_client_permanent_message_connection_impl::messenger", of 4 connections (including this one). (in function "remove_connection()") (communicator.cpp:257)
2024/04/27 20:07:14 monster [3079013]: debug: socket -1 of connection "tcp_client_permanent_message_connection_impl::messenger" hang up. (in function "process_hup()") (connection.cpp:1018)
2024/04/27 20:07:14 monster [3079013]: trace: added 1 connection, "tcp_client_permanent_message_connection_impl::thread_signal_handler", there is now 4 connections (including this one). (in function "add_connection()") (communicator.cpp:228)
2024/04/27 20:07:14 monster [3079013]: information: entering thread "background tcp_client_permanent_message_connection for asynchronous connections" #3079113. (in function "getopt_logs()") (private_logger.cpp:87)
2024/04/27 20:07:14 monster [3079013]: trace: removing 1 connection, "tcp_client_permanent_message_connection_impl::thread_signal_handler", of 4 connections (including this one). (in function "remove_connection()") (communicator.cpp:257)
2024/04/27 20:07:14 monster [3079013]: information: leaving thread "background tcp_client_permanent_message_connection for asynchronous connections" #3079113 with status 0. (in function "getopt_logs()") (private_logger.cpp:87)
2024/04/27 20:07:14 monster [3079013]: trace: added 1 connection, "tcp_client_permanent_message_connection_impl::messenger", there is now 4 connections (including this one). (in function "add_connection()") (communicator.cpp:228)
--- script message: REGISTER service=responder;version=1
--- "client" message (1):